First-time poster
I think this is a great price to purchase this amazing pair of headphone.
Also, it's a time to give a try on Amazon Australia. :)
First-time poster
I think this is a great price to purchase this amazing pair of headphone.
Also, it's a time to give a try on Amazon Australia. :)
"Sold by Australian Hub"
get it by Feb 23 – Mar 12
That's a long wait? 15 days minimum doesn't seem like it's in aus..
It's Australia Post. Sounds about right.
+1 still waiting on a package to northern NSW sent from central NSW (Sydney) middle of the day Tuesday, here we are Friday morning…….. still not here. Four bloody days? I have received stuff from Hong Kong in that time by courier.
Same here, except barely 2 suburbs/postcodes away.
Coming from an eBay business, they were very good and posted same day, Aus Post not so good.
Call me cynical, but I'm thinking it's deliberately slow to force everyone to use high cost Express Post.
As much as I agree with you and that it was a joke, this seller is actually confirmed to be overseas lol
Amazon would supply an AUS invoice for TRS?
Would like to know this too
I've owned these for a few months. They sound better than qc35, have better nc, have nifty touch features that the qc35 lacks.
Massive downside is in call audio is abysmal. My $2 Chinese headset sound better in call. It's almost like it amplifies all the noise from outside and concentrates in into your ears and (most importantly) the person on the other side of the phones ears.
Also can get uncomfortable after an hour or so but YMMV
I wouldn't care for the in call issue (as I hardly do phone calls on daily basis), but them getting uncomfortable after an hour or so part is disappointing. I own QC35 and I am not an audiophile so I like the fact you can wear those for many hours without any discomfort. If these were as comfortable as the QC35s I would have bought them too for this price.
I use them almost every day and have never felt them to be uncomfortable. The NC is fantastic, as is battery life. Use them in the office and while flying. Very happy I bought them.
Never bothered with using them for calls so can't comment on that.
My only quibble with them, and it is very minor, is that I can't switch off or turn down the system sounds. So they beep every time you adjust the volume etc.
Hmm! In that case I might need to read/watch some more reviews and decide if they're worth pulling the trigger on or not. Thanks for the 411.
@AussieDaddy: I've had these since xmas, can't say they've been uncomfortable apart from the hot melbourne days.
Was not to impressed with the sound out of the box and call quality is poor.
Once i tuned the EQ through the app though, it was golden. Really happy with my purchase.
@LuI3: speakers take time to wear in. I initially thought my beats sounded crap but the sound improved drastically over the next few weeks.
Comfort always differs from person to person. I haven't found them uncomfortable, but they don't compare to my audiophile headphones in comfort.
Calls do suck really bad on these. First and last time I tried it. It sounded like I was in an echo chamber with my own voice being piped straight back into my ears.
I reckon my issue for this headphone is that it heats up my ears which is quite annoying sometimes. No issue on the Comfortable side apart of the need for my ears to breathe
That's a problem with closed headphones. Especially in the summer.
No, it's not a problem with the Bose, only the Sony
I personally own a lot of headphones and earphones. And I can say that this only happens for me for this headphones after around 30 min of listening even first gen does it as well for this headphones. My Bose qc35 doesn’t do this within 30min nor does my Sony h.ear on or Sennheiser
It's a problem with all of my closed ones, not just Sony.
But it also depends on your ears and head.
Count me as another one concerned it’s not comfortable for longer periods. Does it still have that issue with cracking plastic? Seems the better choice over QC35 if music playback is more important however.
Go to JB and try them both out. It's the only way to find out because others can't answer for you.
As for the cracking plastic, the issue has not resurfaced yet. These have been out for about half a year now. If it was still an issue, there would be wide spread reports about it.
As for the cracking plastic, the issue has not resurfaced yet. These have been out for about half a year now.
Weren't the M2s only released around October?
I think it depends on how big your ears/head are.
I wore mine comfortably for a 14 hour flight. The NC is so good I was able to sleep on a plane for once.
Might be time to use my $50 Amazon credit. Are these the new version without the cracking issue?
Yeah. I heard it's the MDR-1000X that have the cracking issue.
They do or did. My pair which are over a year old have been completely flawless.
It was an initial production run of the MDR-1000X that had the cracking issue. It did not plague the whole generation of the model.
Which one is good one? Bose qc35II or this one ?Some one please suggest.
Many reviews suggest the Sony one is better. The Sony supports high resolution audio with the AptX codec. People say the Bose noise cancellation creates an experience of pressure on your ears. I found this true when I tried it in the shop. I have the Sony (using it right now), and without music there is simply calm silence without side effects. No discomfort.
Sony one actually does LDAC which is even better.
lol @ 'associated' asking stupid questions
god damnit, I just pulled the trigger on the recent ebay deal on these headphones! :(
Still, $355.60 is not bad, although an extra $20 bucks off would have been awesome.
Plus traveling soon (which is why I wanted these) so will claim tax back too.
Ordered item on late Tuesday and it shipped out Wednesday. Supposed to arrive Monday.
I also ordered Tuesday and it arrived on Thursday which I'm very happy about. I'm also traveling next week :)
Ahhh calls being unusable may be a dealbreaker for me, I've wanted these headphones for so long too. Is the calls quality any different to V1 of the headphone? I have skyped someone wearing V1 and it seemed okay to me
The mic seems like the same as the first versions. So mediocre mic I reckon
No issues at all. Used it for important work call the other day, and the other person confirmed they could hear me clearly.
When I work from home I have my desk phone forwarded to my mobile, and then use these rather than having to hold my phone. I've asked plenty of people if they have any audio issues coming from my end and I've never had any issues reported. THey're obviously not as clear as talking face to face, but I honestly don't think they're any worse than any mobile phone or computer mic and speaker combo.
I used these for calls a few times, and I haven't received any complaints of people not hearing me on the other end. However, if you want to talk softly then people may not be able to hear you and you may be better off using a phone if you have to talk in quiet environments (library etc).
looking for these on gumtree or marketplace. Soon…..
These are great, amazing noise cancellation, plenty of different options on the headphones and in their App, great codec support, 30 hours battery life with noise cancellation on, quick charge, and what amazing sound quality! Usually wear from time to time for about 2 hours, very comfortable!! I highly recommend
All prices on are shown inclusive of GST.
Anyone got Tax invoice with GST?
wore these for 3+ hours on a recent flight and had no issues with comfort. easily my best purchase in years.
Finally pulled the trigger on these headphonee after sitting on the sidelines for ages convincing my self I don't need them. Pitty there isn't an Oz bargain podcast I can listen to with them.
Thanks op
Are these Australian Stock?
Do they covered by Sony Australia's warranty?
Cmon, this isn't a tough one to figure out if it's Australian stock or not.
Any opinion about bose vs sony vs Sennheiser ?
My wife has the pxc 550, and they have a great touch technology where you can swip to next song, volume up or down etc.
Sennheiser are the best among the three in audio and comfort. But I'm not sure how good their ANC tech is.
The touch technology you're talking about is also on the XM2.
I actually think your wife made a great choice. Can't believe those things were $299 just over a month ago. I should have bought a pair.
I think most people find the qc35 to be the best in comfort. When I went in store to try the 3 on, I found bose and sony to easily be much more comfortable than the sennheiser
price is back up to $389
Recently bought two items for work from Australian Hub via Amazon AU ($500+ value). Needed a GST invoice for business purposes.
Delivered quickly. thought all was good.
then things turned bad. Requested a GST tax invoice and received one from a NZ business.
Amazon does not issue tax invoice as the seller is a "third party seller".
goods arrived. both used even though described as brand new (thrown in to the box out of place with plastic wrappings all thrown at bottom of box).
Asked to return for a refund was told id lose 20% restocking fee. Amazon tries to help but ultimately gets nowhere and are in the hands of the third party seller.
contacted the company listed on the NZ tax invoice and arranged a return without restocking after a month of anxiety and they took weeks to "locate" the returned goods (lucky i had signature on delivery).
eventually lodged an a-z guarantee and finally was refunded after at least 20+ calls, 20+ emails and 41 long days.
Thanks for the heads up. Yeah I was a bit wary seeing it wasn't sold by Amazon themselves.
Sounds scary. I’m also concerned about the headband cracking issue. According to some reddit user, it happens for mark 2 as well.
Thanks for the warning. I'm legit going to avoid Amazon AU now.
I get anxious over this sort of shit as well :(
edit: mandatory comment about your username
stay away from 3rd party sellers if you're scared. AMZ themselves should be trustable. At least the US is.
Yeah, price is $389 AUD now. It shows $319 sometimes but then goes up to $389 once you add it to the cart… OP?
Lucky to have JB HiFi price match for me today $350 (addictedtoaudio price)
Man, why not just buy from addictedtoaudio.
I've noticed some of these small audio shops closing down (noisy motel, Prahran).
If they have an okay price, just support them!
Lol. I've been waiting to use my discounted gift cards…i need to take care of my wallet too
Fair enough, as long as there's a financial reason like that ^
Same here :)
Jb Hi-fi (old geelong road)
expensive noise cancelling headphones are the most confusing thing about this website.. so many posts, so much money…. how many can really justify the minimal increment in sound quality? - i rate my ear and play music but still can't come close to justifying anything like these.
Maybe it’s not for you?
sound quality is of secondary importance if you're buying one of these. It's the BT ANC for listening on the go that people want. I agree they are expensive though, for the audio quality you're getting.
Why are you guys wasting money on this? I would just get the Sennheiser HD 4.5 wireless it’s $180 shipped (used to be $300) it sounds incredible and has active noise cancellation
Can't believe it, a decent deal from Amazon AU :p