Hi all,
I've got a trip to Japan coming up in March this year and recently signed up for a Citibank Plus debit card to take advantage of its fee free ATM withdrawals, good exchange rate and no currency exchange fees. This will complement my existing Bankwest Zero credit card (No currency conversion fees and uses Mastercard exchange rates).
I was hoping to use the 7-11 and Japan Post ATMs as most people report that they are easy to find and don't charge fees but I came across a post in the /r/JapanTravel/ subreddit today where a user mentioned that 7-11 ATMs are no longer fee free.
ATM's and fees - Saw this post first
7-eleven atms is starting to charge fees? - Original source
u/chapberry - It used to be free on the japan side when i use an atm in any of the 7-eleven convenience stores. Only charge on the parent bank. Now it says they will charge a fee depending on how much i withdraw. Anyone experiencing the same thing?
u/ShawninOP - Changed over a month ago.
u/EvoEpitaph - 108 yen for < 20000 yen. 216 yen for => 20000 yen I believe.
Can anyone who's recently travelled to Japan confirm if this is the case? if so, are there any ATMs that are still fee free?
Now I realise that a fee of 108 Yen (~ $1.26 AUD) for withdrawing < 20,000 Yen (~ $233.19 AUD) or 216 Yen (~$2.52 AUD) for > 20,000 Yen is hardly going to break the bank, but I'd like to avoid any fees if possible - thats the whole point of the Citibank Plus debit card! (it could end up costing me a kings ransom worth of Onigiri!]
Worse case scenario is to take out larger sums of money per withdrawal in order to minimise fees.
Edit: It appears that there are two versions of the Citibank Plus debit card - a Visa one (older) and a Mastercard one (newer - I have this one). Users are reporting that the Visa cards are seeing the fees at ATMs whilst the Mastercard versions should still be fee free.
@TripleJ2: Awesome will do :)