• expired

FREE: Sonic CD Classic (AD-Supported) | Reed (No Ads) (Was $1.99) | Can You Escape-PRO (No Ads) (Was $0.99) @ Google Play


Found this one for free. Quite popular game.. rating 4.7/5

Update : Found couple of more popular games form same store so updating it in here only as per guidelines. ( couldn't find any previous post about these games so i hope no dupe)

Also refer to this popular running deal which has more free games(IOS/Android ) if you want or missed it earlier. Big Thanks to sss333 for information.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    So close to 100 posts now…
    Mini celebration?

    • yeah i was planning for today & i got one more deal to post but

      Deals/Forum posting threshold reached. Maximum 10 per day.
      Strange i posted only 2 as of today.. :P

      • Awww man :(

        • I think this can be reported as a bug to OZB
          Either Deals/Forum posting threshold reached. Maximum 10 per day in last 24 hours. OR
          system should allow to post if its per day basis..

      • +5

        Aim for quality over quantity

        • +2

          yeah.. I'm trying hard on that my dear.. but i can't fulfil everyones wishlist and I beleive deal is a deal even if single person getting benefit out of it and it will take some time for me to understand OZB community needs so hang in there with me sometime..
          however, requested mods to remove post if some deals does't fall under bargain..

        • +2

          @Being Askhole: You are doing great, you have posted some interesting and unbiased deals. It's great you have provided research and price comparisons on some of them and just not thrown the deal out there without thought. Keep up the good work!

        • @17833: thanks buddy ..this will help to cheer me up :-)

        • hey mate..nothing against you but got confused and still trying to understand quality over quantity.
          are you referring to this quality over quantity

  • +1

    Although its free, its got ads

    • Yep, very disappointed

      • don't be mate.. i updated couple of paid ones which are free now… without Ads

        • Yep, that's worse. Like stabbing a true ozbargainner in the heart

        • +1

          @bti_jet: I am done here.. :P

  • +8

    It's also not a bargain as this is the regular price.

    • hey mate.. updated few more paid but free games .. hope you are ok with it.

  • +2

    This was previously $1.99 but had no ads. It was pulled from the Google Store in 2016 due to a bug…that was never fixed. It's re-released but with ads some which appear to be pretty obtrusive:

    If you do plan on playing for free, you can expect quite a lot of ads. Anytime you pause the game a 30-second video advertisement will play. These often run at a vastly louder volume than the game, which probably isn't Sega's fault but is still very annoying.

    You can get rid of the ads for $1.99 via IAP.

    Android Police(androidpolice.com)

    • I get $2.99 for the ad free version via IAP.

  • +5

    Not free. Ads. Wheres the bargain?

    • updated 2 ad free games for you :D

  • Cheers for all the bargains mate but this ain't one of them.

    • thanks for cheering up mate.. no offence taken on neg :)

    • mate updated few more games.. hope this should be fine..

  • Not on sale just changed to freeium IAP

  • +1

    This is a new addition to Sega Forever, people weren't as negative on the original deal interestingly.

    • thanks mate .. i think i should update title with (AD-Supported ) along with your findings..so still there are some games which ozb mates would like to have..

      Also, i felt within 1 month exp that few mates are slightly biased on who is OP while upvoting. no offence to anyone for example ..if any of my average post would have come from TA then it would have different story.
      my feeling .. i may be wrong.. but i got couple of similar example posts to compare :)

    • Didn't neg that one only because i missed it.
      Add supported isn't a bargain.
      Consider it this way, if every add supported game were posted on OzB we'd see noting else.
      Nothing against OP, but as mentioned further up, Quality over quantity.

      • none taken mate.. i am trying to understand but logically if 260+ mates are upvoting and 3600+ clicks so whats that indicate ? if people are interested(upvotes) then its bargain.. isn't it? .. happy to be corrected..

        • -1

          Maybe, maybe not, but if every zero dollar item or service were posted this site would be a mess.
          That's what the rules are trying to prevent.

          If you post a deal on a good TV at a good price and someone gets it based on your post you've done them a better favor than posting a deal on an add supported game that 1000 people might get.

          As mentioned, Quality > Quantity

        • @virtual81: ok.. how about now.. updated few more free games

        • -1

          @Being Askhole:
          Unless it's add free and temporarily discounted or free i don't think it qualifies as a bargain.
          That said, you might be better off starting and maintaining a forum post of free android stuff.

        • @virtual81: sure buddy.will consider.. but why so much negativity.. Be positive mate and cheer up.. and i do agree with Quality vs quantity *3

        • @Being Askhole:
          No idea what you're on about.
          I just vote on the deals as i see fit.
          A negative vote has nothing to do with negativity
          It's just a vote based on opinion and/or the site rules.
          Don't read too much into it.

          On the subject of negative though.
          It pisses me off when people vote negative to comments.
          If a comment has a neg and is not inappropriate then i vote positive, regardless of weather i agree with the individuals opinion or not.
          No one should cop that crap.
          [@Being Askhole] you can see my forum post on the subject.

        • Nope it's just typical ozb community to upvote without having an idea what's truely a bargain.

          Kudos on effort, but don't see this as a bargain imo

        • @virtual81: mate .. i m not holding it back ..I just moved on ..

  • You can get the ad free version on amazon store. It won’t get updates, and It’ll cost a few bucks though. So the choice is yours.

    • Wow, its almost like both are regularly priced and this isnt a bargain at all.

  • +1

    See, I know technically this isn't a bargain as it's always free, and it's got ads and shit (and most importantly, if it's like the other ones, you can't play offline).

    But also, it's a kickass game being made free that people could easily miss out on otherwise. I mean, I don't know. Like, yeah, the guidelines supposedly say no.

    But my heart says "go fast"

    • Just to avoid complexity .. i have updated few more free games ..hope this is technically bargain now :D

  • Requires permission to your storage and private info otherwise won't run.
    Another fishing app, that's why it's free considering the old underlying game is a great classic.

  • +2

    I actually have this game on its original CD and still got the Mega Drive and Mega CD stored in the attic.

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