This was posted 7 years 1 month 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Spotify Premium 2 Months FREE for New Customers (No Restrictions, No Ads)


Not a bad offer, considering one free month is the norm. Try incognito if you're not seeing the offer. Enjoy :)

Spotify® 60-Days Free Trial Offer Terms & Conditions apply. Users who have subscribed to the Premium or Unlimited service or who have taken a trial are ineligible for this offer.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    CC required and they're hopeful you forgot the free period?

    • +4

      That's how most free trials work…

    • +3

      Just use a DiviPay credit card with $1 in it.

      • +11

        Use PayPal and cancel the payment authorisation ¯_(ツ)_/¯

        • You still need to make sure to cancel your subscription with Spotify otherwise they might sell your debt to debt collector after you owe above certain amount of money.

        • Lol no they just suspend your service if they can't process payment. You'd have to run up quite a number of months worth of spotify for it to be worth it for a debt collector :)

        • @ozlab:
          That’s now how it works, as bunkymag said if they can’t take the payment at the end of the trial period you’ll just revert back to a free plan.

  • +4

    Does that Spotify Philippines workaround still exist?

    • +2

      Try it and report back. I did it in mid Nov. Transferred $10 via PP, but haven't used any yet since the first 3 months were free. Make sure you use a PH VPN. Might do one for my wife.

    • +2

      I managed to get it work late last year using a VPN and the instructions listed on here

    • +1

      Works a treat, set up again last week. I found the best way is to set up a new (alias) email and use that. Also, make sure you make a note of the EXACT address you use (something like a backpackers/hotel in Manila). This comes in handy when joining the family plan and adding members, if the address conflicts….no dice! Good Luck

      • +3

        Haha, I too am staying at a Phillipines backpackers in Manila. Perhaps it is the same one. We should meet up and trade playlists.

    • signed up back in september to a family plan with a bunch of mates.
      working great, and so cheap!

    • I wasn't able to get it working as of a couple of weeks ago.

      Setup the Paypal, transferred money into it, etc.
      Paypal then asked me to add a credit card. I added both a VISA prepaid and an Auspost Load and Go VISA and neither worked to get past the credit card check.

      If anyone's got this working recently I'd love to hear how.

      • DiviPay virtual credit card worked for me. You can also send money from your Aussie PayPal to fund your PH one. Good luck!

        • +1

          I sent money to my PH Paypal originally, then I couldn't proceed without it wanting a credit card. I'll give DiviPay a go though, thanks

          EDIT: Divipay got me through the CC check, nice work, thanks!

        • @shrodes: Your most welcome. :)

        • +3

          Hi DiviPay rep here. Thanks for using the service! DiviPay was created to help you keep control of your spending and is great for subscription services where you want to take advantage of a free trial or just have more control, cancelling cards at any time to get out of an unwanted subscription. THe product is very much in its infancy so please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

      • I couldn't set up a PH PP account with out a CC (used Australian one). Then I made PP my primary payment source.

  • +3

    I need to keep this thread away from my wife.

  • +1

    This wouldn't work for me in Firefox would only show a 30 day free trial even in Private Window mode. I had to open Edge browser and it worked through that.

  • +6

    For anyone not keen on creating new email addresses, just add - to the end of your address and it should still work (ie. [email protected]).

    • +3

      We only have to sign up 6 times per year now!

      • Haha I know right! I'm starting to lose track!

    • +12

      Or replace with

      • Nice! Wasn't even aware of that!

    • It's a dot, not hyphen

      You can put them anywhere in the address
      [email protected]

      Or add a plus
      [email protected]

  • Or…Just install adaway on rooted Android

    • You're telling me AdAway prevents spotify ads from being played as well? Didn't know that.

      • +1

        Yup sure does. You can find the host files which would do that

        • I'm sure you still wouldn't be able to rewind/skip though? That's a premium only feature

        • @illumination:
          Unfortunately no, but doesn't bother me that much

        • +1

          @padman: it's for this reason I prefer ilikeit's method. Doesn't require root too.

        • +1

          @illumination: I used to swear by a modified apk of Spotify after a few months they'd start acting up or songs wouldn't play or the app would crash if I played a specific song or used a specific function… maybe that was just my experience, or maybe they were gradually being phased out server-side whenever the server suspects the client of using a really out of date, or modified version of the app.

          Also, can't get the highest quality sound using this the modded apk.

          Though, I have to say, it's much less hassle than creating millions of email addresses and sharing out playlists every time one of these freebies comes along!

    • For those without root, you could join/start a Spotify family plan and pay $36 per year.

      • But that's not free..? And it's more expensive than the filo option?

      • Can u tell me where you found this yearly fee
        . When I look it's $16 a month


        • -2

          A family plan requires 6 members. Each member pays $3 per month which amounts to $18 per month and $36 per year. If you look in the Classifieds section, you'll most likely find a few other persons interested in starting one.

    • +4

      …Just get a modified apk of Spotify Premium (minus some goodies).

    • Or use Adhell 2 if you have a Samsung device. No root need.…

  • +2

    Can I sign up and cancel right after and still keep my 2 months free?

    • +4

      just tried, can confirm it will keep for 2 months

  • -8

    I am seeing only 30 day free trial, no matter what browser I use.

    • Happened to me also. Just use unique payment option which you haven’t used with them before

    • What about on mobile?

      • +1

        NVM. We still love you doweyy.

  • +10

    Pro TIP : Subscribe to 60 days trial premium and CANCEL right away, so you don’t have to remember when it is time to cancel.

    • Thanks for the confirmation.

    • Doesn't that return you straight to free? When I look at the 'change plans' page it says switching to free will cancel my premium subscription?

      • No you will continue to have premium status for next 60 days. It is just that it won’t auto renew

  • +2

    Thanks tightarse.
    My arse immediately got extremely tight upon my eyes glazing over this beauty of a post.

    • +1

      That's why I wear gloves.

      • +1

        Where can I find a deal on gloves?

        • +2

          Posting one soon.

        • +3

          Negger must be sad he missed out on the free condomn and gloves deal.

  • Family sharing is ok for me

  • +2

    I found it hard to get this offer to appear, it wouldn't work on firefox even while incognito, but worked in safari in private mode. As ujwols said just cancel straight away and you still get til the end of the trial period. Thanks Tightarse!

    • Yes it doesn't seem to work at all in Firefox.

  • +3

    Just one thing to note (in case you have kids or want to use it at your work place), i've had to stop using Spotify at home as there is no good way to skip or exclude explicit songs, even worse was when i used chrome cast and the lyrics are displayed on tv… loll some songs that kids didnt know had swearing .. well they know it does now! If they brought in this option id def use it/subscribe.

    EDIT: Oh just to add, one of the most messed up things that even kids can get to (a guy in the spotify forum posted it up) is there are play lists for "porn sounds" lol so yeh had to delete the app after i saw that screen shot…

  • Clicking the link only tells me it's 30 days. Tried incognito on both Chrome and Firefox. Anyone else having the same problem?

    • same here.

      wonder how to get the 2 months free trial..

      • Revisited the comments and Haribodog's method above was the only one that I got to work (Safari in private mode).

  • +1

    I just use youtube with my 20GB of data

    • Check out Listen On Repeat

      • awesome!

        • :)

          I should add that they have mobile apps too!

          I have not used them but I think they stop playing in the background and when the screen is off because YouTube doesn't like that.

  • +2

    Sigh, you still can't rearrange/reorder playlists inside the Android app. What a joke!

  • +1

    Just pulled the Philippine trick.. Please refer to me as Alfred danilo madapao from now on.. I've adopted my philipino alter ego.. So what ifme and my 5 relatives live in the unicef building

    • What do I need to do to make it work via Phillipines if I've used the trial once before against my email address?

      • Like others have mentioned dots are your friend…. Add one and it's a whole new email… If you don't want to make new emails

    • Did you use vpn? Got windscribe but no philippine server.

      • I signed up for vypr amazing VPN used it for a day then cancelled.. would totally keep it if I had yse for a von though

  • I clicked on the link but it only shows one month free :-(

  • +2
  • 2 months free has expired. Back to 1 month free only now.

  • +2

    This offer continues, but with a new URL

    • Thanks, worked well.

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