This was posted 7 years 1 month 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS Plus Games for February: Knack, Rime + More (Subscription Req'd)


The full list of games are as follows:

  • PS4 - Knack
  • PS4 - RiME
  • PS3 - Spelunker HD
  • PS3 - Mugen Souls Z
  • PS VITA - Exiles End
  • PS VITA/PS4 - Grand Kingdom
  • PS VR - Starblood Arena

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closed Comments

  • +25

    Knack, baby!

    • +22

      Knack baaaaaybeeeeeeeeee!

      • Back Knaaaaaayyyyybbbeeee

  • +6

    Thank goodness I did not go ahead to purchase RiME yesterday! I was contemplating either the ps4 version or the switch version. It coming to the psn plus sorts that dilemma very well!

    Good list of games for this month IMO!
    Thanks OP for posting this! 😊

    • -3

      A bit more on the kids game side though.

    • +1

      Switch version is very choppy. Don't get that one.

    • -1

      For future advice, the games get announced on the Thursday (for australia) before the first tuesday of the month. So this months game were announced last week on the 1st.

  • Knack is GotG

    • +3

      Guardians of the Galaxy?

      • +1

        Game of the Generation?

        Knack is basically a PSPlus meme at this point.

        • +4

          Knack is the reason I wake up in the morning.

  • +2

    I hope this gets more people to play Knack, considering how well the Crash trilogy sold, there's clearly still a market for this style of gameplay and to call Knack underrated would be the understatement of the century. It ain't perfect, sure, but it's a damn fun little platformer.

    The month is a piece of shit to me though, Meanwhile, I've been counting down the days for the Xbox games to drop. PS+ back at it again with a few cheap indies and a launch game that tanked like (profanity) crazy.

    Knack deserved better. February also probably deserved better.

    • +3

      Don't think I would say Knack is underrated. It's pretty average but I do agree about this month being pretty sh#t. Ups and downs ;)

      • +2

        It is average, but it's not recognized as that. The amount of shit and jokes that the game gets are honestly undeserving. It's by no means a masterpiece, I enjoy it thoroughly but it's definitely flawed, but today it's mostly recognized as just a pile of shit sentient magic Toblerone simulator and that Dunkey meme thing.

        It's underrated in the sense that it gets a 0 from tonnes of people who've not played it, when it's easily a solid 5 or 6, which, again, is by no means a masterpiece, but it's a competent and fun little platformer with a respectable run time and plenty of replayability if you're after the 100%.

    • +2

      I am so confused, Knack is a really underrated game but this month is shit?

      • +1

        It's underrated in the sense it's known to the masses as being a pile of shit and a meme, it's a decent game and it deserved a lot better, but it's still an average launch game that's been on sale for 7 bucks countless times on the PSN over the years.

        So yeah, it's a decent game, underrated even, but it's inclusion doesn't really beef up the month's overall value when you could buy it for piss all a couple years ago at that. Let's pretend for a second someone was actually waiting all this time for Knack, they'd have saved themselves less than the cost of a KFC combo for all their patience.

        • ….mark cerny…is that you?

          JK :p

        • @britta: I feel Mark would speak higher of the game than "it's decent, but not even close to good enough to make this month's list not be shit"

          I did love his passion for Knack though. Could see he gave a shit, I'll respect that a lot more than something like what EA did with Star Wars.

        • +1

          @TheDukeOfNukem: This is true, he did think very very highly of it. Looks it was a classic case of a game that wasn't particularly great and being overhyped to hell (cough Watch_dogs)

          Knack 2 wasn't bad but TBH I only played it because I got it for free when Sony stuffed up on the PS store.

          Knack should have been a PS+ game a long long time ago. What would have been nice would be Killzone. That game is bargain bin now and would be a nice addition to the IGC.

        • +1

          @britta: Killzone and Knack were the two games I grabbed day one with my PS4. EB had a deal that those and some other lesser games were "only" 65 if you had the console preordered.

          Both were decent enough, but Killzone was a one and done forgettable shooter, Knack was at least memorable.

          The PS4 did fine in the end obviously, but if those two had have been on Plus at launch, I reckon they'd have sold even more. Two AAA exclusives thrown in for free with every purchase, and it's 50 bucks less than the Xbox? Sold.

  • Woooo hooo! I was so close to buying grand kingdom on the vita.

    • +2

      My vita lives on.

      • +2

        Viva vita

      • +2

        Viva La Vita Loca

        • She had dumps like a truck

    • I have it already. :(

      Still shrink wrapped too.

  • Knack!!!

  • -1

    The greatest game of all time, finally for everyone to enjoy.

  • +1

    From Knack page on PSN:

    You will no longer be able to use the online service for iOS/Android companion app Knack’s Quest, from 29th March 2018.
    Items cannot be sent or received while playing Knack on PlayStation 4. Please note that items acquired within Knack’s Quest cannot be exchanged.

    • +5

      Kinda lame, especially since they're throwing the game up on Plus.


      As someone who has platinum'd the game, the only thing you'll have a tough time getting a million of in the game is the Diamond Knack pieces. And these pieces CAN NOT be obtained from either the phone game OR your friends list on PSN.

      I don't care what anyone else says, they ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be obtained from those two methods. I plat'd the thing a month or so before Knack 2 came out, all I had left to do since 2014 was the Diamond Knack grind. In the end I had to replay through through game one and a half more times to buff that save file up to the required ten. Farming chests may nab you one or two but tbh you'll spend around 5 hours or so at least, according to most people, farming that way, so burning through the game again is probably the more enjoyable way, unless you absolutely hate the game, in which case, why you grinding?

      Anyway, if you want to get in the Knack spirit before the game drops on Plus, play the app (it's a competent enough match three game, same as EVERYONE else's) beforehand and stack up a few gadgets, but don't go into the app thinking it will severely help your experience with the main game.

      • +2

        This guys Knacks

      • +3

        Read the whole post, no idea what you're talking about. But love your passion kid.

        • Given that it's a platformer, there's obviously a billion collectibles in the game. There'll all obtained entirely at random by opening chests, of which there's around 50 odd hidden throughout the game's levels.

          These collectibles are used to get gadgets and upgrades (such as a combo metre, and higher sunstone charge levels, which is basically your supermoves) and also you can find pieces of unlockable versions of Knack.

          There's 6 or 7 odd different Knacks IIRC, including Vampire Knack, Diamond Knack, and a bunch of other ones with less memorable names. Vampire is weaker than normal Knack, but he sucks the health from enemies into his own bar, basically, each version of Knack offers a new way to play, and each one has a dedicated trophy.

          The only one you won't get pretty easily, is Diamond Knack. You need to find 10 diamond pieces in those chests, which doesn't sound too hard, but they rarely spawn and it can be a real bitch. IIRC Diamond Knack is super strong and can one hit kill most enemies, but he's a (profanity) ass bitch and can get taken out real easy too.

          Basically think of them as different playable characters, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Though, unless you're going for 100% or the platinum trophy, the average player will be happy with just finishing the game and moving on. Beyond replaying with a different skill set, there's not really any real reason to go back into the game other than really enjoying the game on it's own like I did.

          Is that explained a bit better or?

        • @TheDukeOfNukem: Pretty sure diamond knack wasn't just a glass cannon and was hard to kill too (5 in all stats). Farming chests wasn't so bad as long as you did the ps home button trick so you can keep reopening the same chest. Was definitely faster than playing it through.

        • @TheDukeOfNukem: may as well post a walk through.

        • +1

          Expected no less from the Duke.

        • +1

          @stonkered: Hail to the King, baby.

      • You absolutely CAN get them through those 2 methods, I don't care what ANYONE says!

        /jk, never played the thing.

  • +1

    I played knack years ago when the PS4 was released, it was one of the most terrible game I have ever played. IMO of coarse.

    • +18

      Sounds rough..

  • +2

    …..Monster Hunter World :( sniff sniff

  • It's kind of BS that a game like Spelunker HD isn't playable on PS4.

    EDIT: And it's not even Sperlunky like I thought it was :(

    • +3

      The 360 version works on Xbox One at no extra cost.

      I like to throw shade on Sony for their lack of backward compatibility bullshit whenever I get a chance, especially since the recent news that the PS2 emulator in the PS4 can be made to work on just about any game with no extra effort at all. 23 bucks for Vice City in 2018? Kiss my ass.

  • +1

    PS VITA/PS4 - Grand Kingdom

    Lol of course one month after I purchased it.

    Fun game actually!


    Wow, we are reeaallllyyy scraping the bottom of the barrel with Spelunker HD and Mugen Souls Z.

    I would actually prefer nothing.

    • +1

      It has proved in the past that these posts are useful to the community and the number of +'s given probably substantiates these being here. The mods have let these stay in the past. These are deciding factors as to whether or not the subscription is worth getting for some people.

      Just because you ain't a fan of these types of posts, doesn't mean you should vote it down. I am not a fan of a lot of goods that are posted here, that doesn't mean I vote them down.

      • It's not just that I just think it's not really a bargain, which is why I voted it down. If other people vote it up and it stays then that's fine, it's just my opinion.

        • -3

          That's not a valid reason for a negative vote.

    • +1

      While on the surface I agree that these are really a PSA they do have value to them and the up votes prove it

      Just for reference the combined value of the games featured during 2017 if you purchased them now is $1287USD. 2016 was $1150USD

      So I personally feel $79 per year is a pretty special deal

    • Doesn't feel at all like that to me, I usually forget about the free games so whenever I see these posts I jump on PSN and grab them all.

  • +2

    Not sure if someone has already mentioned the fact that Grand Kingdom is AWESOME. NIS for the win.

  • RIME is worth a play through -puzzle 3rd person game.

  • Remember when Knack 2 was free for a couple hours! Baby!

    • Free for a couple of hours!? I still have it installed and haven't even played it! 😄

  • Thank goodness the switch port of Rime was shit and I held off from buying day 1 like I'd planned. Would have had massive buyers remorse if not.

  • Been doing to play knack. No idea what it is, but some people are so passionate about it despite it receiving bad reviewed from what I recall.

    • +1

      It's decent.

      Don't go into it expecting a master piece, don't go into it expecting the worst game ever either. If you do either of those, you will be disappointed.

      If you just jump in looking for a good time and a nice dumb fun action platformer, you'll leave happy.

      • Go into it thinking worst game ever - disappointed with this game!

  • What a lame month for Ps4

    • Dunkey will have words with you.

  • -1

    IMO terrible list. What happened to the PS3 era with AAA titles every month?

    For change give people dishonoured or dishonoured 2,Persona 5, Destiny, Assassin creed etc, metal gear solid series or even Dragon age inquisition

    • +1

      Do you really think we'll get something like Persona 5? AAA titles every month? Are you dreaming. Seriously, These games are great. It's always good to try out something new.

      • Not dreaming check the previous PS3 PSN hey days, it went on for 8 months. At least one AAA title every month.

        PS4 ppls don't even know them

        • -1

          In the PS3 days they had a battle with Microsoft on their hands and were struggling. They pulled out all the stops. Online gaming was free. PS+ was for free games only.

          Now they're trouncing MS, so the drive to compete is with MS, not Sony. Now the offerings are crap, because they don't need to be good for Sony to beat the Xbox.

          Meanwhile it's the Xbox with the uphill battle and pulling out all the stops. BC with 360 and OG XB? Game Pass featuring first party titles day and date? Wow. These are the kind of moves you expect from someone struggling. And Sony is doing anything but struggling. Which is why their offerings are not like they used to be.

    • Got MGS:PP couple if months back.

    • I agree, Plus used to be amazing and all in the day.

      Dishonored has already been on Plus a couple years back.
      Persona 5 is doing too well to be free just yet, though we've got at least one other entry in the series before.
      Destiny is $4 at EB for (profanity)'s sake, at least Knack's never dropped under 5.
      Assassin's Creed 3 and Revelations have been free in the past.
      Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 on Vita have been free, in addition to Ground Zeroes AND Phantom Pain on PS4.
      One of the Dragon Age games was free, I don't give a single shit about them though so I don't know which one.

      So you're covered there pretty well.

      Now for me, I wouldn't want any of those games, I've dabbled with MGS here and there but Dishonored didn't interest me, Persona could not be further from my tastes, Destiny is in my pile for $4 and I've never touched it (beta bored), AC has been done to death and I'm done with it, Metal Gear can be fun but it's also overrated as (profanity), and Dragon Age? If KotOR is by them and supposed to be so amazing, then I don't want no part of it, because I (profanity) adore Star Wars and I couldn't get into that game despite multiple attempts.

      PS+ is a pile of shit compared to 5 years ago though, no doubt there.

      • Yeah PS+ isnt worth it anymore. Perhaps you can recommend some titles on that list

      • Curious what kind of games you play?

    • MGS5 GZ and TPP have been given away before.

  • Nice list. Looking forward to Grand Kingdom, been watching it for a while now.

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