Eveready Heavy Duty AA Batteries Pack of 50
$9.99 (GST Inclusive)
I think it's in-store only at Australia Post.
Eveready Heavy Duty AA Batteries Pack of 50
$9.99 (GST Inclusive)
I think it's in-store only at Australia Post.
To the tune of Justin Bieber's - Baby…
Whose line is it anyway
HeavyDuty hrmm…. leaky batteries?
End up throwing them away unless you can use them quick.
Bunning or IKEA are a good cheap alkaline option
I never have leaky carbon-zinc batteries.
When I think leaking batteries I usually think alkaline ones.
Regardless I have a new collection of rebranded Eneloops coming up :).
Which ones?
I have a stash of GP alkaline batteries that leak more than the Titanic.
Replacing them with AmazonBasics LSD rebranded Eneloops.
@StrayfireX: Rumour is that isn't the case anymore, and all the previous comments where it may have been true are out of date (only so I read, from the same product page)
I have used Aldi and Duracell and both leak.
I usually praise ALDI products but their batteries are on different level of terrible.
I imagine hell is where the devil forces you to buy ALDI batteries when Eneloops are the same price.
@StrayfireX: I didn't say it's rechargeable battery. it's the alkaline battery. There were about $5 for 20.
Yeah I know, but both the ALDI alkaline and rechargeable batteries are extremely bad.
Their alkalines just leak everywhere (although not as bad as GP).
Their rechargeables lose charge faster than anything else I've seen.
These are great for game controllers, if you like changing batteries everyday that is.
Thanks OP this will be handy for defending my coastline from invading naval vessels.
Ain’t you a tad too old to be playing BattleShips?
"Heavy-Duty" batteries (aka Carbon Zinc) batteries have very a short expiry compared to Alkaline, and degrade relatively quickly after this date.
These batteries have about 40% of the capacity of an Alkaline battery. So they are pretty bad value.
You can buy a 30 pack of Alkaline Varta AA batteries from Bunnings that will provide more power will fewer batteries.
Bunnings alkaline only for non rechargeable.
Been using them for years without a hint of a leak and they hold the power unlike this carbon land fill.
The heavy duty title is a joke surely?
Don't make fun of the police, I say "stop,"
Because one of my best friends is a cop.
Because I like the way that they do their thing,
I say, hey, it's a good thing my name isn't Rodney King.
When I was arrested, it wasn't good for me,
They beat me and they stripped me and they searched my cavity.
Why did this happen to such a guy, you say?,
Well, to tell you the truth it was 'cause I was arrested in LA.
I am quite unbalanced, my mind is not that steady,
I once pummelled a guy with an eveready.
They took me down to jail and they arrested me,
And they charged me with assault with a battery.
I got sent to prison, I didn't know what to do,
I felt so bad, because I was so new.
Didn't know the ways there, I felt like such a dope.
But now I never bend down to pick up any soap.