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Lenovo Edge 15" i3-370 $594 after eCoupon

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closed Comments
How does this $594 compare against this one ?
https://www.mln.com.au/product/?itemID=141&typeID=specialEdge is TOP CLASS business model, much better than G560
but the specs of the other1 look better to me ?
what does EDGE have that edgy over G560 ?
EDGE is ThinkPad range.
The one from the link you posted is just Lenovo's normal range.ThinkPads generally have much better build quality/reliability (longetivity)/ruggedness/driver support than most laptops (even though they're both Lenovo)
Can't really compare laptops simply by its specs.
Do a search in OzBargain for Thinkpad. You will find that your question is asked in almost every post, and the explanation there would help you a lot in making a puchasing decision.
ThinkPad EDGE is not ThinkPad
Technically speaking, it is. It is of different series (just like the SL/W series)
If you're comparing them with the T/R/X series we've come to love, yes, they're probably of different build quality.http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/35806
I've posted a link to a review in my comment in that thread claiming they're inferior, but Mikinoz claimed they're better. I haven't had EDGE before, so I can't tell yet.
This was technically the same with last weekend 48HOURSALE
Amazing price ! I am so tempted to upgrade my existing Thinkpad