Yum Yum Yum
Qtr pounders for Australia Day oi oi oi
Yum Yum Yum
Qtr pounders for Australia Day oi oi oi
No, you get 2 Quarter Pounders.
I'm going to make Big QtrPounder out of it.
I don't check the app every single day, and the daily post on OzB lets me know whether the deal of the day is good enough for me to bother opening the app.
I'm sure there's many out there in the same situation.
0 posts
Maybe if you actually contributed some bargains then we'd take you a bit more seriously?
Ah, no wonder the username and comment struck a bell… Thanks TA.
It's past midnight and I'm fuming reading all this vitriol, let's not pay attention to these people.
Thanks for the neg. I hope you choose your remaining negs of the day wisely, they're not unlimited you know.
Have a plus-vote.
I've never run out? How many do we get??
i have the app but it doesn’t seem to refresh with new deal unless i close it and restart .
OP is not Associated, therefore this is not advertising. We haven't seen a McDonald's screenshot here for years.
McDonald's has a special offer every day.
Great stuff.
Do we really need a post for every single deal?
Yes, yes we do.
I think anybody who wants to partake in these specials already has the app and is notified through it.
You could say that about a lot of deals posted here.
We should just stop posting anything, should probably also shut down Ozbargain as anyone who is interested in deals can find them elsewhere.
Take an L.
There's so many of these not a bargain posts. If it's in the top deals, must have sonething going for it.
Finally a deal with my favourite burger!
quarter pounder favourite burger , you can always do the hipster thing and ask for “ a deconstructed mc feat without tomatoe, without chicken sauce etc …..” and get it as part of the $5 lunch meal deal.
one of the cafes i went to for coffee had “ deconstructed coffee” they brought out the espresso and frothed milk was in a separate jug and you added it yourself …..
Yep, McFeast is like a Quarter Pounder with extra veggies
Will take a lot to move me off my $5 mcfeast meals. This isn't it.
Would be cool if they brought back the Aussie burger just for tomorrow
please explain?
I like that suggestion. I'd imagine though that the promotion coupled with extra costs for just the one day would make it prohibitive.
Still, the show of patriotism is always nice to see. Well said Quantum'!
Customise for free extras!
5 x mustard
5 x ketchup
5 x pickles
No ketchup. Raw sauce
I think for $2, the McDouble is a better deal.
@no not me - Yeah you're probably right. Looks like you can get almost x3 McDoubles for the price of x1 Pounder ($5.75). I think the Pounders might be slightly wider though??
They are wider, yes. The quarter pounder deal seems alright, but when it's not 2 for 1, it's overpriced. I usually just get 2-3 McDoubles and a frozen coke, costs like $5-7, depending on the number of McDoubles. The true McValue meals can be had through the loose change menu!
3 McDoubles = 3/5 of a pound of meat (they're 1/10th each), so you're a winning a bit on the meat compared to 1/2 a pound with the two quarter pounders.
Calorie-wise it's 1086 for the two quarter pounders, three mcdoubles is 1197. so you're getting 20% more meat but only 10% more calories. Winning further if your sole goal is a meat delivery system. Still only 4.3% greater cost so definitely the way to go.
Personally I wish they had the double cheeseburger at a reasonable price though. For me, it's the way more tasty burger, all the others are just too meaty.
Good analysis but can you just TLDR this for me? is 3x mcdouble more value than this deal or just more value than full price?
The mcdoubles is the bigger number, doesn't matter about pounds. Or to help, 3 mcdoubles is 272g of meat, two quarter pounders is 227g of meat.
Although both are prior to cooking, dunno if the smaller patties lose more weight due to more surface area
Hope the other guy answered your question.
And here's some related trivia
2 x $2 mc doubles is cheaper than a quarter pounder to get a 2 nd quarter pounder for free ….
The beef is much thinner though.
Agreed, the McDouble is ridiculously good value. This is still a good deal though
Wonder if you customise and add tomato and lettuce if that's 2 for 1 as well??
EDIT: I really should start reading other posts. Looks like comment just above did get 2 for 1 extras = not bad.
I tired on Mcdouble, they dont allow customisation, but for $2 you can always DIY at home, put some onions, lettuce etc
Yeah true wouldn't take very long to do. I think you only get one slice of tomato anyway.
Mac Donald’s the true Aussie spirit of Australia!
I think you mean "Maccas"
These should be called the 113.398 grammers here in Straya.
Got a good chuckle out of that - cheers! :O]
McRoyale with Cheese?
Please consider healthier options guys.
Thanks, I did for a moment and then rejected them.
$5 Quater Pounder Small meal
Mcfeast Small meal
-mcchicken sauce
Omg lettuce and tomato??? Lol! Not just a bunch of sauces and a meat?? patty.
Also to spark debate on their meat patty, what are peoples thoughts?
I've heard that McDonalds get their meat from the 100% Beef Company, so they can call it 100% beef.
Also regarding their meat patties, they usually taste like beef right? However when you get their Sausage and Egg McMuffin it's the same patty, but it has a weird flavouring to make it taste like sausage.
If their meat?? patty is flavoured to taste like sausage, then could it be flavoured to taste like beef? What is actually in the meat patty?
their Sausage and Egg McMuffin it's the same patty
No, it's not.
It looks the same. 'phew' has just mentioned below that the breakfast patties have the same ingredients, but contain seasoning as well. Seasoning must be to make it taste like sausage.
I've heard that McDonalds get their meat from the 100% Beef Company, so they can call it 100% beef.
From the same school of thought as "the earth is flat".
I was just told that years ago.
EDIT: Found this interesting video on the making of McDonald's (UK) burgers. Warning cute cows have most definitely been harmed after the making of this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8VBYnByPds
If you go to the website it states the only ingredient is beef in the burger patties however on the breakfast patties they also contain seasoning.
Ahh good to know, thanks! :)
You have to order through the app. Theres a deals section on the home page.
It's via the mymaccas app as stated in the title
Thanks OP, didn’t even need to use the app, just walked up to the checkout and asked for it and he happily obliged.
Wonder if thats the norm when these 'app' deals come up? … anybody?
He probably knows you're a power user.
I went to their St Albans one and showed them the scannable screen generated by the app. The serving staff there did not know what to do and she asked for help from another one who also took a while to figure out what to do. They refused to make it x2.
dang, I like the deal - not sure I want such 'apps' installed on my phone.
(thanks for adding).
They can't refuse the deal
Same thing happened to me but there is a 4 digit code on the screen below the QR code IIRC that they can enter and redeem.
The McD's app is complete garbage for anyone else? It always seems to crash on my phone.
I showed the dude at the drive through the code on my phone and he just waved me on to the next window. I think they know by now about this deal and not bothering about codes. :3
How do you get this deal? I installed the app but don’t see it? Thanks
Don’t worry got it now.
You need to create an account and sign in to it. Then you need to add a credit card for payment. Although payment doesn't get processed until you actually arrive to pick it up.
You don't have to add a cc
Even better I guess. It asked me to so I did
Nice deal
I used to love quarter pounders, but the last few times I've eaten them they've had a heavy aftertaste to them. Not sure what it is
It's probably your heart trying to escape up through your throat. I know that's what it is for me when I chow down in the McDoubles
So in other words, I get a half pounder?