PS4 No Mans Sky Playstation 4 Game BRAND NEW SEALED
Deal is on Now.
PS4 No Mans Sky Playstation 4 Game BRAND NEW SEALED
Deal is on Now.
thanks OP, worth a try for $12!
Well you just wasted $12.
To be fair they have updated the game a fair bit since launch and it's not quite as boring as it used to be. For $12 I figure you can get 4hrs of enjoyment out of it.
Don't do it! You can watch paint dry and save that $12!
Yeah but we need a good deal on the paint first.
For $12 why not?
…because it's too expensive for what it is.
thanks OP! bought 1 (and I dont even have a PS4 yet)…
I think this is a great price point for it. And from the looks of things, much cheaper than any PC release. I've always wanted to give it a go but was thrown off by the earlier reviews. Most people say the succeeding patches made it quite a bit better.
Do any of you folks know if it has feature parity with the PC and how it compares with couch controlling/playing vs up close with M&KB?
Tipping point activated.
Thanks OP
It was an exclusive for ps4, so guess it was developed for console, thus the controls should be good.
It came to PC too
Yeah, what he means is it was ported to PC, so had a fair few issues because of that.
Is that sarcasm…?
worst game ever, maybe better giving the $12 to homeless (or save it for torch deals) than buying this game!
It's had a few patches since release though.
It's actually a pretty decent game now, particularly for $12. I've finally bitten the bullet.
still not worth it
Sounds like the major update/patch in August improved it quite a bit from the launch release version, which underwhelmed.
Item sent already, nice job! :)
I get crazy vertigo after playing this game
So who went bust? It was clearly a gaming company … but which one?
As someone who didn't have unfounded expectations of this game, I really enjoyed it. I haven't played it in a long time, and what I did okay I did very little. The patches seem to have improved quite a lot.
I recommend this to people for this price
Not worth it, even at $12. The game is just plain boring
Stuck in the past
Yeah, it's kinda sad how narrow-minded people are. Bet most of them haven't even tried the game and are simply regurgitated what they heard as fact.
Well the facts were certainly proven
I agree. The game was fine.
Yup, the base game was done in 2hrs but now with the extra content you can get at least 4hrs of enjoyment out of it. Worth $12. Cheaper than a movie.
thanks op got one
No man would buy this
Actually, I am a man. I'm just confused. Don't mind me, I'll just go and find some Nazgûl to harass.
I am not sure why you were voted down for being honest. I just can't believe game publishers are expecting people to buy this garbage.
So many mixed reviews on here. I'm very tempted to purchase it but people say it's not very good and some say it is. Decisions. Decisions
From what I've read its improved dramatically since release. Was excited for this game til the reviews dropped but this price point is enough for me to pull the trigger and give it a go.
Yeah true $12 isn't much and it's a good excuse to use my PS4 again
I caved in and bought it.
Should be a good game
The original game was actually pretty decent. It's just that expectations were riding very high, and many were disappointed that all promised features were not implemented. Many still remember that disappointment, so even current opinions are not quite as objective as they should be.
For $12, it's well worth it. Give it a go, chances are you'll at least enjoy the first 5-10 hours worth. Everyone did, even in the original version. I still enjoy having a play, once in a while, because it's pretty cool to check out a new planet.
Plus, the devs are still not finished with updates, so there'll be more content in the future. On the downside, be prepared for a raft of updates when you first run the game. You may be downloading them overnight.
Was excited for the release, then it underwhelmed so I didn't bother but at this price point, I'll give it a whirl.
Cheers OP.
There are lots of reviews on the most recent update. Most agree the game has improved considerably since launch thanks to ongoing work by the devs. For $12 it's probably a good point to jump in if you like exploring space!
IGN and others all have reviews up. Here's The Verge's summation:…
does this include that patch fix the game got?
Will be an online update when you insert the game.
so those fixes were not like paid or DLC or anything?
All updates / patches - including the major update known as Atlas Rises (1.3) have been free - no cost.
If you have an internet connection, then yes.
This game hit rock bottom in not much time. Overpromised, under delivered
for $12 i'll try it. The game's concept sounds exactly like the kinda game i want to play….
If only this game was 3rd person
How about 8th person?
Thanks, Grabbed one, new to PS4 :)
Whosoever finish whole game, i will reward them $12.
This game was needed to punish the schmucks who pre-order everything, allowing game developers to continually cut corners resulting in buggy or unfinished products.
This describes Football Manager, perfectly.
I would never pay any more than $30 for a ps4 game
Why is this rule only for ps4? What about Xbox or pc?
i always make sure i'm a few years behind then i never have to pay full price for a game, unless you want to fit in with the crowd and talk about games at the water cooler sure
defmay best to avoid the PS4 then, you can get some great deals on PS3 games now. When PS5 comes out get a PS4 and you won't be disappointed :)
Easily $12 of fun there
This will be on the ps+ monthly list within a few months.
Happy to wait to not play it then like I wouldn't play it now. My pile of shame is high enough.
I remember this game being so hyped before launch. It must be doing pretty badly to be marked down to such a price.
The game launched 17 months ago. Of course it's going to be super discounted by now.
In fact most PS4 games see substantial price drops within only a couple of months of release. Bethesda games are nearly always under $30 before you can blink.
very good game. boring as (profanity) after about 12 hours. very lonely game though after a while.
When I play 1st person games I get motion sickness
Will this game be the same?
I bought it when the Atlas Rises patch came out. Not without its flaws but a very intriguing game and it is beautiful.
This will probably be a PSN Plus freebie eventually. I'll continue working through the backlog until then.
Still can’t believe I payed $99 when it first came out
I can't believe you paid that either considering it was $78 at launch.
Perhaps he bought the special edition.
Don’t remember if it was a special edition, but I bought via PS4 - digital edition, which was even worse because I couldn’t get a refund unlike at EB Games where you can return a purchase within 7 days, no questions asked. Lesson learned I guess.
I wouldn't pay any more than $5 for this game if that..
I think there's enough in this game to warrant more than a $5 spend - plenty of terrible games around that sell for more than $12.
Gotta support the industry. Sure, the devs might not have delivered on what they intended, but if you don't think big you don't tread new ground. Hats off to them for continuing on and improving the title since launch.
Hopefully you've actually played this yourself, given you have strong feelings about it but, but it is a bargain at $12 and certainly worth experiencing whether you continue on or just play through the new story.
Seems to be selling well at this price - 390 copies spoken for.
I bought it for like $50 on release and sold it a week later. Most repeitive boring game I've played. I mean if you have the money to throw around why not but in my experience playing the game and many others, it is not worth the $12.
Arrived Today. Thanks Regional NSW
Still too much
I was nearly put off by comments like yours. I ended up taking a gamble and purchased it anyway. I've gotta say for $12 I'm very pleased I did. It's well worth the price and recommend anyone on the fence to jump at this.
What in particular makes you feel that $12 is too much?
Not sure how I missed this.
I played the original version, got the platinum and all, and had a blast for a good week or so. I rented it from the library due to all the backlash, so I didn't waste any money. I thought the game was really fun, nowhere near what Sean Murray cracked it up to be, no doubt, but if you're completely clueless and going in with no expectations, it was really fun.
Then you factor in they have supposedly updated the shit out of it and added buggies and shit, it's definitely worth 12 bucks. I ended up paying 20 odd for a preowned copy not long after platting it as I actually wanted to own the game, proper fun. Right now I'm playing through Morphite on the Switch and it just makes me wish NMS would get a port to the Switch, hell, if Sony really wanna keep that console exclusivity, I'd bust out my Vita for the first time in ages to play a portable version of it too.
Anyway, I never bothered to play the updates, I do intend to eventually, but supposedly, all the updates basically take a game I already loved, and make it even better. So with that in mind, the tl;dr version is
Buy the damn game, it's 12 dollars.
The updates added a TON of great content including a pretty good story by all accounts. The Waking Titan ARG has recently started up again too which means we're in the lead up to another big update.
One mans lie.
One man's broken record.
why would i pay $12 to watch paint dry ? o.O
still not worth, this is a review after the major patch that apparently improved it a lot
Thats a year ago
the patch came a year ago as well and the video is 3-4 months after the update. then came Atlas Rises patch which is okay
Thanks, at this price ill give it a go.