Liven, a payment app for food venues is offering $10 off orders of $15 or more.
Melbourne locations are:
* Melbourne Central
* Box Hill
Liven, a payment app for food venues is offering $10 off orders of $15 or more.
Melbourne locations are:
* Melbourne Central
* Box Hill
Can you elaborate?
I believe it's the $10 off $15 spend then the 15% liven back
Damn, wish this was available in WA
Damn, wish Chicken Treat is available here in Vic :)
Not available in Highpoint?
YMMV. The ad states only Melbourne Central and Box Hill.
Ne (네) Is a korean word, which means “Yes”. So it’s “YesYes Chicken”
Yeah but it has as much meaning as Woolworths is related to Wool.
Yo! Yo! doesn’t mean same as yo-yo
Awesome!!! Nene is friggin tasty 😊😊😊 And the Very Spicy Chicken is legit hot.
Korean Chicken is great.
Not to mention the $10 jugs of beer with large meals…
Fuark. Koreans do beer so well.
Well you should also check out Mook Ji Bar in Latrobe Street. That spicy chicken is HOLY S**T LEGIT Spicy!! (notices your userpic) Well you clearly know MJB then.
Does it mean we physically order at the counter & use the app to pay? Where do we put the code? I never use this liven app b4. I downloaded the app already but don’t see where to place an order, only can see is “pay now” button after loading my credit card detail. Any advice is appreciated!
Open the Liven app and go to "Promo codes"
Enter the promo code in the post & the $10 credit should register in your account
That's as far as I got to date, might try it this weekend :-)
thank you very much!
Turn on your internet when you are about to pay, ask the staff to send you an invoice to the liven app. Once you click payment method (which you should have already stored it when you enter the promo code) and pay, the transaction is completed.
thanks fchis, Will try.
no worries :)
basically i opened the app and left it on the nene chickens page
ordered what i wanted at the desk and then pressed pay now
the counter person then reaches the liven tablet and confirm the order and payment and thats all
your phone app will immediately send an update if the order has been processed
today was the first time i tried the app too
thanks! after you pressed "pay now", did it show how much you have to pay after discount? Did you get 15% + $10 off as well?
yeah i think i ordered a 20.95 meal and the app instantly popped up notification saying i ordered a 20.95 meal and scored a 3 dollar something liven cash. And when I checked my credit card I got charged 10.95
hope that helps, just make sure you have added the coupon to your account before you order
Any word on expiry date?
after adding the code it shows exp 21 Apr 2018
Ah, I'm new to Liven. Do you add the code to your account then you can use it in the future?
yup but only 1 code can remain active at any given time
What's everyone ordering?
I got 12 pcs wings & 2 favours for $5.55 after $10 off.
Is it too late to put referral code after 1st spending?
Yes, you need to pop that in when you first sign up.
what sort of favours did you ask for?
Probably original, we're going on Saturday.
@anastasiastarz: angelbaby said they asked for two favours, I was just teasing.
But thanks for the reply
@pyro love bird: I had the lemon which was the original with a pot of sauce, they said lemon but it was more like mcd's sweet and sour - and awesome!
Theres another new Liven Nene Chicken voucher doing the rounds. It's for SIX free wings.
It's already posted. Unsure if stackable.
You can only use one code at a time
This is a great deal
We effectively will only pay $2.75 for $15 worth of food