Do You Wash Your Hands After Toilet?

Had this thought that came to mind which I'd like to test with the wider OzBargain audience.

Let's start with the following 2 questions:
1. After you've done your business in the toilet, do you wash your hands (e.g. with soap & water)?
2. Why do you wash your hands?

This is where it gets interesting:
The main question is
When you buckle, button, zip etc. straight after you've done your business, how are you avoiding the 'contamination' from your hands to your garments?

Do you even care? If you don't care, then why are you washing your hands in the first place? Is it because it is habit or the 'social norm'?

Keen to hear your thoughts on it, particular those who are obsessed or pedantic about cleanliness. Let's provoke some discussion!

Poll Options

  • 606
    Yes - I do care about hygiene and use soap
  • 82
    Yes - I do care about hygiene and DO NOT use soap
  • 6
    No - I do not care about hygiene
  • 15
    No - Because I do not see the need to
  • 10
    No - Using the taps etc makes my hands dirtier
  • 12
    No - Because I avoid touching anything in the toilet


    • +5

      Do you handle money? Money is super filthy. But that’s a topic for another time.

  • +2

    Yes and also flush with the lid down because otherwise fecal/urine particles fly around the room and may even land on your toothbrush. I think I saw it on Mythbusters or something.

    • +4

      Who flushes with the lid up?? Especially if it's in your own bathroom!

  • +8

    This entire thread PISSES me off !!!

    • +8

      It's enough to give you the SHITS!!!

      • +4

        Nah, I like this thread it's No. 1!

        • +2

          I feel like it's not getting to the "bottom" of the issue.

    • +7

      What POTTY mouths, all this swearing has me down in the DUMPS

      • +5

        Stop takin da piss

    • +3

      Not my favourite but it is a solid #2.

      • +1

        You're talking crap.
        Did you pull that info out yer ass?
        Sorry to leave you butthurt.
        I ain't taking your bullshit again.
        I mean I'm feeling constipated.
        Better bring my poop knife.
        No shit, sherlock!
        These toiletpaper puns are tearable.
        It's a crappy job, butt someone's gotta doo it.

        • Lol 😂😂

  • +3

    I'm a germaphobe and I have OCD :(, just reading something like this makes me uncomfortable :(.

    When I go I keep my left hand only for clothing, and use my right hand.
    If I use paper I get and fold up a few papers THEN use them with my right hand.
    I turn on the tap with my left hand then press the soap pump with my left hand and the soap goes in my left hand, I then proceed to wash my hands, once my hands are washed I get a little bit of soap and wash the tap then turn the tap off and dry my hands.

    I will never use a public restroom, except once or twice a year but only in the most dir of circumstances.
    When entering the public restroom I open the door with my middle fingers middle phalanx up high on the door where it's unlikely to be opened.
    When opening the restroom door I open the door and close it with my right hand, when finished I open the door with my left hand.
    When drying my hands if there are paper towels I'll pull a paper towel out at The side of the towel instead of at the bottom and fold it so the bottom of the towel is folded inside the towel and dry my hands, if it's a blow dryer I keep my hands at each side of the dryer (I rationalise that people keep there hands in the center and touch the dryer).
    When opening the door there is the lever that closes the door shut, I use that to open the door to avoid touching the handle!

    If I do use a public restroom I always seem to find myself listening and counting how many people wash there hands, how many use soap, how long they wash there hands and how many people don't even wash there hands at all!
    7 out of 12 don't wash they're hands at all, 3 wash they're hands with water and 2 wash there hands with soap.
    Yup men aren't fans of washing they're hands whether it's a number 1 or a 2! I can only speak for men thought.

    I could go on in to more detail but I think you get the idea of someone who has germaphobia and OCD.

    • +2

      I don't think what you do there isn't that uncommon.

      I understand it's a fire safety issue, but pulling a door open to leave a toilet defeats part of the purpose of washing your hands beforehand. If there are paper towels available I'll use them to open the door. If you have ever seen paper towels dropped near the door you'll know someone is thinking along the same lines.

      Supposedly phone screens carry more germs than toilet seats. I don't think my GP cares much. They just installed a self service touch screen device to check in. No hand sanitiser in sight.

      • +1

        I understand it's a fire safety issue,


        If there are paper towels available I'll use them to open the door.

        So that's why there a paper towels near the door lol.

        • +2

          Ha yeah. When I see dropped paper near the door I know I'm not the only crazy one.

          Regarding fire, regs require some doors to swing in the direction of egress. I'm guessing public toilet exits fall under this.

        • +2


          I always thought paper on the floor was people playing around chucking paper lol.

          Ah yes now I understand, the direction of the door opens and closes normally.
          Instead of opening the door and the door moving the lever of the door closer I use the door closer's lever, the direction of the door opens and closes normally.

        • +1

          Because of inconsiderate people who can't just keep the paper towel in their hand and place it in a bin outside.

    • +1

      once my hands are washed I get a little bit of soap and wash the tap then turn the tap off and dry my hands.

      You're doing it the wrong way!!
      If you have to wash the tap (?) then wash it first, before you wash your hands?? The tap is the thing that has everyone's germs on it.

      • +1

        I try not to think about that.

        • +1

          Haha ignorance is indeed bliss :)

    • Didnt think I was OCD but i do a lot of these things .. so must be … our floor has two offices and neither are big for some reason the majority of the males from the other office pee, poop and leave .. so I definetly open the door first then wash my hands with my foot blocking the door…

  • +2

    I avoid grabbing the bathroom door handle where possible. I will usually push on another part of the door to enter. If required to pull use my pinky only.

  • +1

    Definitely wash hands after all no.1's and 2's… and touching clothes shouldn't matter if you wash your clothes regularly.

  • +1

    Poll please

  • +2

    I always wash my hands after toilet and before food handling.

  • +1

    A hahaha… What a Story Moo! Anyway, How's your sex life? Cheeeeep! Cheep Cheeep Cheep Cheep Cheeeeeeep!

    • NO

    • No, I did not hit her, I didn't, it's Bullshit, I did not! Oh hai Mark.

      The Disaster Artist is great too. I recommend it if you like The Room.

  • +1

    Only if I'm out and the water, soap and paper towels are free :)

  • Do you have kids? Most people don't toilet train their kids until late. You should see some poo explosions on their nappies after they've done their business - we saw a mum wipe up her daughter just yesterday at a restaurant. I'm sure some of that will get on the parents' hands and might get rid of OCD tendencies quickly.

  • Yes. I use hands to eat, not my zipper or buckle.

  • +9

    Almost wishing I hadn't clicked on this thread.

    Handwashing is not about adhering to social norms, it's to reduce bacterial load. It's part of why diseases that travel via the faecal-oral route (i.e. dysentery) aren't as much as a problem in developed countries. Yes you might get a tiny bit of bacteria on your hands after washing and drying but it's nothing compared to if you hadn't washed them at all.

    Ssoap and water is best, you're physically washing away the bacteria, not killing it. The handrubs and stuff that kill bacteria are now being found to breed resistant bugs.

    I was going to write a few scenarios but it was a bit nauseating thinking about so I'll just say this. Bugs live on your skin. You can wipe poo away with toilet paper but there's always microscopic bacteria you can't see. They like to walk around the local area. Same with urine bugs. Everyone has bacteria that just hangs out. Your bacteria might not make you sick but it will make others sick. Please wash your hands.

    Here is a fun experiment you might have done in the science lab in high school.

    • +6

      People are disgusting. They touch their dicks then are happy shaking hands with you or eating your chips/popcorn straight after.

      • +2

        F***ing gross.

      • +1

        Especially the ones that don't cover their mouthes when sneezing. Used to shudder everytime someone would sneeze with their mouth open near me when I was working at the supermarket.

        They need to go back to prep to learn basic hygeine

  • -3

    Funny how no one has mentioned sitting on public toilet seats. I NEVER do. I lift the seat and squat (I'm male, BTW). Moreover, I never touch anything in a public toilet with bare hands. Yes, I'm OCD. Anyway, I don't wash my hands after numero uno (can't see why it's necessary unless I pi$$ on my hand - there's more bacteria in tap water, and you can even drink someone else's pi$$ without too many problems) but ALWAYS after wiping my a$$.

    The number of people that drop a load and head straight out the door without hand washing is horrifying (and those who don't even bother flushing should be jailed - and what about those suckers who drop a submarine and don't even wipe their a$$?). I used to see it at work. And I'd see these same farqers shaking hands with clients.

    But short of donning a spacesuit every time you step outside your own home, there's really no getting away from it. As we all know, tests always show that anything that's communal and touched (door handles, work kitchens, library computers and anything public transport, etc.) is rampant with Ecoli. Crikey, they even found Ecoli INSIDE a chiko roll.

    • +3

      Please wash your hands after numero uno. No one wants appendage skin germs.

      • +1

        My girlfriends have never minded.

        • +1

          Congratulations, you must be very proud.

        • Nah, just satisfied.

        • @MissG:


          Note that he used the plural. Sounds like they didn't last long lol

        • +1

          @montorola: He sounds like quite the catch…

    • what about those suckers who drop a submarine and don't even wipe their a$$?

      Wouldn’t their underwear or clothing be smudged with poop? Are you speaking from experience based on what you’ve observed? People can be gross, but having a poop splattered bum walking around.. well that takes the cake.

  • after every pfficeworks inquiry…

  • before, during and after

  • When you buckle, button, zip etc. straight after you've done your business, how are you avoiding the 'contamination' from your hands to your garments?

    Why do you assume that's done BEFORE washing my hands?

    • Whilst it is an assumption, I was following a 'logical' process. Having said that, based on what your comment, how do you personally approach it in a public environment (assuming you actually go to the toilet in public)? I'm intrigued!

      • 1 or #2, wipe, walk to tap, wash hands, dry hands, pull pants up.

        • +2

          1 or #2, wipe, walk to tap, wash hands, dry hands, pull pants up.

          The tap is usually not inside the cubicle.
          Do you do a little shuffle to the tap with your pants around your ankles? Wouldn't you be mopping the floor with your pants?

        • @bobbified: You need to master the skills.

        • @pinkyporkchop:

          "Teach me, master!" haha

  • +2

    I've heard a lot of comments on the subject

    -Washing your hands with soap kills germs (it doesn't, it just disrupts the oil layer that contains them allowing it to be washed away with water, but according to most research the effect is minimal, as in a 30% reduction, and you need to wash your hands thoroughly for 60 seconds, which no one seems to do anyway)
    -Washing hands is unnecessary because you don't piss on your hands (micro droplets spray to the sides no matter how careful you are, and who said the urine was the problem to begin with?)
    -Washing hands is unnecessary because the penis is clean (You're an idiot. Your junk is kept in a hot, humid environment. It's anything but clean)
    -Washing hands is unnecessary because germs are good for our immune system! (The basic structure of your immune system developed millenia ago, when people lived in small tribes, not cities filled with millians of ever changing people each with their own microbiome)

    I'm not sure what to believe anymore. I used to think germs were an enemy that could be defeated through a few simple routines, but now it seems like the world is covered in a thin layer of grime, and the more I worry about it the lower my immune system becomes, so why worry?

    I still wash my hands, but its more a token effort for cultural reasons than anything else. IE I don't want to touch anything your genitals have touched, regardless of the bacteria load they may carry.

    • If you're not sure what to believe, I suggest a literature review. This topic has been extensively researched and published for well over 20 years, it has saved millions of lives. "Germs" is a very very very big umbrella term.

      Here is some reading to start you off:

      • Yeah, but I have the feeling its all a bit of an 'anti-tiger rock' thing. I think having a clean source of water, effective sanitation, widely available healthcare and mass eduction has saved the millions of lives. Handwashing hasn't really done a whole lot unless you're already sick and work in food service.

        One of the better points an opponent of handwashing had in one of the other threads was that it doesn't matter what other people are doing. As long as you wash your hands before eating, you shouldn't get sick. So if you're telling others to wash their hands because you don't want to get sick, you're either an idiot who's bad at handwashing, or you're a hypocrite.

        That one had me stumped for a while

        • It's not that simple. It's not like we only touch our bits and our food. We touch everything. You say that handwashing hasn't done a whole lot because you're not aware of the literature in the area - saying that just falls into this modern situation of everyone online thinking their opinion is better than expertise and the years of research poured into a subject.

          Believe what you want to believe, as I said, it's a well researched area. It's on you if you choose to accept your own opinion over the evidence.

        • @MissG:

          I agree, it's not simple. The literature is either very specific and hard to draw meaningful conclusions from, or it has been dumbed down in an effort to make it accessable to the general population, in which case it is as misleading as it is enlightening (ie the resource you linked to)

          What I think we can agree on, is that on the balance of probabilities handwashing helps prevent the spread of some pathogens, and on the balance of probabilities it would be more helpful than harmful if everyone followed the advised handwashing ritual. But I still maintain doubt as to its importance outside healthcare/food service roles.

          By the way, to anyone curious, the problem I eventually found with the point above was that even if you practice perfect hygene yourself, you still need to use eating utensils, open drawers, work taps, access food in fridges. Every time you touch something its a route for contamination, so unless you clean everything before you use it and eat steralized food out of disposable sealed containers, you're going to risk getting sick. At some point the time spent cleaning everything exceeds the time lost to sickness.

          If I had my way it would be standard protocol to wear a mask when outside, steralize all eating utensils with a burst of UV light before using, avoid eating food and drink from foreign sources and maintain a proper diet and excercise to reinforce the immune system as much as practical, but I'm guessing most people would find that excessive.

        • @outlander: I don't think there's any need to be all or nothing about it. If the balance of evidence is in favour of handwashing, and it only takes 15-60 seconds of your day and isn't really an inconvenience, then it's a sensible thing to do. We are not aiming for perfection, we are aiming for an overall reduced bacterial load.

  • But how many people wash their mobile phone after they take a dump?

    People use their mobiles while sitting out it somewhere while wiping and then give it to their kids to play or pass it to their friends to show something.

    And they even put it to their faces to talk.

    The worst. Mobile phones on the dining table.

    • I make it a point not to use the phone whilst taking a dump. I've actually even seen individuals watching movies on their phone whilst they are on the urinal. I'm sure things like that can wait? Priorities I guess?

      • They are sitting on the urinal?

        • Nay. Standing up.

    • +1

      Oh sweet jesus.

  • Poll added based on popular demand.

  • +1

    Male - number 1 no, number 2 yes

    • +3

      Number 1 so much more splashy than no 2 though. Please wash your hands.

      • -1

        IF i were to get piss on my hands, which i don't then yes of course i would wash them.

        • +2

          I'm amazed. In spite of all the evidence for hand washing, all the public education campaigns, the fact that so many people think that they don't get bacteria on their hands from handling their own genitals is just astounding. Please, don't let me stop you from your opinion getting in the way of all that.

        • @MissG:
          We expose ourselves to all manner of bacteria and germs all day everyday yet do not wash our hands.
          Handrails on stairs/escalators, door knobs, trains, buses, hot desking etc.

          For the record, i do when i'm at work as it covers me off several times a day for the above, but no i do not do it at home. I do wash my hands before cooking/prepping food.

        • @ribze1: Well clearly that makes all the evidence that handwashing after using the toilet completely moot then, I'm sure they didn't think of that when they were conducting that research. Again, carry on letting your opinion outweigh the expertise.

        • +4

          OK, now listen here; and this goes for all those with genetalia germ phobia. If genitals were the harbourers of such infectious and potentially deadly bacteria, then boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives would be dropping like flies. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. It goes against any theory of evolution of the species you follow, including creationism. Sure, we've all been to fish markets, and old ball sack sweat can curl the hairs in anyone's nose; BUT IT AIN'T GONNA KILL YA. Got it?

          Of course, Ecoli is a completely different ball game.

        • +2

          @Ozpit: No it may not harm the healthy people around you. But when you shake the hand of someone undergoing chemotherapy, elderly, very young, or immunocompromised in any other way, then you're putting them at risk.

          Secondly, we have gastro outbreaks for a reason.

  • +3

    Please lord wash your hands.

    Yes the toilet flush button, stall lock, taps and bathroom exit door are the dirtiest and you should use a paper towel. The moment you push that door open on your exit you're contaminated again because there are plenty of gross people who don't wash their hands.

    • I don't think they are going to listen. :|

    • I wash then use a paper towel to open the door. They've placed a bin there just for that. After swiping through the security door, I push the door rather than touch the handle.

      I was never this ocd about it, but noticing guys at work doing a number 2 then just walk out without washing…..or even better, a number one, then using that same hand to drink water from the tap. Animals….

      • Yep agreed. I'm not OCD about cleanliness at all but I've seen public/work bathrooms are pretty gross.

        Let's not talk about the actual toilet seat =/

        • Worst thing is when the toilet seat is covered with #2 stains. It really intrigues me how someone can get it on the seat and I’m not talking about those mini splashes from a case of bad diarrhoea! I’m not surprised if some people actually squat on the toilet seat itself.

  • I don't use soap when I go for a number 1 in the urinal.

  • this thread is getting shitty. no pun intended XD XD XD

  • +4

    I feel like as a modern society the least we can do to stop the spread of pink eye and other miscellaneous shit-related diseases is to spend the 5 seconds extra it takes to wash our hands. It's not hard, and honestly quite disgusting if you don't.

    • Well it should be 60 extra seconds but we'll take what we can get

  • I wash my hands regardless, but not gonna lie, I don't use soap if it was just a number one

  • +3

    So let me get this straight. Dudes don't wash their hands after number one, so they hold their own junk, then afterward, go and shake hands with other people. So you've all got each others gear all over your hands.

    • +3

      As soon as I see a guy not washing, I never shake their hand again. I even told one bloke who went in for a hand shake that I'm not shaking his hand. When asking why, I told him why. What a stunned mullet he was.

    • +1

      That's why us men hardly get sick, cause we're constantly building up our resistance to bacteria

      calmly puts on sunglasses

      • +1
        • clutches pearls *
  • -1

    I will if i get urine or faeces on my hands/arm, but usually dont have time to wash my hands if no visible contamination.

  • +1

    In Japan the doors are always designed so you don't have to touch them on your way out. Here they have them with handles and often inward opening so you have to get a firm grip on it to get out. It's a very sad situation.

    • Singapore is similar too.

  • +4

    Me and my work colleagues used to keep a running excel sheet at work of people that didn't wash their hands so we knew who to avoid getting in contact with. Had an assortment of charts and graphs along with a probability calculation per department.

    So yeah…. wash your hands, always.

    • That cracked me up, thanks for the laugh!

  • +1

    If you just peed and didnt wash your hands and went straight to shaking someone's hand, that's a bit of a dick move.

    • For women is it a vagina move?

      • vagienic

  • +1

    This is for the clean freaks/OCD people out there… I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned in the replies… maybe I missed it.

    Most people wash their hands after for reason discussed in this tread…. but in reality people should be washing their hands BEFORE, especially if you're a guy.

    Your hands get dirty throughout the day from touching the keyboard/table/phone/door knobs/dirty rags/stuff etc… the list goes on.

    so when you pull out your junk with your dirty hands, all that germs is going to just get onto your privates. Keep in mind your privates was most probably clean before maybe with some sweat as its usually fully covered by at least 2 layers of clothing (underwear + pants/shorts/jeans/etc.)

    I guess it depends on the purpose of washing your hands, is it to improve your personal hygiene or the hygiene of others or both if you decide to wash before and after.

    I now wash before and after… I only started doing this because I watched a documentary (couldn't find it) and it had this thought exercise which brain F**ked my inner OCD.

  • +1

    I think it's more gross when guys just finish doing no 1 at the urinal, give it a shake and they're done. I'm ocd where I need to wipe my d!ck after peeing so there's no dribble afterwards (sorry tmi)

  • Nope, I use my xiaomi automatic handsfree bluetooth bum washer

  • Yes - I do care about hygiene but the soap is OZBARGAINED!

  • Actually I always wash my hands every time I go to a public toilet.
    1: Germs everywhere, not so much on my Weiner, but doors, buttons….everywhere. Just because I was, doesn't mean everyone does and they have to open the doors
    2: Just being out in public. Lots of germs, especially cold viruses. The more you wash your hands the less likely to catch a cold

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