Had this thought that came to mind which I'd like to test with the wider OzBargain audience.
Let's start with the following 2 questions:
1. After you've done your business in the toilet, do you wash your hands (e.g. with soap & water)?
2. Why do you wash your hands?
This is where it gets interesting:
The main question is
When you buckle, button, zip etc. straight after you've done your business, how are you avoiding the 'contamination' from your hands to your garments?
Do you even care? If you don't care, then why are you washing your hands in the first place? Is it because it is habit or the 'social norm'?
Keen to hear your thoughts on it, particular those who are obsessed or pedantic about cleanliness. Let's provoke some discussion!
Do you handle money? Money is super filthy. But that’s a topic for another time.