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Sony KD70X6700E 70" UHD 4K HDR LED Smart TV $1,999 | Sony KD60X6700E 60" UHD 4K HDR $1299 Delivered @ Sony


Great prices on these Sonys, get in quick, not sure how long the prices will remain low.

Sony KD60X6700E 60" UHD Smart LED TV

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Sony Australia

closed Comments

  • +5

    These are only 50 hz tv's btw. Good for the Mums and Dads that want just a big tv.

    • +2

      That was the one thing that really put me off this model.

    • +5

      It's 4k, good luck finding another TV in this price range that's 4k and above 60 Hz.

      Most that claim to be higher either do it through a strobe party, which can make people nauseous, or interpolation, which can have a soap opera effect.

      • This was the Tv I told my folks to get : Panasonic 65Ex600 $1499 JB price matched as myer was all out of stock.

      • +1

        Good luck trying to get some of the folk on here to actually understand display hz and source content, or even panel quality.

    • +1

      This or the bauhn that's going on sale in three days?

    • Are Hisense N7s 100hz?

      • Yes

      • got a 65n7

        sexy af.

        • Really liked the 65n7 3 years warranty n sleek looking 100hz
          Had to return it had issues with arc
          Would stop working if there was arc amp and another product connected (Apple TV) arc would stop working.

          Also was controlling the Apple TV in the background even though I was on FTA TV

          No such dramas on Samsung tv setup at all.

          still a good product though.

    • 100hz tv make much of a difference to 25fps content (eg a movie)?

      • +5

        Yeah - I still don't understand the hz function on a tv properly.

        I hate it when my content looks like it's in ffwd/too smooth.

    • +5

      50hz is really all you need for movies and TV. Anything higher than 60hz makes movies look cheap & soapy. 100+ hz can be cool for sports, games and 3D.

      Films are shot at 24/25 fps with a 180 degree shutter, translating to respectively 48/60hz for 24fps and 50hz for 25 fps.

      or in layman's terms, anything higher than 60hz will have the television 'make up' (interpolate) frames that don't exist, unless your source material was actually shot at 100+hz. That makes the moving image look very fluent and smooth, a bit like a cheap video camera or soap opera.

      • How about the console game? I understand even the xbox one X struggles to render 4K at 60Hz.

      • Films are shot at 24/25 fps with a 180 degree shutter, translating to respectively 48/60hz for 24fps and 50hz for 25 fps.

        that used to be so until The Hobbit. Unlike Blu-Ray format, UHD allows higher frame rate.
        Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk was shot at 120 and presented on UHD at 60. Nothing cheap & soapy about reality.

        • +2

          Have you actually SEEN it in 120 fps though? I believe only a handful of theatres in the world could actually display the full 120 fps. Maybe 5 cinemas? The rest all play it out in traditional framerates.

          I'll try the 60fps UHD then, thanks for the tip. But IMHO the high-frame rate version of the Hobbit looked terrible. And I'm not alone in that.

      • Thanks. This will definitely help me with my next TV purchase :)

  • +7

    Thanks for posting!

    • +17

      Thanks for thanking.

      • +15

        Thanks for acknowledging the thanks.

        • +20

          Thanks for staying tight.

        • +5

          @Scab: Broden / Scab / Tight Arse. Lmao, If there were ever a succession of names to describe ozbargain, that would be it! +1

        • @LiMaaa: What about jv ?

        • +1

          @Jamiea: Well yes, but the focus was the names general meaning, not the users stance within the community.

  • +10

    I like how Sony doesn't do those awful full width stands.

    • +2

      Depending on your setup, having a Sony style stand means not having to buy a new cabinet. Brother bought a hisense and ended up having to extend the cabinet top so that he could fit it on the cabinet.

      TL;DR: check the width of your cabinet against the legs of the TV if you intend to sit it on top

    • You can't fit a soundbar under a Sony, unless you had plenty of cabinet depth.

  • -2

    Save your money and get an OLED

    • +3

      That you Dave?

    • +5

      Cool, lend me the extra grand?

      • I just purchased an LG 55" OLED for $1888 (LG B7). Fantastic quality, and personally I think the size trade-off is worth it.

  • A bit disappointed that Sony started using Linux instead of Android on lots of models recently. Used to be able to install setbox apps in the TV instead of attaching a physical box.

    • +1

      Agreed. I love my Sony with android running Kodi. No plans for Kodi on webos either which sucks.

      • Kodi has Linux app?

        • I think there is one for Linux. But the actual installation is not as easy as the Andriod version.

        • @allenrong88: If it was actually Linux it would be easier.. Unfortunately, WebOS is as much Linux as Mac OSX is.

    • +2

      A bit disappointed that Sony started using Linux instead of Android on lots of models recently.

      Generally only on their lower end models, they still use Android on the more expensive TVs.

    • Android is coming back and better than ever, soon.

    • -1

      I don't know, some of the Android TV units were SLOOOOOOW. Like more than a minute from power to any useful picture at all slow. I know I tried some in a shop.

      • I agree to this but find it a non-issue. how often do you power off your tv, everyday?

        • I have an android Sony TV - agree, non-issue. Might power mine off maybe 3 or 4 times a year. The rest of the time it wakes up pretty much instantly from standby.

  • Price drop due to 2018 models being released soon?

  • +1

    Can someone comment on the display quality when viewing 1080p content?

    Is the Hertz only an issue when watching fast moving scenes like sports/action scenes. Thanks

    • +1

      have not noticed any issues so far.
      We watch NBA and it has no issues.

  • I bought the KD60X6700E from the good Guys a few weeks ago and they price matched Costco Price of $1149.00.

    Very happy with it. I suppose the haters will say they can get much greater (insert spec here) from other tv's but hey these guys probably overclock their computers too.

    • do you notice any performance issues with movies and light gaming (FIFA)?

      I don't play a lot of console games.

      It'll mainly be for watching TV and movies.
      Would this be suitable?

      • i have no performance issues
        Very happy

        • +3

          I'm sure the missus is also happy with that comment.

        • I think the issue is value for inches and refresh rate now

    • its actually got good reviews, a very good tv for gaming :) motion etc is very good and it punches above its weight.. :) so great buy!

  • +1

    whats the difference between this and the X7000E's? which one is supposed to be better?

    • 6000 Series is OEM

      • sorry. i am a noob : ) meaning that they are Sony? :)

        • Yes, it's Sony. Just not manufactured by Sony. I rather go Hisense instead if it's 6000 series Sony IMO

        • @scorpiosony:
          hmmm noted! thank you so much. I actually decided on what to get. its going to be either X8500E or Sammy MU7000 in 55inch (what do you think??). however they never go below $1K. But I am patient. I am going to wait

        • +1

          If you have budget, always go Sony :D

        • +1

          @kley78: You can download some 4K videos from below to a USB 3.0 Drive and bring to the store to try on the TV

        • @scorpiosony: thanks heaps!

        • @scorpiosony:
          i wanted to hear this too : ))) I will wait for Sony then..

  • Costco ACT has the 70" for 1949.99. You could buy a membership for $60, then buy the tv. Then you have a lifetime warranty. My understanding is that if your Costco membership ceases, as long as you renew it when you later want to claim the warranty, they will honour it. Just cannot purchase or claim warranty without a current membership.

    One other shortcoming to this plan is that you need to transport the tv home yourself whereas Sony Online will ship it to you.


    • Then you have a lifetime warranty. My understanding is that if your Costco membership ceases, as long as you renew it when you later want to claim the warranty, they will honour it.

      That's a myth.


      • I'll take your word on it but it looks like that thread isn't really a definitive source. As people there mention it's a satisfaction guarantee and it's still displayed on their website with no caveats about time limits. If the TV dies, that isn't satisfying. As far as how this plays out in real life, I don't know. I'm googling away trying to find something more on the topic but what you linked is the top result on google

        • They don't state a time limit, or provide any terms so their "guarantee" is purely fluff and discretionary. I've read plenty of comments about them not honouring the guarantee in the US.

        • @psdillon:

          Yeah but there was a widely publicised tightening of the rules on that in the US Costco's. Whether or not that applies here is a bit ambiguos.

    • Anyone know if Costco Melbourne has the same deal?

  • +1

    Seems like price is back to normal? Anyone else have the same problem?

    • Reduced price is still there for me(I’m on mobile)

  • Is this good for 4k console gaming?

  • +2

    Price has gone back to the discount also is avaliable at JB HI-FI

  • +2

    Reduced prices are still available, deal not expired

  • Harvey Norman, Videopro and JB have this around the same price - if only there was an ebay deal now!

    • Wait for Bing Lee’s turn :)

    • Ebay deal in 2 days for videopro. comes out to be $1,811.7 including shipping and after Cashback.

      • Cheers. saw that. pity their ebay price is higher than in store. $1600 would have been great.

      • They pushed the price to $2392. no deal.

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