Had a cheap Canon printer but it won't print full page and now run out ink so looking for replacement. Only use it for occasionally like 1-2 times a month, very light use.
Suggestions for All in One Inkjet Printer for under $100

Last edited 07/01/2018 - 21:34
I rarely use my Canon inkjet, only once every 3-6 months and I've never had an issue with ink.
Had purchased this one for $11.90 back in January last year. Still prints fine to this day. Similar model on sale for $19 at Big W if you're interested. Some other options too, although I'm not sure how well they are;
I just buy new printers for $20-30 when I run out of ink, it's the cheapest way.
Yea, as Diji said.
I get all in one printers for my family from officeworks for $30-$40.and the old printer become landfill? better get laser
The question wasn't about landfill, it was about a cheap printer.
No one is running out of room for landfill in the next ten thousand years.
I agree that it's probably the cheapest way but such a waste of resources! Given how much enviro scrutiny there is on all other industries I'm surprise there hasn't been a focus on the printing industry to curb this sort of behaviour.
Sorry? What resources do you believe we're running out of?
I don't believe chillybags mentioned running out of resources, rather a "waste" of resources.
And it is. 19 dollar printer. Buy, chuck, rinse, repeat.
You may have to update your printer drivers if its not printing a full page could be just a software config problem. Otherwise just order a cheap refill kit from china/ebay and refill the cartridge. Though if the head is clogged from dried ink you may have to soak the head in some warm water overnight before refilling and printing again. I also use my printer once a month or so to print kids coloring stuff and have survived on a double pack of refills for almost 2 years now.
After carefully researching the topic of printers just a few weeks ago and comparing user reviews, Choice reviews and the personal reccomendation of Rihac's technical Officer I settled on a Canon PIXMA TS2090 and a reusable ink cartridge set from Rihac.
The printer itself is currently on clearance at office works for $129 which falls about $29 over your budget, however I have no hesitation in recommending this printer.
In terms of ink the best bet no doubt is to go the CISS or reusable cartridge way. I personally chose the reusable cartridges set, again based on the reccomendation of the Rihac technical Officer based on my usuage. Rihac's system are the most dearest, and there other other cheaper versions, but due to their premium ink and everyone's general opinion on them I thought it was safer in the long term. I have tried Mir-Aus with a CISS and that lasted me a long time, but I think my lack of usage was not sufficient to keep the Ciss unit and the printer in good condition and eventually stoped printing properly, lasted me almost 3 years so it paid itself off no doubt, I only went the Rihac route because of the superb customer service I received pre-sales and reading about their ink technology.
That's my personal opinion though, and like any opinion it's very subjective.
Sorry model number for the Canon PIXMA should be TS9060.
Most HP ones use a 63XL ink cartridge. I would this large capacity compatible one and it works fine. Works out about 3 cents per black & white page.
The Brother ones with individual cartridges are good too. It used to cost me around $10 per year in ink before the printer died.
Ive heard the cheaper the printers cost the greater the ink cost over time…?
Your ink will dry up fairly quick. A toner based printer may be better long term…