If you are a Microsoft OEM Partner or System Builder, you can complete their 18-minute training session about Office 2007 to receive a $25 fuel card, and to go into a draw to win a Samsung Blackjack.
Microsoft $25 Fuel Card & Comp - COMP INDUSTRY ONLY

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At http://www.microsoft.com/oem/australia/officeready/training.… it says:
"Take the 2007 Office eLearning for System Builders and Resellers between 18 February 2008 and 28 March 2008 and earn yourself a $25 petrol voucher and the chance to win a Samsung Blackjack. Everyone who passes will also receive a 2007 Microsoft Office Certificate.
This 18-minute online course describes the Microsoft Office Ready program highlights, the business opportunity, and key technical features of Microsoft Office Ready PCs. Discover the benefits of pre-installing the 2007 Microsoft Office system.
If you have any difficulties logging on, or for any further assistance in oem training, please contact [email protected]"
So if you did everything you were meant to and are an OEM partner, and it didn't say you would get a voucher, then perhaps you need to email them?
how do you get the Fuel Card? I answered all questions correctly and dont see anything?