This was posted 7 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xiaomi Smart Mi Air Purifier 2 Smartphone Control US $124/ AU $168.47 Delivered @ LightInTheBox

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Only for first 100 Orders.


• Original xiaomi smart mi air purifier mini second generation for daily use
• The standard mode of purification capacity up to 330 cubic meters per hour, the purification area can be up to 23.1 - 39.6 square meters
• The super mode of purification capacity up to 380 cubic meters per hour, the purification area can be up to 27.2 - 46.6 square meters
• Occupies an small area, high efficient purification performance
• Double fan four wind circulation system, can effectively clean air circulation to sites throughout the whole house
• Dual fan, four air ducts for large indoor circulation
• Produces nearly 10000 liters of clean air per minute
• Real-time air quality monitor and auto speed control
• Smartphone remote control and alerts
• Working modes: Automatic mode, sleeping mode, high speed mode, timing mode, etc.
• Suitable for children, cubicle, study, bedroom, bathroom and other place
• With the installation guide, easy and fast to install
• Xiaomi air purifier can effective adsorb of formaldehyde, removal of the second hand smoke, dust, filter PM2.5 provides health space for you
• Provides comfortable living / learning / office environment for you and your family

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closed Comments

  • Mine hasn't even arrived yet and I want to buy another. I think one per room should be suitable.

  • +3

    Where do you buy the replacement filters?

  • Mine arrived today from tomtop eBay, have been running it today but gonna get another for the another room.

    • Noticed any difference ?

      • I suppose if it weren't better it would be weird to buy another after a day, but yeah, I'd like to hear the first impressions, too!

  • Thanks OP finally didn't miss one of the deals on this!

  • Why do you need an air purifier in Australia? it's designed for polluted China.

    • +3

      Allergies? Flu season? The air around us isn't as pure as you would think.

    • +3

      Air quality can get pretty bad during bushfire season.

    • +5

      I feel like this question is posted everytime this product is listed on ozb.

      TLDR - people have allergies, homes that attract dust and allergens

      • "I feel like this question is posted everytime this product is listed on ozb."

        • Is it C tick approved??? You're going to kill your family.

        • Can this be controlled via wifi??? Google home is on wifi which is a security risk which will kill your family.

        Will you die without air purifiers, almost certainly not but there's still dust and other particles in the air-
        I presume the people that ask why we need them don't have a desktop computer which ingests the dust from your environment.

    • +18

      Several reasons :)

      -Filters pollen and other allergens, great for hayfever sufferers.

      -Filters airborne dust leaving less dust to land and build up on surfaces - so you won't have to clean as often.

      -Filters lots of other airborne particles which could contribute to less mould and mildew growth.

      -Filters out pollution coming in from nearby external traffic or building sites etc. Despite Aussie air being overall cleaner than China that may not be the case for your home if you live right next to a big building site, main road with heavy traffic, industrial area etc.

      -You live in an area where lots of people still have wood heaters which pollutes the air nearby. Maybe you even have a wood heater and when you open it to load up more wood some smoke escapes into the room. This will help filter that smoke out quickly.

      -You leave windows closed for security when you are out or at night, this will help stop the air from becoming as "stale" inside.

      So many people seem to think Australia is some amazing place of pristine air quality all round. May have been the case several hundred years ago, but I think the industrial revolution put a stop to that. While it's pretty good in many areas, we do have big cities, traffic, industries, power plants etc that all have a large effect on the quality of the air around us. An air purifier can at least help clean up the air in your home.

        • +2

          Oh sorry I didn't realize I was on an assignment?? Feel free to look the information up yourself, read about air filtration/purification systems and you'll find they are capable of the exact things I've mentioned. If you are incapable of verifying a random comment on the internet yourself then I'm afraid it is you that has "failed" :)

        • -8

          @Zenskas: it was a joke, lighten up.

        • @insular: 14 other people think it was a crap joke :P

        • @Zenskas: you never know how it will pan out with the ozbargain humour police.

      • +1

        You forgot smokers. Chinese and Japanese smoke indoors a lot.

        • That's true, it will indeed help filter tobacco smoke if you are an indoor smoker (or have neighbors that smoke near your open windows a lot).

    • Even in Japan they still sell the air purifiers. I got one from Muji and I think this Xiaomi one has a very similar design.

      • Even in Japan they still sell the air purifiers.

        What do you mean by they still do ??

        • Didn't you hear? They were banned in most countries due to them becoming excessively violent Autobots. Japan will sold them though, as their robot technology in their vacuums are superior, eliminating the threat.

  • is this better than having plants in the living room?

    • Both would be beneficial as plants can have a positive subconscious effect

      • My plant is a port filterer of pollen though..

  • +20

    Got an extra $10 USD saving using coupon: MO15USCJJAN
    Bringing the total to $151.24 AUD
    You're welcome
    EDIT: plus dont forget 5% cashrewards

    • AHHH. Wish I read your edit before I purchased. But thanks for the coupon! hah

    • thanks bud

    • Thank you! Finally pulled the trigger to buy at $116 USD + 5% cashback

    • Bummer also missed the code by a few mins. Thanks for posting however.

  • +3

    My partner has severe asthma and allergies, since purchasing one of these and placing it in the area of the house that we spend most of our time, her hay-fever and sneezing has been minimised a substantial amount - when we move into a place of our own, I will be purchasing more of these. It will be interesting to see how things fare in Spring.

    As a side note, being able to control this from my phone wherever I go is fantastic. I was able to turn it off from the other side of the Yorke Peninsula. I'm becoming a Xiaomi fanboy.

  • MO15USCJJAN code worked for me too, $114US delivered. good price :)

  • Thinking of getting this for the office at home to help keep dust out of my computer, anyone experienced a decrease of dust on computer filters after running one?

    • I would say not really. This would be an expensive way to try and reduce dust and spending the money on a better case would have a more direct effect.

      I went from a Silverstone Fortress FT02 (rotated motherboard, bottom fan intakes) which I never cleaned in 5 years and had next to no dust.

      I upgraded 6 months ago to a Fractal Design Define C (front intakes) which has already accumulated more dust.

    • It will reduce airborne dust a little as any air that passes through it will have most dust filtered out, but if you are getting it only for dust reduction you may be a little disappointed. You'll still have to dust your computer out to keep it clean, it just might extend the time between cleans a bit.

      As bxpressiv says, spending that same amount of money on a better case could be more advantageous. You want to look for something with positive airflow pressure coming in through properly filtered intakes. Positive airflow just means that you have more air coming into the case than is getting sucked out. This in turn pressurizes the inside of the case a little, enough to stop most dust from entering the case through any unfiltered exhaust vents. The idea being that all air coming into the case will now have to pass through the filtered intakes, and then you only need to quickly clean those filters every 1-3 months to keep them unblocked.

      I've got a couple PC's running nearly everyday - setup with positive airflow coming through filtered intakes, even after a year the dust inside the case has been kept to a thin layer which has not affected temperatures at all.

  • I'm highly allergic to dust. I have a basic air filter, just a fan with water, and it helps a bit. Is this actually high quality? Would it help more than a basic filter?

    • +1

      Is this actually high quality?

      I can vouch for the quality, bought one from Tomtop ebay seller for $180 delivered. Very happy with it.

      At this price, I couldn’t resist and just ordered another one for AU $145.78 + 5% Cashrewards (~$7).

      Strongly Recommended

  • Thanks OP, just bought my second one.

  • Just bought one

    Is this version 2?

    Is it better than version 1?

    • +1

      Version 2 added support for the new generations of bacteria, and updated it's pollen library to include newer pollen versions for 2018 compatibility.

      • Thanks for the info Salmando. Can't wait till it arrives

  • Price went up already

    Guess first 100 orders have been made

    • I guessed I made the 100th order. Right after my order the price went up.

      Thanks OP for posting.

  • Anyone know what is the warranty period for this product?

    It is not mention on the website.

  • -4

    if only people realized how useless these air filters are. Hint..Get a dylos air monitor to see how useless they clean air -…
    as someone whose performed tests on this unit, the results were subpar.

    • So … what did you discover? And what did you find that was better? How much better?

      • +3

        Why spend $460 on a air quality device?

        • +1

          And should spent 460 on 4x air purifiers instead. 1 in each corner, must test well now

        • Ever wonder why the unit has ZERO certifications? Because to get proper certifications, it needs to past certain industry tests.

      • He said the same in my deal and was comparing this to a $529 Air Purifier. I can see why he came to that conclusion.

        Similar to my results. It also failed in Chinese tests -…
        Seems the air filteration is slightly improved in v2, but just marginally to past test.

        • +1

          This link has been discussed:…

          The data shows that when it's working (first 3 hours of data) it's fine and then it goes onto auto. That article rightly shows that auto is ineffective because it isn't aggressive enough, probably to reduce noise.

          If the guy set his favourite fan speed as it was at the start of the test (it doesn't default to auto any more) the data would probably show a flat line along the bottom in the safe levels.

          Even if it doesn't perform as well as the other devices it tests against (minus DIY if you can be bothered), it's about one fifth the price of them. So you've basically linked an article showing it is reasonably effective when the fan is at the correct speed. Where's your data and testing methodology which contradicts the article you linked?

        • @bxpressiv: I put the Xiaomi in my bedroom and as the article states putting it on auto is useless. To have any sort of decent filtering it had to be put on a higher fan speed which is akin to having a 3000rpm fan turned on. The BlueAir unit is barely audible and the filtering results were nearly 2x better. It's hard to describe it, most people won't understand. It's like trying to convince someone who isn't an overclocker that installing a Noctua heatsink is better than using a stock heatsink. Most people are happy with the stock, and besides, it's air filtration. Most people won't even tell the difference unless they suffer from heavy asthma, etc. The true test is for those who suffer from allergies, asthma. They will quickly realize that these units are basically useless and you probably end up saving more money leaving it off since it'll add a few dollars to your annual power bill. I couldn't find any certifications on the Xiaomi site. If there were any, they would be boasting about it. That already tells you all you need to know. Look, I love Xiaomi products, I have their security sensors, bluetooth speakers, headphones, mobile phones. Most are good. They really need to step up their game on this unit which I know will happen because it's Xiaomi, however the current 1/2 releases are subpar. It's also good that people are buying these units because the demand will drive them to keep innovating. I just thought I'd share my experience since I did invest nearly $500 usd buying a Dylos and it really opened my eyes on the number of useless air filters on the market. I have something like 6 different air filters, some bought from HN+Good Guys and most of them are junk. The absolute best onees are from but they cost a fortune. The cheapest home ones I found that were on similar levels of filteration were from Blueair.

        • It didn't need to be put on a higher fan speed, it needed to be set on high and stay on high like the other devices. The BlueAir is rated at 56db and the Xiaomi 64db, neither of which is whisper quiet. The Xiaomi app has 11 speed settings and the top end are the only real loud ones.

          You have the tools, why not re-do the test using his methodology and show us the data? It's pretty clear his data is invalid and he hasn't attempted to readdress it, it's almost like he's trying to sell something….Oh wait!

          I agree most people won't be sensitive to it, but it clears smoke, dust and cooking oils a treat.

          What results had the BlueAir as two times better?

    • Source?

    • +2

      Why then does the filter have obvious build up on it after a certain period of time? If it's useless then it shouldn't be trapping anything at all…granted you can only see the bigger particles of dust trapped in the filter, but I'm assuming it's trapping other stuff too as many allergy sufferers have noticed a difference.

  • +1

    does this remove excessive bong smoke?

    • More than likely it would. As someone says above they are good for smokers homes or neighbours smoke drifting across so this would be good for clearing up a smokey room.

      You could go one better and draw the smoke through the filter…also could probably cut up the filter when finished and smoke that to get the residue out of it.

    • Blow your hit straight into the intake of the purifier and I reckon it will clean it right out. Smokers have found this device helps when they smoke inside and they are puffing cigarettes which produce more smoke overall. Tobacco smoke is also is very sticky and sticks to everything over time, something that cannabis smoke does not do.

  • Deal is back on again

    • Thanks for your comment. I thought I missed this deal, but managed to buy one last night with coupon code.

    • +1

      Plus ~USD20 delivery (this original post included delivery)

      • Disregard my last, it's changed back again, Gearbest is funky like that. I have no idea how they do their inventory management, I had one shipped free previously and now most of the time it's not. Or my page/dollar conversion didn't load properly which could be equally likely.

  • Used coupon code CU1EUTDJAN to bring US$10 OFF. Total paid US$113.84.

    This is our 2nd purchase. Both me & my son have severe hay fever & since we installed it few days ago, sneezing is a lot less.

    Does anyone know if this one come with AU plug?

    Thanks, OP!

    Other coupon code references:


    Don't forget 5% cashrewards :)

  • @monty.melb
    Why, when checking order details, does it say Estimated shipping date: January 14, 2018?? Was that mentioned somewhere and I didn't notice! Processing time should be 2-4 days and I ordered on the 4th!

  • I picked up mine from my local post office today. It was arrived on Friday, 19 Jan.

    My payment was confirmed on 6 Jan, order shipped on 11 Jan (received email on 12 Jan).

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