All reduced by 75%
From $20 to $5
And lot other chocolates for $1 ( 5 pack of Cadbury bars ) and walkers 800g box is also $5
All reduced by 75%
From $20 to $5
And lot other chocolates for $1 ( 5 pack of Cadbury bars ) and walkers 800g box is also $5
Could you pls post more details? Instore or online?
Diabetes has never been cheaper!
I stand corrected!
The 90% cocoa stuff lindt sell has 6.5 grams of sugar per 100 grams. So that's the best option. That's less sugar than what 100mls of orange juice has. I won't drink fruit juice, may as well be drinking coke.
not all juices are created equal. similar to your point about chocolate. be smart and you can still enjoy a juice or two.
Yes, but you are still better eating fruit whole then you get some fibre as well as the nutrients.
Which store location did you see these at would be helpful?
All stores confirmed
But this is at q.v. melb cbd
Not at Ryde Sydney.
This is bad news for weight related new year resolutions!
I was hoping to be alive until next Christmas
This depends on the type you eat and how well you moderate yourself. I eat chocolate everyday and I'm not gaining weight. Still have a nice low body fat percentage. Would love to gain some muscle, Fortunately there's more protein than sugar in the chocolate I eat. :)
Does this include the 90% 100g blocks?
It’s this . It’s off the Lindt XMAS range not normal range.…
This is an important detail that the OP left out. I can go in store with a name and that might help. A vague description not so much. A picture of the product itself is ideal. Thanks Gearup
My local BigW and Woolworths already have chocolate rabbits in stock for Easter… only three months to go. Buy now while stocks last!
And Coles now have Hot Cross Buns in store. What a time to be alive.
Melbourne Big W is all Christmas food related items 75% off. They have a lot of the Lindt boxes left as of ~2pm.
Canberra has heaps too. It’s only the Christmas related Lindt which is cheap. Regular Lindt boxes are full price. Great deal, I stocked up! Thanks OP.
Which of the four stores in Canberra? Online doesn't show stock levels or prices on food items last I checked
Canberra Centre. Not available online, In store only
Ah Xmas sorted thanks.
buy now put in the cupboard the xmas this year
Best before April 2018
Mine is in the fridge. It will be 39C here Saturday and 44C Sunday.
Coles also have clearance Lindt. $19 down to $5
Thanks for your sweet news.
Does anyone know whether other Xmas stock is now 75 percent off at Big W, or whether it's only consumables?
All Christmas stock including lighting
When I was in Big W today in QV there were Christmas Tree and Ginger Bread Man trays, soft toys, decorations etc. The woolworths near it had Almond Shortbread for $3.
I took the last box of Lindt $20 marked down to $5 400g chocolates at BigW Colonnades SA. They still had a lot of other brands of chocolates and cakes.
Vendor in title please.