Email only special.
ZT102 Multimeter (aka Aneng AN8002)
I was looking for a cheap multimeter for low voltage electronics and this seems like a reasonable deal. Not recommended for mains voltage. Cheapest price i can see was $8.99 for a coupon code a few months ago. Well reviewed.…
Edited: oxymoron posted a $8.99 coupon in comments below. Coupon now expired.
Edit #2: if looking for a more expensive multimeter with better safety check out . . Please do your research if you are using 240 volt though, I'm not an electrician.
Edit #3 not expired, see below comments can still buy for 9.99usd via your Personal email link or ozb add.
Edit #4 another coupon HNYear014
Edit #5 another coupon HNYear338 (thanks chibot)
Fantastic deal, got mine from Banggood for $14ish on sale and it is a great multimeter.