Has anyone of you come across some great value smartphone insurance? Can be Australian or global..
Best Insurance for a Smartphone

Just make sure you back it up
I previously posted about https://www.trov.com/protect/phones
and people seemed very happy with that.
https://www.covertec.com.au/I had a read of the Covertec FSG to look at the exclusions and I find it interesting they don't provide cover for "muggings".
(page 4)
Cover will not be available:
• If the loss of the equipment occurs due to :
-muggingIf someone was to threaten you with a knife on the street and demanded your wallet and mobile phone, it's not covered? There's likely to be a police report that comes along with, so I'm a bit surprised that's an exclusion.
I have seen clauses like this before, often on travel policies.
Insurers try to minimize their exposure by trying to insist
you have the phone on your person or even in your pocket when not in use as opposed to leaving it on the table when dining or on the bar for people to see.They figure once seen, you become a target.
Pretty difficult for an item that is in use for calls, texts, maybe used as a camera.
As such, I prefer Trov.
Insurers try to minimize their exposure by trying to insist
you have the phone on your person or even in your pocket when not in use as opposed to leaving it on the table when dining or on the bar for people to see.Your scenario above, I understand. But a "mugging" (as I understand it) is when you're walking down the street and someone demands your belongings with the threat of violence. (as opposed to leaving it out there and someone running off with it).
They figure once seen, you become a target.
Think it's safe to say that 95% of people carry a mobile on them so it doesn't even need to be seen.
I had a look at Trov - their exclusions list is much smaller. But they don't seem to have the Note 8 in the list yet.
I understand where you are coming from too.
If you look at the Trov
https://www.trov.com/au/terms-of-protection/3/details?nohf=t…It talks about "your failure to take reasonable care of or prevent theft, loss or damage of the protected item"
In your scenario, obviously you would hand over your phone or whatever, but having the phone in your pocket would I think be taking reasonable care, even using it so long as it is on your person or within easy reach.
it's not covered?
I get the feeling you've never dealt with an insurance company before …
I get the feeling you've never dealt with an insurance company before …
Why would you think that?
I can't see any reason why a mugging would not be covered.
Can you explain why you think it wouldn't be covered?
This is a joke right?
I thought Trov was awesome too… then i made a claim.
be prepared to fight tooth and nail to get them to cover you.
.. could also just be an insurance thing,.What was the problem you had with them?
They tried to refuse the claim
they said "i was not in control of the device at the time" (it was lost)
i was like who would be in control of a device when they loose it?I went to the ombudsman, they paid.
I cancelled the policy.Yep, that is "your failure to take reasonable care of or prevent theft, loss or damage of the protected item"
But what would satisfy that?
That could mean you can't leave it in your car while going to pay for petrol.
I had no idea how i lost it… if i did i would of gone and found it LOL
I was like… i have insurance in case i lost it.
Yep, that is "your failure to take reasonable care of or prevent theft, loss or damage of the protected item"
They've shot themselves in the foot with the wording around that particular clause. If they don't cover for "accidental loss", they should actually specify it as such.
The word "reasonable" is too subjective and you could argue that everyone takes, what they believe to be, reasonable care because no-one actually wants to lose their phone.
Some people would consider leaving their phone on the seat of a locked car to be "reasonable", but most policies specifically exclude that because it could entice a potential thief (and therefore raise the risk of it getting stolen).
Say I'm taking a selfie and some random offers to take my photo with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.
I hand the phone over and they grab it and run.
(no photo or nothin') :+(Have I exercised reasonable care over the Mobile?
I hand the phone over and they grab it and run.
(no photo or nothin') :+(I've always wanted to play a trick on someone like that when they ask for a photo to be taken, but every time I'm asked, it's usually some international student and I feel too bad playing that joke on them.
Have I exercised reasonable care over the Mobile?
My own opinion would be that that doesn't fit under the definition of "exercising reasonable care" because the phone was handed over. Or if it does, then I'd expect there to be a huge portion of contributory negligence.
Think there's been a few similar scenarios where people have placed an ad on gumtree and met up with the "buyer" who has just run off after being handed the phone and the insurer has refused to cover it on that basis.
The insurer should have that clearly spelt out in the Exclusions to cover themselves.
Gumtree is like Tinder for crims.
That's actually quite funny. I can imagine the conversation:
You: I've lost my phone.
Insurer: Where did you lose it?
You: If I knew where I lost it, it wouldn't be "lost" and I wouldn't be talking to you right now!Insurer:
If you really lost your phone, how are you even telephoning us? lol
I have it as a specified item on my contents insurance. If you already have contents insurance check their terms for portables. I also make sure it's covered under my travel insurance when I go away.
What is your insurance? I looked couple and accidents do not cover mobile phones. On the other hand many content insurances have an overseas travel option might be cheaper than separate travel insurance
Awesome great comments!! Keep them coming
covertec was good for me. they covered my broken screen.. all good.
Mine is covered by my home and contents insurance via Westpac personal valuables. I specifically called them up and asked about covering the iPhone X and it certainly is.
The best insurance for a smartphone is a good phone case and a lot of common sense.
Got new phone so thought I’d check out Trov and was far more expensive than suggested. Also don’t like the on-off demand option. Who wants to turn off insurance! You never know when you an accident can happen.
Found www.bigigraffe.com - underwritten by Chubb overs good coverage at good price plus over seas cover which is good because damaged it whilst on holiday! Got it fixed and returns in 5 days.
I'm using trov
$8/ month for their best one
Haven't claimed yet but it was simple to set up