McDonalds is offering a $3 Big Mac on News Years Day. Apply offer found at the bottom of the front page of the McDonald’s app. Sadly it is of course single use only. And Happy New Year everyone!
$3 Big Mac at McDonald’s (Via The McDonald’s App Only)

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Second deal of the year unfortunately
the first one was so so anyway xD
Ahh nothing like $3 to kill your new years resolutions instantly lol
New year, new me
nothing lifts the spirit like Big Mac, freshly made Fries and large coke
Onwards!I wouldnt say the fries were that freshly made, they would of been processed , pre-fried and frozen months ago.
Macca's making sure I break my new year resolution on day 1… ;-)
I somewhat feel like this should be the normal price for a Big Mac.
Big Mac has degraded so much over the years. I still remember the "big" big mac from 2000 before they compacted everything
I remember when you walked in, said the saying and got a Big Mac for free
considering they can sell hamburgers for $1, the extra pattie and lettuce probably brings it to $3, not much of a reason they cant offer $5-$6 small mac meals to compete with HJ except that it would canabalise some of their other lines ….. unless it was lunch time only offer.
Lucky to be worth $3 these days
3 x $1 Hamburgers have moreThe real deal here is to take away the beef patties, add 5x pickle and 5 x onion and get yourself a triple decker salad bun for 80 cents :)
Why couldn't they do 2 for $3 like the good old days…
Agree that 3 x $1 loaded burgers are better.
Loaded burgers?
Extra Pickles & Onions
Even the HJ coupons are better than this offer, plus you don't need to wait until 10:30am
the exclusion of chips and drinks or having to buy 2 meals is the problem at HJ, e.g cheap whopper meal is more appealing than 2 whoppers, so they hope you will buy drink and fries at regular price …..
I'm really liking the mc feast meal offers though only applicable at lunch times ….. effectively a small quarter meal for $5, lets see HJ do whopper meal with small fries and drink for $5 at lunch time …….
@garage sale: Not really into either of the 2 chips. As for drinks just get a $1 frozen, prefer the HJ version as it actually melts unlike Maccas.
You could always go 2 Whopper Jnr & 2 Chips + frozen drink for $5.95 if you want chips.
My local & CBD local HJ accepts multiple coupons to be used, so no issue.
Isn't the $5 McFeast meal available any time on the App? (pending 10:30am limit) Was last time I checked, still shows as $5 even at 8am.
Late Edit: HJ you can also get the free Cheese Burger from last receipt too
Eat (more) shit and die.The best NY resolution you could make would be to quit junk food, and this place would be at the top of your list….
Look at all the permissions the app wants
McDonald's Australia Limited
Version 4.8.26 can access:
Identityfind accounts on the device add or remove accounts
find accounts on the device
approximate location (network-based) precise location (GPS and network-based)
directly call phone numbers read phone status and identity
read the contents of your USB storage modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
read the contents of your USB storage modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
take pictures and videos
Wi-Fi connection information
view Wi-Fi connections
Device ID & call information
read phone status and identity
read sync statistics receive data from Internet view network connections create accounts and set passwords change system display settings connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi disable your screen lock expand/collapse status bar full network access read sync settings run at startup draw over other apps use accounts on the device control vibration prevent device from sleeping modify system settings toggle sync on and off read Google service configuration
It was written by an idiot who fooled Maccas
Why people trust the app with credit card details is beyond me
Just use the Scan option
Hmm… that's asking a bit much. The iOS version isn't so intrusive.
I'm wondering if my local maccas is open? :S
Mine is, check the App for your local store.
Stupid question to be asking here.
How do these idiots live in life?
I tried to redeem macca's offer on Christmas day…
It was closed…I also visited 3 different Hungry Jacks to get free food…
They were also closed…It's not Xmas Day Sigh
Seriously F Dude, not an OzB issue, mine is open, go check the App and check if yours is open.
NOT OUR F'ing Issue if you are too lazy.
Well maybe you should try Hungry Jacks, better offers, better burgers and long running coupons you can just show on your phone for weeks on end.
Bad luck for you, mine was open, 2 X-Tra Long Chicken's frozen Sprite for $6.95 at 9:30am, no waiting for this 10:30am crap.
Where do you draw the line?
Asking if they are open Today is just a stupid and unrealistic Question to be asked by someone too lazy to find out for themselves.
Stupid questions like this need to be called out, if you can't deal with it and it seems in the past the Mod's can't, the users will.
Do it respectfully by not insulting people (e.g. stupid / fat arse) or swearing. People should feel comfortable participating in discussions without being attacked. Hope you understand where we're coming from.
Rubbish, if you did your job as a Mod there wouldn't be questions like this to begin with.
Don't blame the result and failure of the beginning.
Stupid Questions deserve to be called stupid or should I say you are missing a few brain cells to cover the Politically Correct Policy?
As for Fat Arse, well there was no complaint about that, so I'm guessing I was correct.
neil: it is 2018 now, these things don't apply ;)
Rubbish, if you did your job as a Mod there wouldn't be questions like this to begin with.
My job isn't to offer the opening times of local McDonald's. It is however to remind people to be respectful in discussion. If you can't do so then perhaps OzBargain isn't the right community for you. Let's move on. :)
As for Fat Arse, well there was no complaint about that, so I'm guessing I was correct.
I'd be more worried about yourself judging by your comments and votes, they are almost all related to fast food deals! ;)
On the topic you're discussing with neil:
1) There is no such thing as a stupid question - yeah sure (a lot of) people should Google before commenting and asking (supposedly) simple questions, but nothing wrong with asking. If you find it stupid, just remember you are not obligated to respond, just scroll that mouse wheel or swipe away :)
2) If you feel frustrated enough to vent a little anger regarding people posting questions that you feel are unnecessary, at least try to be tactful instead of calling people stupid or idiots outright.
Regarding the Maccas app and opening hours - I had several inconsistencies with my local stores as well. Was hoping to get an Oreo waffle cone 10pm on 24/12 at a normally 24/7 store and found it closed! Nothing mentioned on the app so it can be worthwhile asking!
Do you have to be logged in? Deal isn’t showing up for me.
Yes in the App
Ugh. Not sure I’m that committed. 3x$1 hamburgers at Gundagai it is then.
You can still use the offer by signing into the App, no Credit Card details and just use the Scan/Promo's on the Kiosk and pay cash.
Personally, this deal is not good, use the HJ coupons on your phone, PDF/JPG, much better deals, no sign up required.
HJ is not maccas tho. Kinda like telling a person that likes iphone's to by an android phone.
Big macs have really gone down hill. Had one yesterday and the patties were thinner than my drinking straw.
Never work app always says we are having trouble placing mobile order waste of time
Use the scan option and go in store using the kiosk
Not familiar with that but I complained at the counter the app wasn't working so they just gave me a staff discount instead which was 50% off everything.. can't complain!
Well that was odd.
Ordered my 5x pickle and 5x onion Big Mac for 80 centsGot it overflowing with pickle
As well as 4 beef pattiesSomeone either can’t read or is playing silly buggers….
I would say they were trying to piss off a Veggie.
Good luck if you are not.Maybe they read the minus patties as adding patties. Start with 2. Add 2 instead of minusing them.
You got a bargain. 80c for essentially a double big mac
for love of good health. why eat a bicmat to start the new year ?!
New years resolution is to eat more salads/lettuce…
Just installed the app but doesn't show the deal? It says "check back here soon for your rewards" :(
Just interested- people comment re the change in Big Mac size over the years, but I hadn't noticed myself. In the rare times I get one I'm convinced that there's still the same inconsistencies from burger to burger. Any evidence of this? Googling I don't see anything suggesting a change.
McDonalds has always used 1/10th pound patties for the big mac/cheeseburger, that hasn't ever changed. They have changed the bun size (they shrunk it to make the meat look bigger) but that was back in the 80's.
All it comes down to now is how much fat cooks out of the meat which is pot luck (they do seem dryer these days, maybe they cook more fat out). As for the rest of it, I'm pretty sure they manufactured all their cheese back in 1950 and are still on the same batch and the amount of lettuce/pickle/onion is basically random.
IMO you're best off buying a McFeast with big mac sauce (and no other sauces). Sure it adds $0.50 to the $5 meal (not so ozbargainy) but it's a quarter pound of meat and less bread. I like tomato too.
Great idea! I'll try that next time.
Thanks OP. Dont mind a big mac every now and then, but would never pay full price, since can get much better hamburger at local burger joint for $6.
Can be easily used twice or more though, just make another account :)
"Sadly it is of course single use only"
Happy new year :)
Yay first deal of the year! What a great start!