• expired

ING Orange Everyday $25 Cashback for 5 X $50 Purchases


Just got this e-mail from ING:

Christmas is an amazing time of the year. But it can also be expensive.

This year you can take away a little of the pain thanks to a $25 cashback you can earn on purchases you're probably going to make anyway.

Simply press 'CREDIT' instead of 'SAVINGS' on your Orange Everyday Visa Debit Card in store, online, over the phone or overseas. Just five transactions of A$50 or more made from 1 to 25 December 2010 makes you eligible.

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closed Comments

  • +18

    You know you're addicted to ozbargain when you read the said email in your mailbox, but only gain the attention of its value after reading it on ozbargain.

    • haha so true!

  • Pity it can't be for one purchase of $250. Oh well.

    • +2

      Piss off the cashier and pay in 5 x $50 lots. :D

      • Nice try, but they probably won't do it. It won't tally with the stock taken out. How would they punch it up at the machine? 1/5th of a BluRay player, 5 times? :)

        • +1

          You should give it a go anyway - you might be surprised, I can't see how it's different to using two or three different methods to pay for something (which I've done at Myer once in a while, e.g. cash + credit card).

  • so to be clear, make 5 purchases >$50 each, and everyone automatically gets $25?

      • So, to make it cost less, buy from someplace that lets you return stuff, eg, OfficeWorks, etc. ;-)
        Evaluate if for 5-6 days, find it unsuitable & take it back for a full refund.

        Oh, does O'works (or, say Dick Smith) still let you use the Credit button on their EFTPOS terminals.

        We should try to make a list of big shops & chain - likely to be nearby - that let us use CREDIT with ING Visa debit cards… ;-)

        K Mart?

        Dick Smith?

        Big W?


        • +1

          All woolworths owned stores do not take debit cards. Confirmed with Dick Smith when I went to buy my iPod touch a few weeks back, they rejected my dad's DefCredit Debit card. Also coles do not take debit cards as well.

        • +3

          Ah my bad then. It's just woolies that doesn't like debit cards then.
          Oh forgot to clarify, woolies still take debit cards but u must press savings, they dont take debit cards using credit.

        • I think they would manually check accounts that have 5x $50 purchases for refunds… especially when they're giving away money.

        • I imagine refunds are excluded. At least that's how rewards are calculated for standard credit cards.

        • Really? I haven't in ages but I used visa debit cards (including ING) in Coles and Woolworths all the time with no problems. Can't remember if I used the Credit button or not though.

          Out of curiosity, why are they always trying to get you to press credit? I assume they get a higher merchant fee from it or something?

    • Yes, but remember to press CREDIT, not SAVINGS. Which means it can't be used in some places, e.g. Woolies (or was it Coles).

        • as much as I like the additional 50c, I've found it hard to get $200 cashout from the supermarkets. They don't seem to have much cash in the morning when I do my grocery shop?

      • +11

        buy 5x$50 coles gift cards…

        • Genius!

        • Can u get 4c vouchers as well?

        • If they still do credit on ING cards, that'd do it… :-)

          Maybe pretend to be a Mystery Shopper, "assessing" each of 5 check-out operators…
          (That'd preclude angry comments, on the part of the line of people behind, in line) ;-)

        • great idea!

  • i wonder if you link the ing visa card to your paypal account and do purschase or top up if this would qualify or do you need to press the CR button phsically?

    • i think it should count the condition says online and direct debit.

    • Pretty much any transaction that goes through the Visa network (i.e. credit), rather than the good ol EFTPOS/banking (cheque/saving) system.

      When going through Visa, the transaction fees are borne by the retailers. When going through EFTPOS, the fees falls on the banks.

      ING is doing this (and other promotions) to encourge people to go "credit", and hope that the behaviour sticks. ING will end up ahead in the long run.

  • -1

    It's getting harder and harder to get money from ING.
    * Last year I got $120 from them easily. Just open two accounts, linked it to UBank, and make two purchases worth only a few dollars.
    * This year I got some more from referral campaign and closed my accounts.

    They are giving less and less money… Salary deposit/this visa credit campaign give much less than they used to offer.

    • How easy was it to close your ING accounts?
      I joined to for the $120 and have not done anything since.

      • +1

        thats y ING announced they lost too much $ in that campaign lol

      • Not easy at all.
        1. You have to wait up to four months for the statements to arrive. (or to be available for viewing online)
        2. You may have to call different departments to close OE/Maximum Saver accounts.

        Better get all the bonuses now and close it quick.

  • I am wondering if it is possible to deposit 5x$50 into your paypal account and then withdraw.

    EDIT: Apparently paypal only allows withdrawals through bank accounts (not through the credit network)

    • nah!
      u can do it!
      so all u do is dep the money in the ing a/c —> do 5 X $50 "send money" to yourself as living expense to your second paypal a/c.
      After ur second paypal a/c has received the $250, u just deposit it back to a bank a/c.
      hope this helps :)

      • Why 2nd paypal account? Do you need 2 paypal accounts?

    • yes, definitely possible. I think you have to pay a bit in fees though, so out of pocket if for whatever reason it's not eligible.

      • theres only fees for paypal transactions from your paypal acct to a bank acct. But i think they have dropped this fee as well.

        • if its over $150 no fees.
          if u do send money on paypal to urself as "living expense" its no transaction fee

  • +2

    Going to make 5 TAB account deposits online, then just withdraw the money from my local TAB :)

    • Have you tried this before? Generally refunds/withdrawals of funds deposited from a credit card can only be made to the same card.

      • yes i want to know as well if you can do this. if so you can get many ff cc points etc. on the unitab site it says you can only make one deposit per day up to $200.

        • I looked at tab.com.au. Appears that you can make a deposit by credit card (with the exception of cards from certain banks) but to withdraw you have to use other methods (eg. by cash at TAB or at Aus Post). That being the case, then potentially you can earn free FF points?

          Not sure if a deposit made by way of credit card is considered cash advance instead of a purchase.

    • Will this considered as a payment in the credit card system?

      • i went to the trouble of applying for a telebet account in qld only to be told on the phone that you can not withdraw funds deposited via cc at a TAB agent . you can only have them reversed back to your cc. also its up to the cc issuer if they charge you interest and process it as a cash advance or purchase. so now i might just do the deposits via ing credit on dec 24th and have them reversed back onto the card after i get my cash back on dec 30th. anyone know if this will work or am i better off just buying coles gift cards to be on the safe side?

  • +1

    Tattersalls lotto site (lotto.com.au) allows you to deposit funds via credit card. First time withdrawals are subject to verification of identity (minor inconvenience)

  • just wondering if ING have BPAY.i just paid my power bill…..but it will be sick to ask the opertor do 5 X 50 charge….

  • This is perfect to buy the myer gift card that currently has a 10% bonus. http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/35374

  • can be used with paypal ebay clever christmas sale (receive cashback for the cheapest item if you buy 3 items and pay using paypal). that's 3x$50

    • There was a time when a -private- eBay vendor could REFUSE to a PayPal transaction paid for by credit Card.

      Reason was: If they paid by Credit Card, they could later demand & get a refund; in fact, vendor didn't get access to their $$$ until the good was accepted by Buyer.

      Now, some private vendors do NOT [want to] offer a return & refund option, and state as much in their listing.

      PalPal effectively REVERSES the eBay vendor's stated choice.

      Still, you can try… ;-)

  • Just to remind people that if you want to take advantage of this offer, you should probably finish your 5 purchases NOW. Because if I read the T&C correctly, the Visa debit has to be processed by 25 Dec. It can take a couple of days for the processing to go through. The purchases I made last weekend only showed up today in my account.

    • good point i was planning on making my coles gift cards purchases tommorrow 24th dec . do they really take that long to post and wouldn't they show the actual date of purchase on the account?

      • I was not sure what they meant by processed to your account, whether it's the date of the purchase or the date they process it at Ingdirect, so I played safe.

        This doesn't mean that you can spend more money than you have, because as soon as you make a purchase, a hold is put on that amount from your account, and you will see this online as pending debits.

  • i called them up and they arent too sure them selves and said it could take up to 5 days max to process. its the date they process it at Ingdirect thus it all depends on merchant when they put it through. can anyone tell me how long coles and TAB took to process and appear in their ing account? i made a unitab deposit last night it still hasnt been posted to my account only authorised. i wonder if i have time and if its worth getting coles gift cards today or have i left it too late? heres the fine print in the email thanks to greenpossum. :

    $25 Cashback offer: To receive the $25 cashback customers must perform 5 credit transactions using their Orange Everyday Visa Debit Card by making a purchase(s): • in store in Australia using the Credit selection via PIN or signature; • online; • over the phone; • internationally; or: • set up a Direct Debit(s) where the card no. and expiry date are provided; • make an international ATM cash withdrawal(s) from 1/12/2010 to 25/12/2010 (inclusive). Each transaction must be for a minimum amount of A$50, authorised and processed to your account by 25/12/2010. Joint account holders can perform a combined total of 5 transactions to be eligible for the offer. $25 cashback is limited to one account per customer, including joint accounts, and will be paid in the last week of December 2010.

  • To be on the safe side, this should be marked as expired by now.

  • i ended up doing my 5 purchases at kmart and TAB on Dec 23 & 24th and now they posted all on my account dated 29th DEC maybe becuase of the public holidays. If anyone has received their $25 cash back please post to let us know. I called up and they said you should get it by Dec 30th. If i dont receive mine i wonder where i can complain to is it the ACC?

  • So when do we get our $25? "last week of december" should indicate today, tomorrow or day after.

  • they said on the phone its should be by 30 December, 2010 but i never received any. can anyone confirm if they got their $25 yet?

    • Just checked and it's there.

  • i called up today and they said it should be coming in Jan. i said why some of my friends already got it. then he checked my transaction history and said part of the terms was it had to be processed by 25th dec I complained becuase i called on the 24th dec before making my 3 remaining purchases and to confirm the terms and spoke to xxx and they said it should be ok. I said please check your records. They offered me $25 goodwill credit. So overall im very happy even though i had to chase them up with a few phone calls otherwise they wouldnt have paid up. luv ING promos but ill be sure to not leave it to the last minute next time and do it well in advance of the deadline becuase of the slow visa postings.

    • Glad it ended happily for you, mate.

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