This seems damn cheap for this console when considering the Amex/NAB cashbacks!
Get in quick as I'm not sure how much stock is available.
Enjoy :)
This seems damn cheap for this console when considering the Amex/NAB cashbacks!
Get in quick as I'm not sure how much stock is available.
Enjoy :)
amazon is overhyped. its is still better to buy from .com site.
Yep, but now some stuff won't ship to Australia, which is frustrating.
It's always been that way. If shipped directly from AMZ, most stuff will ship with reasonable shipping charges.
If the sale was a letdown, now that it ended, they've bumped the price up to 450, higher than it's ever been on Amazon au
dam nothing for PS4 pro..
There will be at 7:00am AEDT :)
Deal ps4 pro starts 7AM tmr.
It says that a deal with start at 7:00 for the 1TB PS4 Pro
oh where ? link
Click on the right arrow at the top of the page until you see it
Any similar deals for a normal 1TB Xbox One S?
Very good deal despite the Minecraft details, tempting.
i do have nab card and amex card. bit i also have 15% off jb gift card loaded. will jb price match amazon au?
You could try, but I'm not 100% sure considering that Amazon is online only, you would have to get there at opening and hope it isn't sold out at amazon.
I would like to know as well, have a JB card and AmEx..
Just wanted to say, I got a switch priced match at JB against amazon just yesterday and the dude was happy to do it.
good to hear that. Although the actual difference buying from amazon and jb for me is just 18.95. Still. Ozbargainer
I got mine for 408 or something instead of 445, what you getting?
@basshunter53: well if I buy from amazon it will be 379 less 10%cashback =341.1 if jb price matched 379 and I use 15% off gift card. It will be 379 x0.85=322.15. Difference is 18.95. Well I do not really need one as I am playing my friend’s switch. Mostly wife play just dance. It is a good platform, but still does not have a game that I really want to play. Maybe I am too old.
Which store ?
JB hifi, north qld
Got the Nintendo Switch, thanks!
Gonna take advantage of my employee discount at Big W for the games and accessories.
Has anyone played Bomberman on switch? How does it stack up to older versions? Play style still the same?
its great
unfortunately I dont have one of those cards :( but its a pretty good deal. Its a bit strange how its only Neon and that the grey one got bumped up to $448.
The grey one has been that price for a least a week
Got the lightning xbox deal for 279..hopefully the 10% amex offer stacks as well
is that the cheapest ever on the Switch?
Was hoping for grey joycons though.
Not really if you factor in cashbacks, but it's equal to the lowest price ever standalone ($369 once at Big W)
Good price. Don't need. Tempted anyway.
I think I'm going to roll the dice. I'm betting on prices falling further when these things are more readily available next year. Supply is catching up to demand.
Nintendo console prices don't seem to fluctuate too much though, the recent offers of $399(before cashback etc) seem to be the 'new norm' for sales. Even the Wii U held on to the same price point til the end.
@GreenOllie: The official retail price will not change. But we'll see more and more specials from retailers, like this one. And I think those prices will get lower when they're less scarce and don't sell out immediately. Retailers do discounts when they need to clear out stock. The retailer will be the one taking the hit, not Nintendo.
@lostn: I dunno, judging on the price history of the Wii and Wii U, even retailers didn't do many specials on them besides bundle them with crappy games they're trying to clear. I waited ages for a decent sale for the Wii U, and finally caved a year before the Switch was released. At least this time around I jumped on the $399 sale with HN Amex cash back.
Xbox and PS4 prices always plummet after a while, just not the Nintendo consoles. Even the 3DS prices haven't shifted much after the new 2DS XL came out and it's widely acknowledged that most people don't use the 3D feature.
@GreenOllie: Then you're seeing a lot more discounting on the Switch already compared to Wii U. And Switch is still new and scarce. I expect that to get even better.
342 with amex cash back
Ok, I guess I’m getting a switch then! :)
I was wanting the grey version, but I guess I don’t really care about the colour too much… I guess I could always get extra grey joycons if I ever need more!
Good news for you, I guess.
So I can buy this now and the 10% cashback is already active? Little confused.
Yep, as long as you've registered your AMEX or use a NAB credit card, then it'll be active and will be put back on your card in the next few days I'm guessing.
Nab states up to 6 weeks.. but hopefully sooner.
Thanks, just picked up the Switch, plus Zelda for $438 ($338 are AMEX cash back).
Glad I resisted the urge to use the AMEX offer sooner!
Amex cash back is 10%, not $100…
Harvey Norman $100 cashback I should say
Did Harvey Norman price match Amazon?
Yeah, I wasn't sure whether they would but they did!
They also PMd the game too
Oh which cashback is that? I thought it expired
@Coruscae: It's the spend $400 and get $100 cashback, it expired on 31/12/2017.
Was saving it just for this ;)
@Joe146: I believe they've stopped price matching online sometime this morning…
Sorry we can not match the Amazon pricing for the Nintendo Switch, As it falls under our price match policy in Predatory Pricing - Predatory pricing (also undercutting) is a risky and dubious pricing strategy where a product or service is set at a very low price, intending to drive competitors out of the market
Can the Amex 10% off be used multiple times? Bought the switch, but forgot about the games. Stupid me…
Yeah me too. So I ordered a couple of games this morning after ordering the console last night. I got the Amex confirmation email straight away for this mornings order but still nothing for the order last night.
You can use it multiple times up to $1000.
Thank you for your help. However the terms and conditions did not mention this tho, have you tried or it has always been like this with AMEX offers?
I went by the NAB offer terms which is identical to the AMEX offer.
If it's for one transaction only, AMEX would normally mention that.
Do you reckon this sale will go to tomorrow? Also, for future, is there anywhere I can ask for a spare Amex offer?
is there anywhere I can ask for a spare Amex offer
What do you mean?
As in, ask if they have an amex card with the offer, and don't wanna use it.
Oh that way. Yeah, you can post a "Wanted" post in Classifieds.
Do you want this offer? PM me I can help you out.
Been waiting for a Switch deal since the November October/November deals, thanks.
Does Amazon AU issue tax invoice with ABN information for TRS?
Does the Xbox ship with one controller or two?
Switch is coming up as 408.95 for me in Cart. Am I missing something?
Switch price seems to be expired now..
Missed it by 1 minute :/. I went to get a copy of Mario Kart with 2% stock remaining, by the time I got on my computer, it was sold out. So I went to look for the switch deal which was in stock just before, and now that has sold out. Never even got a chance at the Mario odyssey deal. Damn me living in WA, waking up at 5:30 and still missing it :).
Try and press “Join Waitlist” and refresh the page, it should allow you to checkout at the $379 price.
Wait don’t worry, it doesn’t work..
It never said that it was a flash sale for me, for the switch. I did for the games and have no hope. I went into the live chat about the console and she confirmed it was a flash sale and it has completed. Should have jumped out of bed sooner :)
@empoleous: I stayed up late and could have bought it then, but was having cognitive dissonance, decided to sleep on it. When I woke up at about 8:30 I decided I was going to get it. But by then it expired. Oh wells. I wasn't going to be playing anything on it anytime soon, so I can wait. Another deal will pop up by the time I'm ready to play anything on it.
Think positive.
It's not the last time you'll see it at this price.
$448 now, that inflation
Glad l bought the switch just before bed seeing as it sold so fast
Saw 1s at Aldi for 289
I meant XBox 1S
I still have the price match code for the switch console from Harvey Norman for $379
if you're not going to use it, please let me know :D
I'll happy use that code if you're not interested in buying one :)
You planning on using it bro?
Amazon just increased the price $50 so the 10% discount still leaves it more expensive than their launch price.
They can (profanity) off
Their launch price was a sale price and can't be used as a permanent benchmark "normal" price.
It will likely get discounted somewhere else in the near future for cheaper than this (ebay likely - though how much stock is another story). Best to wait.
If the 399 was a sale price fine.
They then bumped it at 408, saw it this morning, came back an hour late to buy it and they've bumped it up a second time for the day to 450.
They said they were going to release hard, they didn't. They said they were going to hit boxing day hard they didn't. The stand out was the switch, which they sold a low amount on sale then bumped the price 15% for the rest of the day. Can't say this has encouraged me to use amazon au ever again
Yeah, that's called supply and demand. They were selling too well at $379 so they bumped it up to $408. They sold too well at that price too, so they bumped it even further. Probably won't go any further though.
I understand why they did it, but I think it's a pretty frustrating thing to do, especially when you've made a big deal about how good your boxing day sales have bee. If you're not one of the people who got the flash deal that was sold out by 8am, it's kind of been a joke
@Shifty: I understand the frustration and I agree with you. But that's how Amazon flash sales have always worked. They're good for an hour or two, and if you miss out, they have no sympathy for you.
They had to do something to make Boxing Day an attraction. But they didn't have enough stock to leave it at that price for the whole day. They would have been loaded with backorders otherwise.
For many products, it would be reasonable to expect them to keep that price for the whole day and not an hour or two. But the Switch is a very popular item and it's not feasible for them to do that.
Every time you find a good deal on some ebay 10-20% off code, they sell out quick and never get replenished before the coupon expires. It's the same thing here.
The key is to have patience. We both missed out, but there will be more opportunities down the line. Unless you have to have it now, just wait a bit.
And the end of the day, even with the price bump it still works out cheaper than any deal I've seen recently.
They confirmed with me over live chat and email that they'll stack the 10% discount on a Nab Amex card, but I just wish I could have saved that extra 70 or so
Only 34% claimed on the XBox One S 1TB Console? Is it a bad deal?
Nope, its a great deal. I think ppl just don't like it because it looks like diarrhea…however, I bought one.
The S isn't that popular anymore now than the X is available.
Thanks OP. Got a console, BOTW, Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart for ~$530
Beat me by 4 minutes!
Amazon's prices are a bit of a letdown.