Hello! This is my first post and possibly first crypto deal post on this site!
Recently I stumbled upon a cryptocoin called Solaris (XLR). For those of you new to cryptocurrency, it's a coin that is geared towards completely private and cheap transactions and fair distribution. This is a great opportunity to for those of you new to cryptocurrency to get a free coin that's worth ~ $7AUD at time of posting this. You can hold onto it to make some quick profit or sell it, up to you!
All you need to do, is vote for the coin on kucoin.com and then follow the instructions on the link. To do this you need to buy some kucoin, and a vote cost 0.1kucoin (~10 cents).
If you already own some crypto this is very easy to do, just open a kucoin account and transfer a small amount of ethereum, digibyte or other to your kucoin wallet.
If you've completely lost me you can ask the team on their telegram account here! Telegram.
Disclaimer: I do own some XLR coins
Your definition of free isn't going to go down well in these parts.