Beautiful tv!
Don’t forget to use cash rewards for an extra cashback
Postage $77
Beautiful tv!
Don’t forget to use cash rewards for an extra cashback
Postage $77
Incredible deal, I bought the Oled65B6 last year for $4600 delivered. I regret not waiting for the extra competition from Panasonic and Sony. I love the TV though, if anyone is doubting this is an absolute steal.
Won’t get here until the middle of January.
Any chance of anyone pricematching this I wonder?
Very unlikely
Yep this is the deal my mates after……
When does this go live?
New model may be out by mid January. Of course we don't know what improvements there will be. C7 may drop a bit more on clearance but who knows.
I'm waiting for the new one otherwise I'd be all over this.
Same here. Hopefully HDMI 2.1 is in the new models, and with it Variable Refresh Rate.
If it isn't, why else wait?
I agree! If no HDMI 2.1, then I'll just grab a cheap C7 and be on my way.
Won't be seeing HDMI 2.1 until 2019 -…
I don’t need this until February when I move into my new house but I’m happy for it to sit around in the meantime if I were to buy now. How much lower could the price drop between now and then?
about tree fiddy
Looks like a good deal. Haven't purchased anything from Videopro before. Anyone have any feedback on purchasing from them?
They are great to deal with in my experience.
In QLD they have at least 2 stores you can visit - and specialise in AV.
Thanks for the feedback. I did see that they are based in QLD. I'm in Melbourne so wonder if it will be a risk from damage if it is delivered to Melbourne.
Always a chance - but they don't make the TVs in QLD - so they have already been couriered from the other side of the World :)
Very true :)
From the other side of the world, may be carefully stacked & may be this is only item in the container
From QLD to MELB, Toll, startrack etc, your tv might be sitting next to set of tyres
This is whst i have seen with one of my delivery 😀
Videopro actually offers pretty reasonable covers for delivery damage and initial faults. (You can check their website for detail.)
But they use TNT which is a horrible courier to deal with.
These prices are becoming more affordable due to increased competition. The sooner LED/LCD become extinct the better.
I wonder when Samsung will give in and go oled.
Never, they will go full QLED, which will be superior to OLED. Same advantages as OLED, with pure blacks, but a much higher light output, wider colour gamut and some other benefits I have forgotten about. They have however screwed themselves over by already calling their top models QLED, which is a false marketing like when they called their TVs LED. They are still LCD with LED backlighting, but with QLED. Full QLED is still several years away.
I'll probably get an OLED before full QLED becomes available.
They’ll then call it QLED+ and will start charging twice the price of OLEDs.
Samsung already released an OLED TV years ago:…
Apparently they stopped making them as it didn't have the longevity of LGs WOLED tech.
still waiting for 70 - 75" deals.
Yeah, I would overlook OLED for more size. Size is king.
In that case get a projector. For a few hundred dollars you get 1080p at 120 inches.
But size isnt everything.. after a couple of years using a ceiling mounted 1080p projector almost every night I dropped back to a 70 and later 75" TV as while bright scenes always look amazing, dark scenes are rubbish on a projector if you dont have a dedicated room with dark walls AND ceiling.
Real 4K projectors at $10K still so no go for a few more years.
@carlitos: $7999 for a Sony 4K native projector here…
But 1080p projectors still look very good and provide a massive WOW factor over even a 75" TV - and can be had for $600 - $900
Hashtag bucklistcomplete :)
reckon theres any chance JB would compete with this price wise?
10am Live…code not working yet?
Melbourne/Sydney time is 9:13 now.
does this one do 3D anyone know ?
I'm pretty sure LG removed 3d capabilities in their oleds from last year due to manufacturing issues adding complexity and increased user complaints.
Last I heard there was a petition going to get them to re-introduce for 2018 models but realistically, 3d is loosing traction to 4K/HDR
i think 3d is dying unfortuenly…
I don't think true HDMI 2.1 support will be in the 2018 models. Vincent posted a video about it:
I thought new models usually come out March/April each year? Perhaps LG are changing that and have their new OLED models ready to go. Hopefully there's less banding issues on their panels in 2018. I have a 55 C7 but would be tempted to get a 65 C7 if it gets to $3000 or under.
65" says out of stock - 20 sold in first 24 mins of the sale.
Poor form - back in stock but increased by $100.
Got one, stoked!
Panasonic for the same price as the LG now:…
Do Panasonic support Dolby Vision yet?
No, probably never will, but they will support HDR10+ with an update.
I have been trying to find a good comparison between the LG 65C7 and the Panasonic TH65EZ950 - and found into on each but not a good comparison between.
I know the LG WebOS is very popular and seems to be preferred over other vendors Android/Tizen/FirefoxOS(??) etc
The closest I could find:
Thanks, the website that has more info (save picking it out of the 10 min video) is…
The Philips set came first, with the LG C7 in 2nd place. The Sony and especially Panasonic were quite a ways back (for the calibrated pictures) in the blind test.…
$2790 + delivery (Down from $3488+ delivery) 75" with decent specs
Not Oled though.
I bought from TGG 20% @ $3596 pick up. I could not resist further for price drop… Price will go down further if new models are launched later.
Which store did you buy from? Did they price match this offer?
I want to buy one.
I bought it from Lutwyche windsor TGG when ebay was offering 20% this week on Monday. Videopro charging for delivery and again they are offering on ebay POWERUP 20% sale.
Thanks. I bought one from TGG Brighton Melbourne yesterday. They price matched it. Also took the extended warranty to be safe.
@vneat Could you please post receipt so we can try and get the same deal. Many thanks!
I managed to get a price match from Harvey Norman. Stacked it with 6 AMEX cards to bring it down to about 3k. Another big plus is you can get it delivered on the same day!
That is super cool.. I could not wait to use this in my new home and I try to convince myself by purchasing TV after four years.
YES. TV looks really cool. Good decision.
Please post receipt so we can get the same deal - My local HN declined
I am guessing you don't need it anymore since there is the Myer deal which is even better :)
In case anyone here missed it - Myer have this TV for $3499 + delivery.
And this deal from VideoPro is now out of stock again..
Item still didn't get delivered and TNT is giving me headache, which I can see why they have such bad reputation.
It's particularly annoying for the item this size and value as I need to organise someone to be home and they keep changing delivery schedule.
I think Videopro is reasonably good folks but anyone expecting interstate delivery should beware.
Great deal but Santa won't get it delivered by Xmas, at least not to Melbourne.
Delivery: Estimated between Wed. 17 Jan. and Fri. 19 Jan.