This was posted 7 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Playstation VR Bundles US$199.00 + US $32.05 delivery or AU$307.50 delivered at

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More bundles here…
Also note the $199 deal includes psvr version 1 but the others are the new version with hdr pass through.

Posted on mobile so sorry about limited info
PlayStation VR DOOM VFR Bundle Includes version new PSVR
US$299.99 -…

PlayStation VR The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR Bundle INcludes new version headset (HDR Passthrough)
US$349.99 -…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon US

closed Comments

  • Wow, great deal. Didn’t think it would get better than the recent deals we had, but this is great.

  • I assume this is universal voltage?

  • i hope we get these deals here in Aus too

  • -6

    Not as cheap as Harvey Norman deal with AMEX

    • +3

      I can only see the $548 from HN, can you link the other?

      • +1

        Search OzB, I think it was $499 price match -$100 for people who saved the HN deal to their AmEx

        • +5

          That's $399.

        • -2

          @lostn: Math wizard

        • +5

          @FabMan: Yeah but he's saying $399 is cheaper than $307.50. Not a math wizard he is.

    • people need to stop it with commenting this deal and that deal are not as cheap as Harvey Norman with Amex deal. Not everyone managed to get it (too late to register now) and not everyone has Amex.

  • man i feel ripped off, only because i havnt played the psvr much since launch. RE7 is golden btw. i finally caved and bought twinpack move controllers. (profanity) rip off.

    • +2

      I bought two moves and a pickle from cash converters for 3 dollars each

    • Damn those move controllers are expensive. Bought a pair for $89.95 at Costco, but you really need them for the VR.

    • Unfortunately price has gone way up since VR launch. I bought them when the move stuff came out on the PS3 years ago and they were much cheaper.

      • Are they the one and the same? I bought a few for the Move and not used them since.

        • From everything I've read, yes. I will let you know when my VR comes.

  • The link has the doom bundle for $399 US and skyrim for $449 US…. or am I missing something?

    Edit: found it (first link has it)……

  • -1

    How good is this really? Does it feel very 'first gen' to the point that you know some day you will replace it with a better headset when it becomes more refined?

    I want an experience with less wires. Preferably completely wireless, but not being powered by a weak phone.

    I also want no screen dooring effect, and better controllers than Move or Dual Shock. Room scale would be great also. I know if you turn around, the camera won't be able to sense the move controller. This isn't a true VR experience. If all you're doing is sitting, you're just playing a normal game with your display attached to your face, but with head turning. It's not redefining how you play games. They play the same as before.

    Are the current headsets ahead of their time?

    • +1

      It is a true VR experience, but the limitations are definitely there. However, people can look past the limitations.

      • -2

        For me something isn't virtual "reality" if you're pressing buttons on a controller. You'd have to be simulating what you'd actually be doing if you're the character in the game. Pressing buttons breaks the immersion and reminds you you're just playing a game.

        What I want might be years away though. You'd probably need to wear a body suit with lots of lights on it like a mocap suit so it would detect every important muscle of your body (including every finger — you'd need lots of lights on those hands) and know exactly what you're doing. You might also need an omni treadmill which is very expensive right now. Otherwise moving around you will eventually hit something.

        It would be a combination of Kinect and room scale VR.

        PSVR has only one camera, so I don't think room scale is possible. It's designed mainly as a sitting experience. This would work in a driving game or flight sim, but if you're playing a shooter, you'd be using dual shock I gather.

        If you're willing to look past the limitations, you are accepting it is first gen tech and that there's still a long way to go. Afaik, Vive and Rift are just more refined versions of PSVR. Better controller, better screen, better graphics, etc. Though they do support room scale with 2 or 3 sensors. Setting it up is not simple though.

        • +4

          So you know full well it doesn't meet your unrealistic requirements yet you ask the question anyway? Here is my revised answer:

          No, they aren't ahead of their time, you will not like them, other people will and do.

        • -3


          There's a difference between 'requirements' and 'expectations'. What I want are 'expectations' not 'requirements'. They're not requirements because I know we aren't anywhere close.

          My question isn't, does it simulate reality? It's.. is the experience still 'good enough'? Or is it going to suck and make me wish I waited a few more years?

          Do you at least agree that strapping a screen to your face does not making something virtual 'reality'? It's the same game whether the screen is a few meters away or a few cm away. There is head tracking, but a game isn't played by head tracking. It's still based on actions.

          Even Wii Sports simulated reality better than a Dual Shock 4 can. You swing your wiimote as though it's a tennis racquet. If you're sitting in a chair, but your character is moving, there is a clear disconnect between what you're doing and what your character is doing, so it's not 'reality' in any sense of the word, virtual or otherwise.

        • +2


          What expectations do you have of $307.50 VR bundle? The Matrix?

          Only you will know whether the experience will good enough for you, asking anyone else whether you will like it is pointless, they can only tell you their experience.

          I like my experiences so far, playing as a pilot in Elite Dangerous is what I got VR for, the other games are just a little bit of fun.

      • +1

        However, people can look past the limitations.

        I can virtually look past the limitations.

    • +3

      I didn't want to shell out the dollars for a new gaming PC and VR headset so thought i will wait for Gen 2 of the technology and shell out some proper money then. However i got a ps4 pro (450 with 5 games) and saw the PSVR for 380 with 3 games and thought that was a sensible price point to give current VR a shot. I knew it was pretty well loved by most that have it and i knew it wasn't going to look as good as the PC $$$ options. But for the price i took the plunge. Since it all arrived 5 days ago i'm blown away how amazing it is. So far i've probably only racked up 6 hours of my own time and another 6 hours showing it to others but even with that limited use its given me some awesome gaming moments. Sure in a few years when the tech has grown(i will defo upgrade when its worth while as i am loving this shit) i'll look back and think gee that was pretty average in hindsight.

      Yes there are a lot of wires. Once your set up and playing tho the wires are not a concern. Sure on occasion you need to be aware of the wires location or you have to relocate it but its not a big deal. Sure wireless would be way better…. but that's not an option right now and is it worth skipping this gen so you can drop 1k on a wireless set in 2 yrs+ ? absolutely not IMO.

      The Move controllers are not bad. In London Heist i was pretty impressed with the accuracy and the immersion from using them, it was awesome although short lived. In particular i was impressed when i lent out of the window, looked back and gunned down a few motorbikes approaching from behind, i was not expecting that to be possible with the current set up. I'm now hunting for a aim controller, i wish i had of had my gear a few weeks earlier so i could of snapped up the 69$ jb deal.

      This is not a phone strapped to your head. This is way better. Yes it may not be the true fictional "VR experience" But that may be still 20 years away. For whats out there tho, if you have a ps4 you would be mad not to snap up a deal on a VR and give it a shot.

      90% of my ps4 pro use so far has been VR.

      Tonight is skyrim night, i haven't tried it yet and am very excited(hopefully i don't get any motion sickness as most things so far have been from a fairly stationary perspective).

      My mate has a pretty decent wheel/pedals setup he lent me. Tomorrow I will set that up and it will be GT sports night. My expectations are pretty high for that.

      As far as screen door effect I haven't noticed it yet. I've been pretty impressed by how clear the movement and graphics are although they don't compare to latest PC graphics.

      If you can afford it at sub $400 then why not? If its not for you take a hit and sell it. If you like it, get prepared to spend some more money as there's lots of VR games coming out in 2018.

      TLDR- It's really good, well worth the money at sub 400.

      • Thanks for that review mate, might just pull the trigger.

        • I clocked up another 2.5hrs with the VR last night with skyrim. It took a while to learn how to navigate the menus and get the in game controls down. Went straight to directional not teleport movement and it worked well. No motion sickness, how ever i moved from sitting down to standing up as it made knocking arrows a lot easier and faster, so eventually i had to have a rest as it had been a long day. By the end i was having a great time but still have a way to go before i'm comfortable with the controls. It was awesome, graphics are nothing special but they are more than good enough to really enjoy the open world game play. I think GT is going to have to wait a few days.

          EDIT: the 350 bundle with the new v2 head set and the 2 move controls is what i would buy if i didn't already have it all. Move controls are a must i think.

        • @rakerr: Bought the $199 bundle, already have move and not too fussed about cables. Can't wait now, slight chance it'll be here before xmas.

  • +1

    Keep in mind only the $349 bundle includes the 2 ps move controllers. The other two bundles do not.

  • +1

    Skyrim rocks apparently

    • +1

      Yeah I’ve played it, the sense of scale is amazing, you look up and there’s a land bridge hundreds of metres above your head, pretty cool. But then I took an arrow to the knee

  • Since Doom VFR isn't that well reviewed and the Skyrim bundle comes with two move controllers, you'd surely have to favour that bundle.

  • Any idea how long this is on for? I want to get one for my nephew birthday/xmas but I need to wait until pay day at end of this week

    • +1

      Until the 16th I think

      • The PS4 Pro price is until the 16th, all the VR bundles are until the 24th.

        • Yep dates have changed since first post. Have updated thanks Freefall

  • Any idea which version is this??? I want the newer version that has less cable management

    • 199 bundle is version 1 all others are the new version

      • The Doom one mentions nothing about the HDR passthrough cable, which is part of the new version. It's all over the Skyrim page, so I'm thinking they're different.

  • Would this work in Australia with the voltage difference or is it just a case of using an adapter?

    • Not sure on this but I have seen a few ask. Can anyone answer this?

  • I just bought a new laptop of JBHIFI and it came with a free 'mixed reality' headset. Struggling to get it working with drivers & hdmi dongles but I did manage to get it working for like 1 hour. I've never experienced VR before but it was so cool! I just watched a ton of 3D videos on youtube lol. Can't wait to figure out what's wrong and why it doesn't work.

    • Which laptop? Microsoft's naming for these is "mixed reality" and the only ones I've seen in Australia are Dell and HP and retail for $800.

      • +1

        There is a whole range here

        • thanks, my google-fu failed me

      • I got a lenovo yoga 920. Very happy so far (minus the fact it doesn't recognize the hdmi of the VR).
        They gave me a HP branded mixed reality headset which is supposed to be compatible. Just no idea which sequence I should be plugging things in and activating etc.

  • It's worthwhile to add Seagate firecuda as well. Review said to reduce loading times by 50%.

  • Man, the PS4 console is looking more tempting with every PSVR deal.

  • I played FIFA lying down in my bed with my VR headset on simulating a 150" TV with my blanket on

    Sooooo coooool

    • So this works well as a screen for other non VR games? I think this may be what I use to convince myself to pull the trigger…

      • It is

      • Yeah, it's pretty sick. Not 100% comfortable with glasses on, maybe 80% comfortable but bloody awesome. I even let my gf use the screen for her stuff whilst I use the VR instead of the screen to play ps4

        You can set the screen in 3 sizes to what looks to me like a 20-30" screen, a 45-65" screen and a 100" screen or something from a metre away

  • +1

    do you need special power adapter for it to work in Australia?

  • Can anyone explain why theres a price drop all of a sudden? I assume theres a new version, but whats the difference?

    • I would assume because of the new revision coming. Its not a massive change tbh so id imagine the OG one would be plenty fine for the prices they are at now days.…

    • The new hardware has already been released.

      The $199 bundle comes with the older hardware, the other 2 bundles (Doom and Skyrim) come with the new hardware.

  • The $349 bundle is Temporarily out of stock :(

  • +1

    strongly suggest people try it first before buying

    i bought one and it gave me a headache

    i dont usually get sea sick like symptoms

    as a matter of fact, nausea never occurs, i go out fishing all the time are used to nausea

  • Is this worth getting if you don't have a Pro?

  • I got the amazon order email but the order never showed up in the Amazon order page contacted Amazon chat and it looks like the canceled the order not sure why…

  • So V2 of the headset is not sold anywhere in Australia yet - you need to order from overseas such as Amazon ?

    • According to a JB Hi-Fi sales person, V2 haven't reached Australia yet like you said.

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