This was posted 7 years 2 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 Pro Console 1TB + Gran Turismo Sport @ $449 Target (In Store and Online)


In Store and Online
PS4 Console Pro 1TB + GT Sport for $449 until 17/12/17

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Target Australia

closed Comments

  • Will HN price match this as it seems to be a target bundle, not a Sony bundle…?

    • They will if they are offering similar bundle.

      • I remember last time I went price match with HN, the guy tell me might be better off buy at Target… so it depends on who you talk to…

        • +5

          Yeah same and then I went back to try my luck with someone else and it worked. The other guy was looking when I was paying for the item and I gave him the look of stuff you

    • They will. I had HN price match the Big W price yeaterday

    • I got HN to price-match the Big W bundle (Pro + GT:Sport for $449).
      They couldn't create a MyOffer link, rather credited the price difference back to me.

    • Probably because it's information invented by idiots.

      • -7

        I see. So if PCs came with no choice to turn off the bluetooth, you'd be ok with it?

    • Seriously?

      • -7

        Serious as diabetes.

        • Show me the documented scientific evidence that the use of wireless gaming controllers is detrimental to human health

        • -4

          Hi. There is a link above. Bluetooth uses the same frequency bands as wifi. Albeit at lower power.

        • Serious as diabetes.

          What about rabies, worse than that?

        • @cheepwun: I am guessing you don't like Vaccines too ?

        • @cheepwun: Do you need to post the same comment for every single PS4 / PS4 Pro deal? Even if it is a BIG issue for you, it is not limited to game consoles. You cannot use any mobile device.

          Also, given that you can use the controller with USB cable with the controller included in PS4 Pro. If bluetooth is such a huge deal, open the controller and get rid of the bluetooth chip.

        • -1


          As serious as rabies. Worse or not is down to your opinion.

        • @cheepwun: So an actual disease is worse then something not scientifically proven?
          Or any evidence whats so ever to even support your claims? Wireless technology and mobile phones has been around for quite a while now, and if you haven't noticed. Life expectancy rates have risen quite significantly over the last 50 years.

        • @Danstar:

          There is a link above if you want science.

        • @cheepwun: You do know that wireless controllers and the technology in them have been around for a very long time now?

          Are you scared of mobile radio frequencies? As you can't really escape those, it's all around us 24/7

          What changed since this deal you posted:


          (Thank to Jimmy for finding that deal you posted)

        • @Danstar:

          Oh yeah, he REALLY GOT ME. Hides in shame. Also the deals with gadgets containing wifi and bluetooth from years ago. Don't forget those.

        • @cheepwun: Are you scared of mobile radio frequencies? As you can't really escape those, it's all around us 24/7

        • @Danstar:

          Yep. Idea is to reduce exposure. I only do mobiles in emergencies and don't carry one in my pocket, or talk with it against my face.

        • @Ryxxi:

          I don't like tainted vaccines and not knowing what The State is injecting into the masses. But of course your comment was just about your silly ignorant labels…

          Yeah people that are actually concerned about what goes into their bodies should be labelled nutters.

          Back on topic.

        • @cheepwun: Fair enough. Each to their own.

        • @netsurfer:
          So practical, your solution. No, I'd rather have the option to turn it off….like virtually every other CE device.

    • +4

      Never saw your comment on wireless headphones, keyboard, mouse, speakers, UHD TVs, routers, smart home things, mobile phones, laptops, desktops. What is it with gaming consoles? Do you also not use any of the above?

      • He shouldn't use any device with a screen either, the screen is not good for his eyes. Probably have to eat pure organic food only, drink distilled water.

        Might as well buy a bubble boy suit.

        • +4

          We need an option while reporting comments/posts called "Fearmongering"

          This is the same person who posted bluetooth speakers deal, but is now scared of Bluetooth

        • @Jimmy007:
          Hahahahahaha Jimmy - Nice find

        • @Jimmy007:
          Nice try. You are aware that you can use these speakers wired, right? And even if I posted a thousand items with wifi and bluetooth…it's called personal growth and becoming aware of what you once weren't aware of.

          Fearmongering? Can you tell me what specifically I have posted that is fearmongering? Some studies involving 2.4 Ghz microwave radiation shown to be damaging to humans? Is that fearmongering? Is anything you wish not to think about fearmongering? Or is it what you don't agree with?

        • @Danstar:

          Oh yeah… he really got me…

        • @cheepwun:

          If I find a bargain on aluminum coats, I'll be sure to PM you

      • Well then you haven't been looking. I have commented on other devices. Obviously not all of them.

        No need to comment on devices that give you a choice to turn wireless off. Modern Consoles don't give you a choice to turn off their damaging microwave radiation.

        • Do you own a microwave ? lol

        • @Danstar:


        • @cheepwun: Yet you're happy to post them as bargains?

        • @sss333:

          Sure was. And as I said, I'm not much of a microwave user…..

          And I have also posted a camera having wifi. And other items having bluetooth and wifi. It's called personal growth.

          And I even use wifi sometimes. Just about unavoidable. You got me….

          The LACK OF CHOICE to turn bluetooth off in consoles is alarming particularly as the young are most vulnerable. Wireless use should be able to be turned off.

      • Smoking was argued about for decades. As was asbestos. All approved. All having the State Mafia seal. Government is funded by the slave taxpayer AND BIG BUSINESS.

    • +1

      Can we ban this guy. It's the same dribble that he posts, time and time again.

      • -2

        An important public service. One of the few with a differing opinion on this website. Mum says I am valuable and unique. MICROWAVE RADIATION being subjected at the masses for long hours in a 60-million-selling console is a serious issue. So too is carrying your mobile phone IN YOUR POCKET. And home / school wifi.

    • +1

      good reference resource. The issue should be noticed by the public.

      • Thank you.

  • +3

    He ducks every time he travels underneath a power line.

    • That would mean ducking virtually all day.

      The human body is an electrochemical system influenced by all around it. Some need to in fact move away from powerlines and AC power for not only their health but their sanity.

      • +2

        You do realize that natural and potentially harmful EM energy is all around us at all times. From natural radioactive decay in rocks to the atmosphere and sun. As long as the levels are relatively low there is no perceivable harm (yes it MAY still cause harm, but your cells can also mutate on there own, plus there's a million other things out there causing you significantly more harm such as air quality, diet, genetic pre-dispositions etc). All EM generating consumer devices are tested by the FCC. Playing with one of these controllers will give you cancer just as much as going outside, eating a Bannanna or hiking on a granite outcrop.

        There's a MASSIVE difference in the strength of the fields generated by high-voltage power-lines (even when factoring in the distance of the source) and things like radio, WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G etc.

        I get where you're coming from, but this reminds me of people waving their arms around when radiation from Fukushima hit the west coast of America. The levels were several orders of magnitude below what is deemed to be an extremely conservative "safe" level. It's all relative.

      • There is a very simple solution to cheepwan's problem. He should get a Hazmat suit and wear it 24x7. Problem solved.

  • Cool, Target is even better for me. It's already 5% off, but I might wait and hope they do another 10% off for team members during this xmas, they usually do./ I also have some fly buys saved up and don't want GT. Could end up getting a Pro for $350 :)

  • This deal doesnt exist any more does it ? Can't see it when I click the link

    • It says under the PS4 Pro on the Target store:

      "Buy the PS4 1TB Pro Console and PS4 Gran Turismo Sport Game for $449 Deal subject to Target’s terms & conditions."

      Add both to checkout and it will automatically discount.

      It is available until the 17th Dec.

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