Data Only Sims for Dongles and Portable Wi-Fi Modems

I have a portable wifi modem (Telstra 3g) and a couple of wifi dongles (Vodaphone and Optus). All are long expired.

From a previous deal, I got a code to unlock the Telstra modem, but not tried it yet. As I have had it more than 12 months, should I see if Telstra will unlock it free?

I am off to Hobart end of next week and the hotel internet is very pricey. Thinking to take one of these bits of kit with me, and use my own wifi.

Do I need to buy a specific data only sim card, or will any sim card (ie phone and data) do the trick? Not knowledgeable about these things.

Thinking perhaps an Aldi sim would work in the Telstra modem, seeing as Aldi is on Telstra network.

Otherwise I could get a Voda or Optus sim card for one of the dongles. Only need wifi for 5 days, so not wanting to spend too much on this.

Advice greatly appreciated.


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