$49 makes it just over the free delivery threshold
May need to try a different browser etc but available to anyone.
$49 makes it just over the free delivery threshold
May need to try a different browser etc but available to anyone.
I have a 1080Ti and an i5-4690 CPU, and when playing the game, my CPU was constantly at 100% while my GPU was barely sweating. I don't know what they did in porting this to PC, but they've done a terrible job with it.
Doesn't matter how good your graphics card is as far as I can tell, if your CPU isn't up to the task, you'll be stuck with low frame rates and issues like your keystrokes "jamming" in the game, so it think you're holding down "w" and walks you right into the middle of the Nile to be eaten by crocs.
I paid full price to get this on PC, hoping it wouldn't be like Watchdogs II which had the exact same issue - but it was.
Yep pretty sure this is the cheaper than Black Friday. Just got my paycheck, so I might as well.
No love for pc?
There was a green man gaming deal which cost about $55 on Black Friday. But it's not terribly well optimized for PC, even with latest patch. My rig exceeds the recommended specs Ryzen 1700 and AMD r290 but it's a slug and unplayable at times. Optimized for Nvidia again,but still massive CPU hog. If you have no trouble with Unity it might be worth the gamble.
Daaam, Feel like caving in for the PS4 version! I can wait for a cheaper PC version though :C
+1 though for being cheaper than HN @ $59.