Amazon Australia Launched (Was: Amazon Showing Recommended Products with Prices)

Update: Amazon Australia has turned the switch at around 2AM AEST on 5 Dec 2017. This thread will be used for all discussions related to Amazon Australia's launch event.

Logged into my Amazon Australia account today and noticed their "Your Recommendations" section was showing products + pricing.

From what I can see (not much) - the Nintendo Switch will be $399, Fifa 18 on PS4 will be $39, a white PS4 500gb will be $399.

Screenshot below:

Anyone seeing anything else?

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU


      • +6

        I'm just waiting for the Amazon US and Amazon UK sites to start forcing Australian buyers to the Australian operation. Expect to suddenly see "this item cannot be delivered to Australia" on just about everything.

        • I'm not sure that they will do that. I'm not aware of them imposing any such restrictions in other countries where they have a local site.

          However, I do expect them to start charging GST on sales to Australians from the US and UK sites from 1/7/2018 when the new law takes effect.

          See: Plan to impose GST on Ebay, Amazon imports passes senate

        • @trongy: They did it in Canada. Source: lived there

        • @m0nkeycheese:

          Now I'm curious - how did it happen?

          Was it all products at once or just some products?
          Third party sellers or sold by Amazon as well?
          Were there major price differences?
          Was there consumer outrage?
          Did Amazon try to justify it in any way?

        • @trongy: Amazon was already well established when I lived there, but basically they would hardly ship anything to Canada or if they did the shipping cost was nuts, basically they wanted you to buy from the Canadian site as they could charge more. I just shipped it to the boarder for free then went and picked it up (40min away) Obviously you cant do that here tho šŸ˜ Itā€™s going to happen here I can pretty much guarantee it. Why would they want to compete with themselves?

        • This has been my experience on Amazon US to date anyway. Even to the point when I managed to find something that didn't say that, they literally shipped it across the US before deciding that I had somehow ordered something that was meant to be not able to be shipped to Australia and they then canceled the order without telling me.

  • +3

    From a business perspective, why would Amazon AU have really cheap prices at launch on everything (except the select few to get people into the site looking). So many people have been talking this up and the media is all over it. People will be all over it because it is Amazon the meant to be giant killer. No doubt prices will be reviewed as they go but its Christmas, people are going to buy because of convenience and because it is Amazon. There will be people that complain about what pricing is now yes, but since when do people ever not complain about pricing. Plus a lot of people will just want to try it out too.

    • +8

      Had a look, very disappointing range, and prices are not at all impressive.

      Why would anyone want to buy from Amazon if it is not even cheaper?

      Yeah, I will try it out by having a look at the site, but I am not stupid enough to buy if it is not competitive.

    • +3

      IMO the expectation and hype that they will be the best is their strongest marketing advantage.
      This wet fizzle is doing harm to the brand image, once that hype is lost it will be hard to recover.

      Seems really weird to me that they have let this happen, not that I am an online retail expert like they have.
      Seems very "Australian" eg Harvey rather than what Amazon USA is famous for. If it's more of the same then it's going to flop because eBay and modern sellers like Kogan walk all over it.

    • +1

      How is it any more convenient than ebay?

  • anyone know if Amazon Alexa will finally let you add an AU address into it? I should probably test myself but im at work at the moment..


    I find something funny about this. night cream as a digital tv tuner?

  • +14

    I think it's official - Gerry Harvey has nothing to worry about. It appears greed has won the day.

    • +2

      My conspiracy is that he is Amazon Australia.

      • +2

        Can I add to the conspiracy? Heā€™s selling stuff through Amazon Australia at inflated prices to make his Harvey Norman prices look good.

        • +5

          You don't become a billionare without being a cunning master of manipulation.

          Picture him in the throne on the Death Star saying "oh I'm afraid my stores will be quite operational when your customers arrive"

  • +7

    As it was expected at the moment Amazon AU is simple disappointment.

  • +5

    Just tried to pick out the cheapest piece of men's clothing, just to test out the service, after seeing that everything else was so expensive. Went to the Men's Clothing section, then sort by price, low to high. Came up with nothing but women's clothing. Feels to me like a bit of a joke of a store at the moment.

    • +4

      yup. their website isnt setup properly (or shops havent been indexing their items properly)

      filter 4gb ram in the laptops, and u get 1 result. when theres like 50 with 4gb ram.

  • +11

    I wonder if JB Hi-Fi's price will rise today?

    I almost feel like we've been punked and this isn't the real rollout. It can't be. It's simply too underwhelming. There are NO bargains. Not even a daily deal or something similar.

  • Ebay needs to throw a 15% off everything sale to compete against Amazon Australia's release.

    • +11

      They don't need to. eBay will be cheaper for pretty much everything already.

    • +10

      If anything eBay management is out to long lunch right now toasting the fact that they didn't need to push the emergency sale button.

    • +4

      haha, more like Amazon needs to do 15% off to compete with eBay :D

      What a flop Amazon AU is so far.

  • +5

    it seems majority of stuff is all currently being sold by third party sellers.
    Hopefully it changes soon, as these prices ain't doing anything for me!

    • +6

      Majority of amazon is always 3rd party sellers, the american one isn't any different.

  • +6

    I can buy a set of front brake pads for only $772.19 with free shipping!

    Better hurry only 3 left at this great price.

    And it could arrive as soon as December 20th!!ā€¦

    I think the promise of Amazon AU was much better than anything Amazon AU was actually capable of delivering. Would have been best left as a promise and keeping eBay dropping us discount codes to keep us loyal.

    • +5

      They would have been better drop shipping eBay items at cost rather than the current range.

    • +3

      I am curious about neg voters. I vote neg when someone is trolling, not making a useful contribution to a discussion or just plain wrong. That's in accordance with the guidelines here, which many people don't read.

      I suspect a lot of people neg when the read something they don't like. I don't like Amazon's prices either, but that's not a reason to neg.

      • +2

        The item you linked to is sold and shipped by a third party seller ' Red Auto Parts', not Amazon AU.
        It's like blaming eBay for some seller sticking an item up for a stupid price.

        • +2

          Thanks, that's a helpful distinction that I hadn't picked up on. I'm glad you pointed that out.

          I am used to using eBay where all the sellers are third parties. Sure there are stupidly priced items, but there are plenty of competitively priced ones too. All I found in my search for auto parts were horrible prices on Amazon AU. Not a great start IMHO.

          So I have had a bit more of a look and many items from the vendor Amazon AU are not competitively priced when compared to eBay either.

          I was expecting more of the range and great pricing available from Amazon US, but that's not what I'm seeing from Amazon AU.

        • +2

          Yep, early impressions aren't great when comparing to eBay.

          Hopefully Amazon AU will start listing more items and pricing competitively and then the third party sellers might adjust tiheir pricing accordingly.

  • +5

    tried to buy 2 books locally, i get to get them much later and have to pay MORE!?

    get your act together amazon, or go back to the jungle.

    • +1

      Same scenario for me - the books are either not in stock, or if they are they are MORE expensive and take LONGER to arrive than the website I'm used to using, and I buy from overseas.

      The whole site at the moment is a massive disappointment - no stock, high prices, long shipping times, no Amazon Prime for shipping etc.

  • +11

    As I predicted, a huge dud…

    • +8

      You understated it. After getting so hyped up about it I actually feel a degree of resentment towards amazon now. As per my post below i'd imagined it like actually having variety from the official store. Dont really care about the 3rd party sellers can go anywhere for them.

    • But will they stay that way?

      If they can genuinely innovate and bring us cheaper products and faster, more reliable shipping they will definitely grow.

      • They certainly can.
        It just doesn't change the fact that they screwed up and have taken an image hit due to it.
        They are theonline geniuses, so perhaps they have cunning tactics beyond the imaginations of us plebs and it's all part of a market manipulation which will make them stronger in the long-run…
        Feels like botched operation though.

        • Have to start somewhere. Rome wasn't built in a day they say. Anyway more competition is certainly healthy. I notice JB Hifi and Good Guys are having quite a few deals atm, and their execs will no doubt have one eye on Amazon.

  • +3

    The prices will be pretty meh until Amazon lists more of their own products.

    Amazon Prime will apparently launch in Australia next year with "exclusive delivery benefits", this is what the retailers need to worry about, and what would have driven the creation of Australia Post's Shipster service.

    In the meantime, free shipping on orders over $49 is alright, provided that the items aren't cheaper elsewhere.

  • Did anybody get on the G29 for $79? Not being listed for that price anymore.

    Why didn't I buy? Why didn't I buy?

    • +1

      Have 3 coming, happy to sell one to you if they honor it.

      • Three(!)

        Keep me updated!

      • I ordered 1 but the description seems to be for the shifter so someone ballsd up there . I took a screen capture from the app

        • My email came through as a keyboard.

  • +1

    Disappointed, maybe I was spoiled using Amazon Japan while I was living there but it seems they haven't got much stuff on the Australia one. Oh well least ebay/Gerry and the others will be laughing about it.

    • +1

      Well at least ebay/Gerry and others have to keep their prices checked.

  • +2

    I wonder if Amazon will be blocked by manufacturers from doing grey/parallel imports
    Ryobi have a much greater 18 volt tool range in the USA

    • +1

      Probably, being Australia we're bound to get screwed

    • I would think so, given it is the trademark holder's right to do so.

    • They are blocked. Try order something from that shouldn't be sold in Australia. You'll find it is restricted and will not allow shipping to Australia.

      Of course it's easily bypassed by using one of the 3rd party shipping services (like the Aus Post one) which let's you ship to an American address then they forward the package to Australia. Those services do not care about grey imports.

      Get the bigger range and cheaper prices from that way.

    • By law they have to. Australian law and customs protects sole importer contracts.

  • Wasn't as good as I was expecting. So, first impression got off to a rough start. Hoping Amazon improves otherwise it'll be quickly forgotten about or I'll just look at the US Amazon only (but I find shipping is usually expensive).

  • SanDisk SSD PLUS 480G @227 what a fkn rip off. Amazon Australia is really disappointing. Amazon Australia already lost it. What is the point of Amazon Australia if it's pricing is the same as other Australian retailers?

    • +4

      By the same token:

      You are looking at a price by one seller and blaming amazon, makes as much sense as blaming ebay for the seller that is charging $415

      Ebay Australia is really disappointing. Ebay Australia already lost it. What is the point of ebay Australia

      It is day one, wait until there is competition….

      • -1

        Wow. Do you really had to choose that particular listing with higest amount? here is a quick search on ebay price around $230.

        I did a quick Amazon Australia search and the first result was for SanDisk SSD Plus. Sometime with eBay 20% off you could get the SSD at really good price.

        It is day one, wait until there is competitionā€¦.

        Well if it is day one, then there should have been huge sales. really poor marketing. The first impression matters.

        • +4

          You are missing the point that Duff5000 is making.

          What you are seeing on Amazon is just a single seller, which could be one of the highest priced sellers on eBay who just happened to give Amazon a go.

          It's not as though there are 50 sellers on Amazon for this product and this is the cheapest of those.

        • +4

          Amazon are currently hand picking the sellers that get the go ahead, it's not open to everyone, so they should be doing a better job of it to make a good impression.

        • +1


          Don't get me wrong, I think the current selection and pricing is sh*t too :D

  • +1

    Really disappointed. There isn't much offered by Amazon itself. Most of the electronics is actually more expensive than posted on Ozbargain

  • +1

    So far Amazon's purpose seems to be limited to HDMI cables and Bluetooth speakers… Everything else is more expensive.

  • The only Fire TV product available is the TV Stick Basic Edition - which is rubbish. It's only a $ more than the US price but none of the real deal Fire TV products are on the AU site.

    Looks like no Fire tablets either.

  • +6

    Amazon has arrived in Australia BUT NOT TO GIVE US GOOD DEALS -BUT TO PRICE GOUGE US LIKE ALL THE OTHER FOREIGN COMPANIES! Will now check to see if they have blocked us using the USA -International site. all the Australian retailers would be laughing but Amazon will attract all the dumb Australian shoppers that would not have a clue what a good price is -They are buying from Amazon so it must be cheap.

    • +1

      Tell us what you REALLY think.

  • +6

    It's early days, guys. Amazon have no need to rush, they're laying the foundation in Australia very deliberately. The minimum viable product has been delivered.

    …a few cracking great deals get posted on here, in the near future and the poorly-stocked launch will soon be forgotten.

    • +1

      Yeah i think it is better to just get it going, make sure everything works before they go nuts with taking orders.

  • Giggity.

  • didnt see any toys at any decent prices, terrible tool prices, no sporting equipment at any market prices either

  • +1

    i believe amazon will come good. the US site and customer service is amazing.

    my only disappointment so far is that they haven't used the local depot as an intermediary for buying items the us aite doesn't ship here.

    not the items forced by the brands to remain country locked or that are banned, but random things which they inexplicably will not ship overseas.

    I'd pay more for shipping if it was reasonable, obviously.

  • +2

    Let's be real guys. We get ripped off on everything in Australia. Just accept that Amazon AU will always have 'standard' pricing that the average lobotomized Australian will come to expect.

    • +1

      yes, considering the fees amazon charges, unless amazon is selling it, the third party or private label suppliers won't be more than 10% cheaper than what you have now on the other sites.

      We can only get bargains with the stock that amazon will hold as they will be willing to sell it at cost.

  • +5

    Just to say we have an active account with amazon australia. They literally only just e-mailed the sellers with active accounts the day before. 90% of the listings are incomplete and shipping is not even properly set. Amazon seems to want all the sellers to ship to everywhere in Australia….good luck getting some gym equipment to the NT.

    They literally have no way around it though, because all the sellers could do before launch was list their products with a lot of functions disabled as the site isn't active yet - even amazon don't have a purpose built before launch platform.

    I only hope that with amazon here, we can get a lot more of the US products sent here.

    Good buy catch, kogan, clickfrenzy, temple and webster - you are all screwed.

    Welcome the Umbrella corporation.

  • +1

    Baby steps

    If you look at their P/L for the last few years they will take a hit again this year on the international markets expansion.

    They want and need their AWS division more it's the fastest growing revenue stream they have it's Increased by 4 billion a year in sales.

    Last year it provided 3.1 billion operating profit compared to the 2.3 billion for Amazon North America

    Having the "hidden" revenue stream helps support them take over a market, As that grows you will see amazon shrinking margins to next to nothing as they are covered by AWS and pushing the market.

  • I just want an Echo Dot to work with my Sonos and they done even have that.. Itā€™s their own freaking product!!!!!

  • -1

    What a letdown. Almost as big a fizzer as this bloke

    • -1

      Yay, politics! My favourite!

      In a thread about Amazon Australia's launch….

      • Someone appoint you as thought police? Admittedly it was a long bow. has been a letdown for only a few days so any comparison would be quite rightly anathema to them.

  • +2

    It seems really buggy for sellers. I got approved to sell last week with a brand new username and email to sign up with (ie: different to the Amazon US account). I didn't upload anything but tonight I suddenly got 6 sales out of no where and it seems like they used the ASIN/barcode from my US settings. Quite strange as they are different accounts and not only that, it list every single item qty as 1. I think they were trying to port to my account which I did not accept yet… Pretty buggy and can be dangerous especially to sellers that don't have anything in stock, which could hamper the reputation if it already goes out of stock.

    • +1

      The ASIN barcodes are global. It is a real pain. Amazon want the whole world to buy from the one listing for the one product. They barely have any ground staff here.

      • I'd listed so many things on Amazon au but my store isn't showing up on product listing pages. My account status is set to inactive for some reason and no matter how many times I set to active, it just remains inactive. Did all that crap (actually created listings from scratch) ready for the launch and hype and the system is so buggy that I'm not even visible to buyers.

  • -1

    Is there any deal on laptop on Amazon? If somebody can help that would be great. Looking for laptop around &600.

    • +1

      Check the Dell outlet store, lots there at the moment.

  • +1

    will they ever gonna deliver by drone? hah,kind of disappointed with aus post these days and really keen to see another player will make competition harder

  • +4
  • +1

    Not impressed. JB and other retailers are cheaper for things i was looking at (electronics, photography). I was looking for items sold by Amazon AU where possible as well.

    And still much cheaper to order from Amazon USA and get shipped here than it is to order the exact same item from Amazon AU. And that's with the Aussie dollar not doing too well!

    What a flop.

    Hopefully all the 3rd party sellers on there can at least make some extra money for themselves even if it's nothing special for consumers/buyers.

  • Jb shares were up almost 7% yesterday. Not bad one day gains.

  • Pricing error for the LOGITECH G29, but they gave me a $50 voucher. Pretty happy with that.

  • I am not sure why people think amazon will get u cheap? 1 st thing will not make them cheap because ausee labour market very high.they might give little bit better price by dropping profit margin but I am not expecting huge price drop.

  • +3

    Terrible launch, should have delayed it another year to get it right.

  • I want to buy something from this amazing but I'm afraid I might not get it or there will be some other problems so I went to eBay that seem more professional & organized.

  • +1

    Amazon are riding the wave of goodwill felt towards them into the ground. I expected competitive prices, a decent website and superior customer service but they delivered nothing.
    All they needed to do was offer a limited number of products in time for Xmas with lower prices and they be on their way to domination. They got in just in time to be dud of the year!

  • +3

    What a joke, more expensive than local or eBay and twice the postage time/cost on a lot of items. I'm not sure why anyone would use Amazon, at this stage.

    • Heh I sell on eBay and Amazon and I sell the exact same product on Amazon for more because buyers like to feel rich ;)

      • I just was comparing prices for the same tech store on eBay and Amazon. Their eBay price $175 , Amazon $215.

  • I am just curious when there top 1000 items will become available - especially in clothing… also, where are the fire tv's and fire tablets - very odd not to go BANG with the products they actually manufacture!

    • +1

      They don't manufacture anything.

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