I'm wondering who goes first in this scenario.
My take is that:
Blue drives through the intersection.
Red gives way to Blue and then crosses to go down the street.
Green waits for Blue to pass and Red to turn and any other cars, then crosses.
I'm wondering who goes first in this scenario.
My take is that:
Blue drives through the intersection.
Red gives way to Blue and then crosses to go down the street.
Green waits for Blue to pass and Red to turn and any other cars, then crosses.
this mang knows
What if green is turning left and red is doing a U-turn? I've seen people go at the same time and narrowly avoid a head-on collision.
Then Green is at fault unless it's not a U-turn area… and god I see so many people doing U-turns at "NO U-TURN" zones. Like a LOT. It's some weird idea of self-entitlement that certain laws don't affect them.
If Red is doing a U-turn then Red has to give way to Green ("must give way to all vehicles and pedestrians").
(The rule isn't different in QLD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymAR-HZhUZ0&t=54 )
I was talking about a T intersection and with Green not at a stop sign. I'm interested if what I said is false in that case too.
Red is not doing a U-turn. The picture shows red is doing a right turn.
You would think green has a stop sign being at a T intersection so would need to give way to blue and red
Broken white line at the very least.
No lines needed, but most will have lines and signs for either stop or give way. On the t you need to give way, it’s in the rules somewhere.
Thanks Op for the topic, while we are at it I would like to ask who goes first in this pic, red or green?
Assuming red and green at are give ways, Blue then Red then Green. But I don't think they ever make double lane + intersections.
They do make these intersections Stonesin, there are some near us. I've been in the position of the green car and it's a pain in the arse. Especially if there are a lot of the red cars.
This is one of the examples of the intersection, which is exactly the same as the pic above
That looks shocker!!
your poll options have too many words.
blue > red > green
What the hell is driving ed? I never had that in school, sounds pretty american
I don't know if these are true but some principles:
No give ways (1), blue 1st because he is going straight (2), no one is turning left (3), then red because he is going from a road that isn't ending but green is (4) then green last.
If someone has a concrete example of these principles being wrong I'd be really interested (for my own knowledge)
Your principles are all backwards. In the road rules there is no ‘priority’ or ‘right of way’. There is a responsibility of one party to give way in each situation. It is a subtle but important distinction. As a driver you are to ensure that you give way in accordance with the rules.
Green must wait for other cars to go first. Red must wait for all cars going straight through. Blue does not need to wait for other cars to go first, but also must not crash into anyone
If they are backwards then why do they lead to blue then red then green, which you agree with? If backwards wouldn't it be green red blue?
As I said if the principles are wrong please feel free to show a diagram where this is the case.
No. It’s just the way the principles are stated that is wrong. There is no ‘right of way’ anywhere in the road rules. While the order you stated the cars would move is correct we need to start thinking the other way, about the responsibility to give way rather than ‘I have right of way’ in all situations.
@Quantumcat: my point was that the wording was wrong despite the intention being right. Many people don't get the subtle, yet important difference.
I think people believing they have right of way tends to increase road anger when something 'gets in my way'.
@Euphemistic: yeah people are best off assuming everyone else is an idiot and being appropriately defensive :)
Give way to your right, and the slip lane always gives way. (I don't have a drivers license by the way)
The slip lane gives way only if there is a continuous dotted line across where it merges with the left lane on the road it is joining, otherwise it is now a merge "zipper" lane where the car which is behind has the obligation to allow the car ahead to merge in.
“Road rules for merging are quite straightforward – when two lines of traffic become one and there are no marked lines, a driver must give way to any vehicle that is ahead of their own. If a vehicle wants to move from one marked lane of traffic into another, they must give way to the lane of traffic they are moving into.”
FROM: https://www.sgic.com.au/south-australian-motorists-urged-min…
Am I the only one to think that Blue is a bit far and Red can turn first. Depending on the speed of Blue, it could be Red > Blue > Green.
There's a car in front of Blue possibly, and behind.
all of the above, everyone is still in the right, i don't see any offences being committed.
blue then red then green,if it takes you more than 1-2 seconds you shouldn't have a license
Blue is on a straight (main) road …. first right of way.
Red is exiting the main road and taking a turn….second right of way.
Green entering the main road….last right of way…waits for cars in either direction to be clear before he merges.
I have no idea but if they all go at once i think you would end up with purple.
Nothing is ever as simple as the graph you have made. How many other cars around, who arrives first?
If it's solely those three and they all arrive same time, blue, red, green.
Why would I make the graph then?
So based on your graph, it is solely those three cars.
I would say Red goes first as they have arrived to the intersection with enough time to turn before blue arrives. Blue will then be there just after red has gone, so they will go next. Then green.
Also in your description you have used "xx waits for xx" and also "xx gives way to xx". Please also know the difference between "waiting" and "giving way". As so many fail to understand. You do not need to wait for a car to approach an intersection in order to give it way. To give way means your actions will not make someone else slow down or alter their plans. If a car (i.e. Red in this case) can get through and the Blue car can still travel at its current speed without needing to slow down, then Red does not need to "wait" for blue to arrive to the intersection, Red can simply go through.
Do you know how to understand an image?
Why would red pass through the intersection when blue is about to?
It seems you're lost on the main concept that is "3 cars meet at an intersection".
You do not need to wait for a car to approach an intersection in order to give it way.
Correct. But to give way is to wait. You're falling over the basics here…
Red can simply go through.
If Red goes through, he hits Blue. If Green goes through, he hits Blue or Red.
@StoneSin: No. Based on your image, blue is no where near the intersection yet.
This is why I originally said the image alone is not enough. You have had to elaborate too much to explain it.
3 cars meet at an intersection
You have not said this on your original post or image. I am only going by the image. The blue line is much further from the intersection than the red or green. Hence it has not yet arrived.
@jjjaar: So, based on my image, how many metres is blue away? You should be able to tell me, based on your responses.
This is why I originally said the image alone is not enough.
And you're wrong.
You have had to elaborate too much to explain it.
No, you just didn't understand, so I had to explain the basics for you (again).
It's right here
I'm wondering who goes first in this scenario.
If you don't understand that statement, you don't belong in the comment section of this thread.
edit: meant to comment a reply
yeah blue then red then green.