Don’t Waste Money on Private Health Fund - Morgan Stanley Report

Are you going to ditch your health fund next year ?…

Paywalled article, please google the title “Is the public health system so good you don’t actually need private insurance?”

Thanks tsunamisurfer

Poll Options

  • 31
  • 266
  • 331
    I don’t have private health insurance
  • 14
    My employer pays my health insurance


    • What were the overwhelming negatives of public care?

      • +1

        One was a very sensitive issue where the person needed the physical and emotional support of the family through the whole thing. With private they had her own room as long as it was needed and family was able to stay by her side the whole time. It was hotel like as far as food and the rooms went and the quality of service was outstanding. Her spouse also got a decent benefit to cover their out of pocket expenses from the same fund.

        In the second case they were in public, in a tiny room with 6 other people seperated by curtains, the food was tv dinners and the service was understandably stretched. I can't imagine having to go through the first scenario in public if the quality was even slightly like I saw in the second.

  • Adam explains all of this really well here:
    Adam Ruins Everything - The Real Reason Hospitals Are So Expensive
    Hospitals should be regulated, just like child care should be. Not every industry is regulated.

    • +1

      That's the US model though.

  • I'll keep mine even if my income was below the threshold.

    I like the certainty that if something goes wrong, I'll be able to get the surgery / medicine / tests necessary. I have been in the situation of needing 'elective' surgery (an Ankle reconstruction) - waiting list is around 2 years if I'm not mistaken.

    I never got it done, I now have private health however haven't gone ahead with it. I was young when it happened and didn't have 20k handy….I'm happy to pay for peace of mind, and even happier if I'm never in a situation where I need to use it.

  • +1

    I got a quote recently with BUPA, for the sole purpose of the bonus velocity points on offer. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when they mentioned the monthly premium for a 39yo. The current generation has been duped in my opinion to take out private health insurance when it is fundamentally unnecessary. My take is that if you're a healthy person that takes care of yourself with a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine then the public system will save you 10's of 1000's over the journey.. at least that how far I am in front by now paying it.

  • +1

    I dropped out of PHI last year. The premiums are going up 6% a year and the government doesn't care. If I want to opt back in later on I can will just cost more but I'm happy to pay 0 in the interim.

  • +1

    I would have had to fork out $12,000 of my own money for spinal surgery without private health insurance.

    The article sounds like a joke.

    As with all insurance, it will come back to bite you when you don’t have it.

    • -1

      Thanks. I'm astounded by so many people here not understanding that PHI is still insurance.

      I mean, do people complain that if they don't get into a car wreck, their car insurance premiums are wasted? Or if their house doesn't get flooded or burn down, that their home+contents insurance premiums are a waste?

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