Free Globe shirts sent to your location, just type in the code (LMFAO), your name and address, and you get a free shirt! I don't know what shirt it is, but hey, it's free!
ALSO: 50% off all stock on the Globe online store: GLBSVY
Free Globe shirts sent to your location, just type in the code (LMFAO), your name and address, and you get a free shirt! I don't know what shirt it is, but hey, it's free!
ALSO: 50% off all stock on the Globe online store: GLBSVY
Coupon is LMFAO! Didn't it work?
Worked for me…
No HTTPS makes me wary of sharing my address….
Agree, PO Box are the win for these situations.
Is it just me or do i have to enter my house address not just my email
Do you want them to email you the t-shirt? :p
hahah sorry had to laugh..
what is with the coupon code, is this a joke?
Na, one of my mates said that outside Prahran Station in Melbourne they gave out these catalogues and surveys and gave them that code to put in online…I thought it was a joke too, but what have you got to lose? Dunno how long it'll take either.
Free tshirt is free.
GLBSVY for 50% off their online products
Yeah, it works. I mean, I put it in, it'll work when/if the shirt comes I guess, haha.
hope i get my free t-shirt
500 clicks already, I don't like my chances :P
They normaly give away a few tshirts with the code for doing a survey i think they will not send them out as 700+ clicks already
hope you do get them but will not be holding my breath and they have all your address
all your address are belong to them.
put my name down, sent one to my Dad to :)
X-Small?! Nice!
I got it sent to my work
hmm im still waiting for my famouspeoplevotetoo shirt from like 10 months ago
Yeah I never got mine either :P
oh yeh, forgot about that one!
i guess we are not that famous…
Haha, came in here to comment on the exact same thing. What a rip.
i got my 'famous people vote too' t-shirt, i think it took maybe 2 weeks but i signed up before it was posted on Ozbargain
I dunno if they'll send em all guys, with this many clicks don't get your hopes up.
Note that after filling in the survey they also give a 50% off coupon, mine is GLBSVY (or the S might be a 5) - not bad in itself either
I'd say its an 'S'.
And I concur, it is not a bad deal .
hahaha 3,700 clicks, I can imagine what the guys who organised the promotion are thinking!
we must order more shirts? :D
the power of OzBargain :D
oh yea free shirt comin my way!!
anyone wanna buy stuff off the website for 50% here is the code: GLB5VY enjoy!
its free shipping as well to metro areas, so with the 50% its not too bad.
4514 clicks - Good luck Globe!
with 4619 clicks as of this post (geez 100+ extra clicks just 6 minutes from 'StarkIndustries' post)
I think China will have to up the production by exploiting more children!
LOL over 5500 clicks now, the Globe marketing rep will have a meltdown when they see the orders in the morning
5,949 clicks!
wonder if they have enough t-shirts to give out haha
6084 clicks..lets keep a count till we get our t-shirts! YAY!
How do they know where to send it to? Sounds a bit, or actually alot, sus to me !!!
Did you click on the link at all? They ask for the following;
T-Shirt Size:
What exactly where you planning on putting in "Address"? The same as "Email"? Please leave your free tshirt at the door on the way out.
How does one check the clciks?
at the top of this page, underneath the tags. right now it says 7401
I wanna capture the moment when he wakes up and see thousands of orders, lol.
Holy mother of God. Hahaha this is nuts. Yeah I'm not sure how exactly they are going to react to this..I've got a feeling this code wasn't intended for..let's see..oh, over 8000 people O_O
let's see what will happen…
8500 CLICKS…..
They are going broke with 8000 free shirts…
i signed up…but highly doubt it will come!!
8533 clicks….the sign ups keep on coming
Wonder if they can cover the costs by selling all those addresses and emails?
hmmm anyone got an idea how much those type of sites pay you for these details?
They're going to have a meltdown and realise how bad this PR stunt was. I think Ozbargain and other internet savings aggregators have now officially ruined free product promotions.
hope my adress is safe
Always create at least one email addy for these kinda offers nubzy, they can spam the hell out of it & you won't care, just delete it when it gets too messy! ;)
I think that's the main reason why ISPs give you ten or so spares! :p
or use
Isnt there some law which states that if something is advertised as free in Australia, and has no limitations, that they must honour it?
I mean if they dont its basically false advertising.
From the code, it looks like they're laughing at us :(
9,000 addresses to sell = a good database of customers = potentially a lot of money.
How about you find us that law.
I'm just assuming it would be covered under false advertising.
I cant see any conditions at all attached to it regarding limits.
Fair Trading Act 1987 sec48 Offering gifts and prizes
(TPA s 54)
A person shall not, in trade or commerce, in connection with the supply or possible supply of goods or services or in connection with the promotion by any means of the supply or use of goods or services, offer gifts, prizes or other free items with the intention of not providing them or of not providing them as offered.
If the shirt doesn't come you could report it as a scam at because you have been scammed for your details.
You get to the promotion page via this page:
It clearly says "Were you among the folks that got hit up?".
You obviously weren't. Reporting this as a scam will just embarrass you as a person for being exposed as a cheapskate.
danielz is correct.
But they have no idea if you were one of those pplz who got the survey.
Unless they capture the refer-info from oz-bargains which is unlikely just in case I retyped the full address under a different ip-address. Though I'm sure oz-bargains doesn't send refer info.
Key words "with the intention of not providing". Globe would have had every intention of providing the shirts, but doesn't say anywhere that they actually have to end up doing it.
dmc900, the referring website cannot choose if they want to send referral information or not. it is pretty much up to your web browser.
Wonder if Globe is still Laughing their FAO??…I suspect not.
Vegeta haha
10,000 and counting.
i dont think they'll care, theyll get a load of cheap tees printed and u got 10,000 peeps advertising globe
They should be thanking me ;)
Well I just spent $120 using the discount code, so they've profited from me
has anyone received their tshirt in the mail???
i didn't plus it because i doubt they will be sending, not even a confirmation
where is my shirt!!
I just called them and the lady basically told me " I have no idea what free t-shirts you are talking about "
i told her its on her website, she said " I have no idea about it " and she gave me the phone number to her manager… i suggest everyone call him up and ask :)
07 5555 9026
Did you call the Globe store or Head Office? Because that number looks a lot like the number for the QLD store…
PHONE - +61 7 5555 9090
They have the following listed in the contacts page;
PHONE - +61 3 8534 9999
Assumedly that is the contact for "Australia", so hopefully the Head Office. :)
Some site always have free T-Shirt deals but they never send them. I havent got my T-shirt yet so I hope this time I get my free T-shirt it looks really cool.
I just received this email:
You've given us your email address and entered a code we gave to people we interviewed in Melbourne last week. The code you've entered has already been used by someone who was interviewed but we still want to give you a free t-shirt and the 50% discount on Globe products as we respect anyone who has a crack at a freebie. We will give you a free t-shirt when you purchase anything from , just enter the Coupon Code GLBSVY[upper case] when you check out and your Globe orders will be half price and we'll send you a free t-shirt.
Let the games commence!! :)
Hmm.. I still haven't received said email.
1) I got in on this VERY early on. Under 100 people had clicked through. :P
2) I'm actually located in Melbourne. I'm thinking that people from other states would be an instant "no".
Sorry if I seem to be stating the obvious, BUT, it looks like the answer to the question that is on everyone lips is….
A big fat NO?
Well played Globe.
LOL. go get em!!
$8.99 isn't as good as free.
Yeah, but I'd rather go the Alu bottle opener (…) for an extra $1 (i.e. $9.99) because it's actually useful. :) Don't forget you also get the 50% discount (on either). Not sure what p&p costs though.
Is it just me or does this link look like a dulled down JB HiFi ripoff?
It's just you
Funny how they have sold out most of the items so what point is the 50% off code if they refuse to sell items and mark them as sold out.
further proof there is no such thing as a free lunch, or anything else
I did not get that email and im in Sydney. Hopefully my free shirt is on its way!
Damn, its these "Freebies" that get me these anonymous calls.
Bought a pair of shoes the other day and they came today. 50% off ;)
Wow, actually received my shirt today via express post :o
I guess it isn't that surprising given that I would have been one of the first to enter my details.
Wonder how many they sent out before realising they were getting far too many submissions?
Best of luck guys :)
Got mine too!! WOOT! RRP on tshirt was $45.99. WTF?! lol
u guys located in Victoria?
Yeah Vic here.
RRP on mine is $20.90 - white with Globe logo. Feels like it's good quality too.
Yes, in Victoria.
Alright, Times up, LETS DO THIS!!
Edit- wait, need a coupon. God***n it Leeroy!