This is the cheapest ever…
Be quick… Won't last.. Seems to be pick up only
It's now back in stock again after running out earlier.
This is the cheapest ever…
Be quick… Won't last.. Seems to be pick up only
It's now back in stock again after running out earlier.
Yes, I'm a rather sad individual
I think he was referring to them being out of stock already.
Thanks OP, ordered!
great price
Im starting to wonder if the BES920 is going to be replaced in the near future, these prices are getting crazy.
Maybe they’ll stick a touch screen on and bung the price up $1k like with the 980?
Yes , the new model is BEP replacing BES .. I also notice the "oracle" is not called the "touch" as it now features a touchscreen. I had a very quick look at the BEP920 in HN a few days ago and couldn't physically see a difference.. unsure what as changed. But they would NOT budge on price on the BEP920
BEP is just the bundle with the grinder, not a different model.
Out of stock in Canberra. The next nearest shop is Bowral, 2 hours drive away. Worth the drive, but ebay won't let me add it to the card for some reason. :(
Tried again, and managed to get one for delivery!
Seems the site is getting hammered or something.. I had to try about 10 times and it finally worked
Why not pay $10 to have it delivered?
Last night you could click delivery, this morning it was click and collect only, but it seems to be back to delivery again.
It seems heaps of people have this machine on here.. I never see any deals for decale tablets or espresso machine cleaning tablets for this machine.. what are people using!???
Bleach dem pipez
Awesome! Are they the same type that the machine came with? $10 is pretty cheap, plus they have pickup from the warehouse which is pretty good! Have you ever descaled the machine? I'm doing mine today using these.…
I haven't descaled before… I usually only fill the machine with filtered water. I can't find a ratio for those tablets to water either..
The instruction on the tablets say to follow the machine manufacturer's instructions and the BES920 manual says to follow the descale solution instructions… idiots!
The Breville instructions say not to use filtered water but use tap water. They also supply a test strip for water hardness so you can set it on the machine.
I don't know what filtered water does?
A vinegar-water mix is also good for descaling :)
Hmm I missed where it said not to use filtered water. That's a bit weird… perhaps they want more breakdowns to keep their service department going? I can't see how filtering water could possibly cause problems with a machine.
@maddoglee: Some filters leave particles in the water that are quite large i.e. you can actually see black flakes if you look closely at the water. It might be that the particles are more likely to do damage than whatever you filter out.
@Quom: I've never seen any black flakes in the water I drink. I did see black flakes in the water tank though! luckily there's an additional filter in the water tank!
Maybe i shouldn't be that skeptical about businesses focusing solely on revenue and the tricks they could use to increase it.
@maddoglee: I'm not sure and it might be best to check with Breville but I read on the "Coffeesnobs" forum that too "soft" water can predispose to corrosion? And too hard water can cause scaling. I think that's why they provide a test strip and advise setting the water hardness?
Yeah, I guess you're probably right.. I've finished descaling… Those Sunbeam tablets are crap, I wouldn't recommend them. I'm gonna use citric acid next time.
I ran the descale cycle again just with clean water to get the rancid taste out… Finally got it all going..
Have you adjusted the extraction temperature? I've always had it on 93C. I've changed extraction times according to the beans/grindsize I've had, but never the temp.
@maddoglee: I found the comment and it is actually from a whirlpool forum
"Because it uses a boiler system, it is succeptible to scale buildup if your tap water has above 100 ppm of hardness. If your water is very soft, below 30 ppm hardness, then you risk getting boiler corrosion. Don't fear though, the BES920 comes with ion exchange resin-type filters which protect against scale, but you must replace them at the set intervals. Skimping will mean damage to the machine."
I haven't tried adjusting the extraction temperature from default but will try
Thats heaps informative. Got any idea where the best place is to buy those ion exchange filters? Have you changed yours?
Melbourne water is about 35ppm hardness. You hardly get any buildup on any hot water equipment.
@JTTheMan: Dam and here's me ready to buy the Brita softener and filter setup, although did also want it for normal drinking water so prob will still get it. It does have a softness controller for you to dial in so that may help the situation.
No idea on descaling tho.. some say tablets, others aldi product..
@ninjataki: The filter needs changing every 2 months but I often forget and go a bit longer than that.
@JTTheMan: ah ok thanks, i remember running across them on ebay actually, whilst searching for the breville.
@ninjataki: I've had my machine for over 2 years. Never replaced the filter. Just threw out the one that came with it when it said to change it. Canberra water is pretty gentle though. It still has the mesh filter for the heavy particles.
@salem: ah I see, I've actually got a whole house filter (in Brisbane) so that should take care of a lot of sediment/particles. Will have to contact Urban Utilities to find out our hardness here. Most like won't need to change it as often though like you
for descaling, just half a cup of no-name brand white vinegar in the tank, then follow book instructions ;) for cleaning i use two scoops of Cafetto powder which I have had a single tub of since i bought it a decade ago to clean my old sunbeam em6910.… so so much more cost effective than tablets, but essentially the same stuff.
both of which I only do when the display prompts me to.
I generally make one pair of coffees in the morning during the week, and 2 or 3 during the day on weekends when I am home. After every coffee I pull the group handle off, knock the puck out, rinse under hot water in the sink, put the group handle back on without coffee and have the machine run water for 8 seconds using the manual button for a quick rinse of the upper filter. Then take off the handle and leave it on my sink to drain. Every few days I run a kitchen towel up around inside the upper filter.
I just get the decal cleaning liquid from aldi.
I might try that next time.. once I've used these tablets up..
I've also used normal citric acid in a previous machine…
I never owned a coffee machine before but do you need to plug this machine to the tap?
Dunno about this machine, but typically there's a tank at the back that you fill up
No, it just uses a water tank that's big enough
Also the water tank can be filled from the top of the machine so you don't need to constantly remove/replace it.
AND there is a lit window just behind the group head that acts as an easy reminder for when to top-up. Much easier that my older machines.
Awesome price, you'd be mad not to get it at this price.
really want this but its not worth the reflux after, how do GORD sufferers deal with coffee? are there special blends or something?
If you dont drink coffee atm prob dont need this machine :)
Don't do it!
Caffeine causes an upregulation of cAMP, which increase HCl secretion by the parietal cells in the stomach's lumen.
Can't believe I remembered that from 2nd year uni. xD
Lol ok thanks guys, guess I just saved 600 bucks
That said, coffee hasn't been a trigger for me. I can happily drink 2-3 cups per day.
Cutting out onion, garlic and highly acidic foods was my solution, preventing activation of pepsin.
Check out the book "Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure"
Cold drip coffee has around 60% less acid than regular coffee. We use a Toddy Cold Brew System…
Can now get it Delivered for $10
Great price! Although I just got it for $599 with 2 Amex Harvey Norman deals so I’m happy
Would you not have had to spend $800?
Cashback 2 x $100.
So… $600?
*what did you buy for $1?
some random cards in the throwout bin
I did the same today. Bought a 16gb USB for 7$ and split payment so I got the 200$ cash back and the machine effectively for 599.
Why neg?
i wrote another comment below.. but anyhow, i negged because its not the best possible deal.
Bought one. Thanks OP. Fantastic price. Pity i missed out on the grinder yesterday though.
grinder is restocked now
Thanks mate but I checked and it's out of stock again damn it
Anyone have or know if the Breville Barista Touch is any good?
of course it's good. It's just automatic, expensive and more fancy.
How does that then compare to the Oracle Touch
f you are upgrading from the BES900 "Dual Boiler" to the new BES980 "Oracle" as I did, then you are likely in for a few unpleasant surprises.
Although the Oracle provides the facility to select single or double espressos, it only comes with a double-shot portafilter basket and no option to use a single-shot basket. This means that making one shot of espresso uses the same amount of grind as a double shot because you can't half-fill a double-shot basket. Breville advised that this is a limitation of the auto-grind and tamping feature, however it does not change the fact that you are wasting a lot of coffee beans every time you make a single shot. It is also worth pointing out that pumping a single-shot volume of water through double-shot grind would more likely result in a ristretto than an espresso. If you only make double espressos and single ristrettos then I guess this should not be a big issue for you.
The stainless steel milk jug that comes with the Oracle is significantly smaller than the one that comes with the Dual Boiler (almost half the capacity) — this seems a little crazy given that the Oracle is predominately geared for double shots. I use "standard" cappuccino cups (300ml when filled to the brim) and the milk jug from the Dual Boiler would make the perfect volume of milk for two cappuccinos. The Oracle milk jug only makes enough milk for one cappuccino in a "standard" cup, or two cappuccinos in smaller cups. Breville advise that if you buy a larger jug (separate purchase) then the Oracle milk frother should (theoretically) work just as well. Breville got cheap here (again), and that's a concern. I did notice however that using smaller cups resulted in cappuccino that was much warmer due to the lower ratio of milk.
Having an integrated bean-hopper is obviously necessary for the auto-grinder to work, however this has two side-effects. The first (and minor) issue is that there is far less room on top of the machine to keep glasses warm as there was with the Dual Boiler. The second issue is that rising heat from the machine seems to degrade the beans slightly faster than they would if they were housed in a separate grinder. I should point out that my machine may be running for up to an hour before I pour the next shot, and I usually rely on the power-saving features to turn it off. If you are careful not to idle your machine unnecessarily like I do, then you may not experience the same issue.
Although the auto-grinder/tamper is a major time saver, manual tamping may often yield slightly better results. To be honest though, I do prefer the convenience and consistency of the Oracle's auto-tamp even if it isn't completely stellar.
Steaming milk to perfection on the old Dual Boiler was really easy once you knew how. I am pleased to say that the Oracle does an equally splendid job with just the push of a lever. Cleaning the Oracle steam wand is a tad easier too due to the cool-touch surface that milk is less inclined to stick to.
Taste is a big deciding factor when choosing an espresso machine. The Oracle is good enough compared to the Dual Boiler but definitely wins on ease and consistency. It makes reasonably good espresso almost all of the time when using fresh beans, and steaming perfectly textured milk couldn't be easier when using chilled whole milk. The Oracle won't produce the same amazing levels of crema as a prosumer brand machine such as Rocket or Expobar, but it comes sort of close at a much lower price point. The small portafilter on the Oracle is just one of many reasons it can't compete with more expensive brands that use the industry standard E61 Grouphead. However, compared to literally any other espresso machine you can buy in a department store, the Breville beats them all hands down if money is no object.
The Oracle is the best reason not to buy a fully automatic espresso machine. Fully automatic machines make terrible espresso and even worse milk regardless of how much money you spend. The Oracle consistently makes a reasonably good espresso and excellent milk for about the same money down, and with just as little fuss. In fact, the Oracle is much easier to clean than a fully automatic machine when making beverages that require steamed milk.
If you are interested in learning more about making good espresso then you are better off with the Breville BES900 Dual Boiler instead of the Oracle. You should however be prepared for the a lengthy learning phase and the extra effort that it makes to make each shot.
If you want roughly the same quality espresso as the Dual Boiler, don't care about learning the process, don't care about bean wastage, and want to expend the least amount of time and effort then the Oracle is for you, provided you can stomach the lofty price tag. And remember, you'll probably have to buy a bigger milk jug.
Keeping the Breville Dual Boiler and replacing my Breville Smart Grinder with a professional brand grinder like a Masser or Rancilio would have been a cheaper option and probably resulted in slightly better espresso. But, after a couple weeks of solid use, I really appreciate how easy it is to pump out two great cappuccinos during the morning rush - so the Oracle is a keeper.
I have an Oracle. You can get a single shot handle from Breville. It’s really not that hot on top to do anything to the beans for the short time they’re there. Having said that both the 920 & 980 make an excellent cup and at this low price it’s an easy choice.
Wow thanks for the information 😀
I was thinking about the Oracle Touch BES990BSS which is the newest model
@Twisty: All that has over the non touch screen oracle is the touch screen! A huge premium to pay just for the touch screen. If you want an oracle just get the 980 while it’s still available. You’d have to assume that they’ll phase it out.
I'd buy it if I had space on my kitchen bench top.
Too many appliances and another coffee machine
Best machine for the price,,enjoy my morning with my wife wveryday..but must use fresh bean..never buy supermarket beans taste ugly
$640 for a coffee machine???
Believe it or not that's on the low end.
……and yes it’s better than the Aldi pod machine
Man that's crazy, Caffitaly pod machine will do me…
username does not checkout.
This is a great buy, this machine has changed my life. I got a floor stock model for $560 though
I just bought one of these last week on the Harvey Norman deal for 799…
I should have waited I guess but still happy with the deal I got
Never know if a better deal will come around.
The HN was the best deal going in a while.
The postage options is available for me but says my address is unavailable , also tried another address in same town (regional vic) and also does not work :(
Has anyone gone from a rancilio Silvia to this ?
I love my Silvia, but would really like a dual boiler.
So I decided to jump in this and the link took me to m.ebay site, which I don't normally use.
Hit buy, then hit 'review and pay' which is where, from memory, you normally add coupon in the app…
Hit the button, just says 'purchase successful'…ffs.
don't really want this at $800.
I'm now in binglee's hands if they cancel the order or not…
Spoke to binglee on 1300 980 399. Stated they will cancel original order if I request it through ebay, so I've placed an order with the discount applied properly. hopefully all works out, haha.
Looks like out of stock now?
Showing stock for me… Hope they cancel mine soon so an OZB can get the deal
Thanks, FSR showing no stock in Chrome for me. Loaded it in Edge and there's stock, but they don't ship to my location. I guess it's not to be. Saved myself $640, probably a good thing since I only just bought a Nanopresso.
Copped it.
There goes my yeezy money
You're better off
Awesome machine. Insane price.
Deal appeared to now be bust.
Suggest deal remain active a bit longer to see if they restock their eBay supply
Out of stock :(
check again, im seeing stock man
they are back up / more units available now
A few more BCG820BSS grinders also back in stock on Bing Lee
Back in stock. Grinder has sold out again though :(
That was quick