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adidas Stan Smith Sneakers from $47.20 Plus Shipping @ END


Pretty good price for Stan smiths- still seemed to be plenty of stock and sizes left when i checked. Womens seems to start at $59 (before discount) in the pink and coppercolours, Mens from $69.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2017

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  • Starts at $59 for mens (That's what it tells me): https://www.endclothing.com/au/adidas-stan-smith-boost-by291…

    • Gah to be honest, I looked at the color and just made assumptions. My ignorance is shining though.

  • +2

    It's $25 for shipping lol

    • +3

      Not if you buy 5 pairs :)

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    Got that shit while using my VPN. They want you to fill out a form and request an unblock then wait (potentially) hours or days rather than just being smart and using reCaptcha on their site. What a bunch of wanks. Guess they're not getting my money.

  • can u just buy like two shoes to get free shipping and free return one?
    would it work?

    • +1

      Pretty sure you have to pay for returns

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