Managed to secure this price for the ozbargain community from shopping square
Original 20% off at Selected Sellers on eBay Deal Post
Enjoy 😊
Managed to secure this price for the ozbargain community from shopping square
Original 20% off at Selected Sellers on eBay Deal Post
Enjoy 😊
the small savings will cost you more in time
How, if the failure rate is low?
If you want to waste time and $ sending back to OS and waiting then go nuts.
vs. Local supply and swaping out or 2-3 day turn around.
I've had 1 out of 10 fail after short heavy use. Depends how you value yourself.
@xdivino: That's a nice theory.
See if you were actually concerned with maximising the amount of money you have you would spend less every time you bought an item with a low failure rate rather than more every time.
Replacing the item you bought at a lower cost, when and if it fails, rather than bothering with a return procedure would leave you with more money.
That's disregarding entirely the imaginary money you believe you are losing by doing the return procedure.
Currently my failure rate with SD cards is 0% so I have lost no money at all by replacing one.
Not a theory. But I like having products I buy if and when they fail back with me sooner rather than 2-3 week turn around compared to 2-3 day local RMA or swap out where possible.
I'm ok with a price match at officeworks for local stock instead or local ebay seller with AU stock for the small 10% variance in price.
I make money using these cards so longer without = less $ or more I have to spend on additional cards just in case.
Each to their own.
Edit: there's no imaginary money when you have to post back to the seller at your cost. You don't magically get that money back.
@xdivino: 1 out of 10 fails … wow … I would not buy this brand. How many of these did you buy …
SD cards have some limited write cycles and my usage is a bit more heavy than intended in some cases and I can burn through them. Warranty wise they're covered but writing the capacity of the card over and over 3-4 times a day in some cases will see them not last that long.. typcial users would get way more life
thanks for the warning, want a micro sd card for my new smartphone, anything 64gb or above, any recommendations please ?
Fair point
However I have never had a Sandisk card die and Sandisk cards hold a 10 year international warranty AFAIK
Oh okay that's fair enough, I was under the impression that warranty was in the region of purchase, I'll retract my comment..
Australia isn't in the drop-down……
If you are an Australian customer you will need to deliver or post your defective product to our local depot.
You are responsible for any expenses you may incur in delivering your defective product to our local depot. All other expenses in relation to your approved warranty claim will be covered by SanDisk.
This is why HK vs Local stock.
When I had to return mine this is what I was pointed too.
My one bought at officeworks was a swap out.
My one bought on ebay was required to be sent back as Sandisk locally didn't want to touch it (18mths old.)
I have. A standard 32gb sd (not micro) that works intermittently. Bought from a retail store.
Sandisk are not issue free.
what's A1?
for phone/tablet/laptop…
Application rated, rather than just speed.
More feature sets for using with applications over video or fixed use.
200GB for $85
400GB for $265
Social media bragging rights……Priceless
400gb is still too small for the selfie generation
Got one a year ago for US$45.
There is a shortage in Flash memory ATM which is why the prices are higher
Yes. I did have $10 off though.
Hey guys. Has anyone bought from this store before? Just want make sure they are genuine
SS sells genuine stuff. They are an Australian business, though >80% of their inventory is in HK Warehouse and their goods usually intended for international markets.
Thank you
Literally just received in the mail my card from last deal. Genuine Samsung but Chinese version.
Any benchmark on sustained write speed?
OMG What? I paid $136.00 for the SAMSUNG 256GB EVO+ just last month. Damn
Big difference I believe. U1 vs u3
Yeah, I thought this deal was for 256GB not 200GB. I'm happy with my purchase ^_^
Good price, it's usually around $100.
EC, you need to change the link to show the 200GB pic…
lousy company
after a couple of extreme 64GB for my s8 ……might wait and see what crops up during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales
Can this be used on Nintendo Switch?
Yes it can
200gb in title but picture is 256gb
Good point on the warranty.
I've chewed through SD cards with 4k video over the past year and the local warranty is worth it's weight in gold compared to the RMA to overseas.
Low failure rate but still the small savings will cost you more in time if things go bad later.