Similar to the previous deal the other day - different code.
Code is still working at this very moment.
Similar to the previous deal the other day - different code.
Code is still working at this very moment.
502 bad gateway. site getting smashed again.
EDIT: nvm only seems to be when i click on sale and filter all
Yep works. Cheers!
The website crashed again lol, what is going on?
Don't do it. Someone is trolling us.
in b4 one month wait for order to be delivered
Got through to the checkout, entered credit card details, hit the place order button and it's been sitting there for 5 minutes (circular icon just keeps spinning).
Not sure if the order's gone through (no emails yet confirming order, but it might simply be delayed).
Wouldn't like to stop/refresh the webpage and place order again, only to find the first went through after all and thus ordered twice.
Anyways, thanks OP. Some relatively christmas gifts to be had with the code if you get to the free delivery threshold.
After i entered my credit card details and hit the place order button, i ended up with a 504 Gateway error. Like you don't know if processed or not.
Edit: Online banking shows transaction pending
Edit 2: received confirmation email
Cheers mate.
The website crashed LOL
I keep getting told to enter my state and I have.
your state appears to be 'agitated'
WA. Not surprised.
It's a trap!
Website working as well as COTD when they have 1 TV for $1
Took a while, but got their in the end with a order success page and confirmation email.
are you sure you are associated with puma?
Just to clarify again for everyone (as I have below):
hadz has a close friend/family working at PUMA, they do not work there themselves. Associated tag is a broad tag that covers direct and indirect relationships, please do not assume that anyone with the associated tag is working directly for the company (contractors, friends, family members etc.)
I was just referring to the irony.
Yes you can call me selfish
You said it.
if you really wanted the puma stuff at 50% you shouldve checked yesterdays posts, used the code and waited quietly for them to send your stuff
Sorry, but I don't understand your sentiment nor do I think your analogy is applicable to this situation.
It's a deal site, open to all.
It really just sounds like you're crying over spilt milk.
Anyways, goodluck, hope you and everyone else gets their orders (me too if I can get the bloody thing to go through).
@Baltoski: my preference wouldve been everyone gets their item> some get their items > none get their items. But only the last two seem possible from what happened yesterday and to me some > none.
Hopefully you and everyone else who ordered gets their items, that would be perfect, but its up to puma if they can take the loss
Problem is yesterday the code wasn't working for a lot of people and so many thought it had expired. That was the case for me when I tried to use it last night.
Online banking shows transaction pending, have not received order confirmation and it's been sitting there for 15 minutes the circular icon just keeps spinning.
That's strange, my transaction took about 30 seconds.
same here, will contact them in the morning i guess :/
Same here. It's been more than 20 minutes and the wheel is still spinning. CC transaction in my bank account is showing as 'pending'. No email yet. Need to check back tomorrow I guess.
Mine has been doing the same for the past 20 mins. Nothing in online. banking and no confirmation email either.
Have you tried refreshing the page? Sometimes when that has happened to me, I have refreshed the page and the transaction has been successful.
I did reload, but after 3 mins of the same thing, closed the page. Cant be bothered to buy something from a site that is this slow.
I refreshed the page and it went back to checkout page. I just closed it. Transaction is showing up in my bank account. I will check tomorrow.
Exact same issue happened to me. I spent the best part of one hour wondering if my order went through or not as I ddi not receive a confirmation email but my bank was charged. However in my case, it seemed for some reason, after you create an account with them, they put in your account summary/orders section rather than send an email confrimation.
Me too
After the order is processing check you bank account - don't refresh. Chances are it has gone through even if the order confirmation hasn't sent. Send an email to support and they will confirm and send you the order confirmation. If you submit a second time it will process a second order.
Hey, did you create an account?
Similar thing happened to me, as in my first transaction I got an email but after I created an account and ran into some checkout issues(loading for 5-10 mins) for 2nd order, I never got a confirmation letter but instead had to check my order summary on my account.
@hadz: >Now my mate has to send me the next code and god willing I hope it is unique or else no sale for anyone.
Sounds like you're only interested in yourself (Associated - is that by hoping your mate who maybe does have access sends you the code)
You joined less than an hour ago to moan.
If you joined OZB for the right reason you will be sharing the new code, as thats what people kinda do here help each other out.
as i said earlier 'my preference wouldve been everyone gets their item> some get their items > none get their items. But only the last two seem possible from what happened yesterday and to me some > none.
Hopefully you and everyone else who ordered gets their items, that would be perfect, but its up to puma if they can take the loss'
but if worse comes to worse I'd rather the people who were genuinely entitled to the code (which might even rule me out) to receive the 50%. Im calling it now, orders will be cancelled and tomorrow you will hear people moan about their entitlement and that they are going to the ACCC.
I dont know if you read what I said earlier but this is a situation where everyone will lose. If it wasnt on the front page of ozbargain only some would lose as it isnt a public code. From Pumas response yesterday EVERYONE GETTING THEIR ITEMS WONT HAPPEN BECAUSE IT ISNT A CODE FOR EVERYONE, Sure you can say thats pumas fault, they should have given unique codes but thats not my point.
My point is that these where the two outcomes: some get their items (dont post this code) or none get their items (code posted on front page), and isnt SOME losing (which means that some people will get their items) better than EVERYONE missing out? Or do you disagree and can you say why?
Lets say I send you a code and you were seriously interested in buying our items eg. This code enables Toons to 50% off , Unfortunately, I overlook making it single use only. However, theres a set of conditions. One being you are to not share the code and if you do it is my right and I will cancel all purchases using the code including yours.
Do you still share the code?
How much minions can i buy with Toons 50% off for $100?
I hear Bunnings have shovels on sale, the rate you're digging you're going to need more than a few!
I wanted to have a fair discussion with you about this whole situation. Instead you try to belittle me?
@hadz: Do or do not there is no try, in all fairness you're actually doing a good job of that yourself
You have made no points just a series of what if's, I think you need to read your first rant.
Then take a few Weeks / Months to understand how this site works
then take a punt at what F&F is……
If you're actually associated with Puma it's just becoming embarrassing for them that you appear to be so clueless
You have been lurking and joined for a rant so the only person making this a situation is you and possibly you're mate that leaked the code………
@Toons: you say I have made no points when my comment above has this in it
'My point is that these where the two outcomes: some get their items (dont post this code) or none get their items (code posted on front page), and isnt SOME losing (which means that some people will get their items) better than EVERYONE missing out? Or do you disagree and can you say why?'
Am I missing something? Oh no, not another one of your classic jokes again?
I should take some time to understand how this site works? Ok Im new so can you tell me how this site works?
F&F means friends and family which does not equal everyone. Before you give me the dissertation about how everyone is my family and therefore my friend please understand this from a business point of view.
A situation is just a set of circumstances so I'm not sure how that relates to me only when even when I didnt post it was still a situation of a code for everyone or not?
Looking forward to your reply
@hadz: I'd be here all night trying to explain it to you, are you missing something quite a lot it would seem. this was your first post!!
Why would you post this? It was already poster here
The people that really wanted puma stuff wouldve checked this aswell and found the new code. Now that you posted it >you have people who are only buying because its 50% off and werent actually intereseted in the items.Now that its on the front page of ozbargain, Puma will now CANCEL ALL ORDERS OR MAKE YOU PAY FULL PRICE LIKE YESTERDAY > .
Yes you can call me selfish but if you really wanted the puma stuff at 50% you shouldve checked yesterdays posts, used the code and waited quietly for them to send >your stuff. Now that its on the front page of ozbargain no one is going to be getting 50% off and you've ruined it for the guys who really wanted puma stuff and 50% >was just the icing on the cake….
So lets put it in a simple way for you to understand.
You have joined up after lurking, dictating what people should and shouldn't be doing, threatening to take away everyones purchases, thinking that this thread is the cause of people losing a discount, yet pointed out 2 other posts with the code in??????
FML, all 3 can end up on front page in fact you're contributing to it being there every time you try to be a smart ass.
@Toons: Hi Toons I hope you are having a good morning unlike the guys at Puma.
You say I joined up after lurking. As opposed to? Looking at the bottom of the page there are 1000 users and 5000 guests. what do you have to say to those lurkers?
Im just stating what I believe about this whole situation but you feel so oppressed to call me dictating?
I did not threaten to take away anyone's purchases. It was never that direct, I only stated puma's options and what they were likely to do not 'threaten' geez…
I put those 2 links in to reinforce my point, besides, if the code is in bold letters on the front page what difference does the two links in the comment section make?
Why are you calling me a smart arse? I dont know why but you seem so incessant on putting me down. First, your making jokes of me in poor taste and now name calling. Cant we have a fair discussion?
Can you actually answer the questions I put to you? Or do you want to keep dodging them?
Its over toons, I have the high ground
@hadz: News just in from QF101, You came on here trying to impose and pretend, saying people will moan about entitlement yet you're the only one who has or shown they have felt entitled……..
Why not start reading some of your posts before posting.
You have no moral or credible high ground, you lost that the moment you sent your first post.
The only thing you have shown is you're highly delusional and feel entitled, look at it from a business point of view, I'd sack the idiot making such a mess and showing up them themselves and the company.
You want a discussion show me you're not delusional, petty and self serving and we can have that…….
@hadz: 'its over toons, I have the high ground' hahahahaha this is the dumbest thing i have ever read, if you are indeed associated with the store please try to remain professional. Its not the customers duty to remain professional, its yours.
@Toons: entitled because I am a legitimate friend/family. If you were in my shoes no doubt you would feel the same way.
Sack the idiot? I'm just a legitimate friend/family and the views here are my own. Haha there is a reason why you're not the boss of Puma.
Again you're avoiding my questions because you have no answers that will make you look better. If you did you would have put those answers forward. And again you go around name calling people geez you must be so tough. I hope that if you have some kind of bottled anger or emotion in you to seek help instead of taking it out on people on the internet, seriously its not worth it.
I'm going to end the 'discussion' here and I wish you all the best.
@Plartus: I have contacted ozbargain re the 'associated'. I am a legitimate friend/family so I have the same rights in commenting as you do
Plartus & Toons
hadz has a close friend/family working at PUMA, they do not work there themselves. Associated tag is a broad tag that covers direct and indirect relationships, please do not assume that anyone with the associated tag is working directly for the company (contractors, friends, family members etc.)
Please continue to conversation in a respectful manner.
@hadz: No thats the reason you're not the boss of puma, The reason i'm not boss of Puma is the simple fact i have a much better job and have no interest working retail and i'm glad if it's filled with people like yourself.
You think you are worldly well educated but every time you have opened your mouth you have proven the opposite.
as for your hypothetical study red pill blue pill grow up, you dug a hole then tried to back out. (hence the overwhelming amount of downvotes) you received acting entitled.
I know what i would do and much like this whole post where you have made a complete idiot of yourself, I'll let you come to your own conclusion, because thats the only thing you will believe.
You lost all respect or moral high ground the moment you made you're first rant.
Why are you so insistent that they will be cancelling orders using this code?
From what was posted in the threads yesterday, they appear to be honouring orders which used the code (even going so far as to refund 50% of the price paid to those who got caught out when it 'unapplied' the code to their cart just before checkout). I have not seen anyone who said their order was cancelled.
Dont get me wrong, I would love all orders to go through but my understanding is customer service told tightm8 here… that it wasnt meant for the public and may have let some through out of goodwill (my assumption). This code is basically a repeat of what happened yesterday and it would not surprise me that with the volume they are getting today, I'm not sure they would let everyones order through. I hope they do though!
if the code wasn't meant for the public why the hell did you put it on here and start this bs with everyone?
are you intentionally doing this to troll ozbargainers?
well you've marked yourself as associated, so how can you be letting this kind of shamoozle happen then?
you guys need to take a step back and look at what you're doing here.
i'm glad you're not a brewery because i doubt you could organise a piss-up
@myusername: I'm not the head of marketing and I dont drink brother. What your asking for is a checkout chick at woolies to fix the woolworths online website. I declared myself as associated for transparency so dont point the finger at me
Damn no shipster… :(
Anyone in Sydney around bondi buying a bunch of stuff willing to purchase a pair of $25 kids pumas for me to get the free shipping? I'd pay cash on pick up… I"m after the "Baby Carson 2 V Training Shoes" in Black size US 10. Long shot I know…
Surely if you live around Bondi you can afford shipping ;)
I wish. Anyway with shipping they're more exy than shipped from amazon us…
have you seen the price of smashed avo on toast around bondi?
Thanks OP, slowwww but worked…eventually. See if it ships I guess ?
Got there in the end…thanks OP!
Dear ….Puma. Please…. get… new…. servers….
So slow to process each click.
Puma … fast by name only ..
F&F = In other words F**K and Forget!
When does this end?
website terrible
Strange.. The website says they accept Paypal but that does not appear on the payment methods
It appears from the rep that this code was not meant to go to the public masses. But that's the marketing teams fault, if it works multiple times, the business should honour it. If it was meant for once time use, I am sure their website coding would only let only targeted customers get it and linked to their account. Many online companies do this, but hey…… hopefully they will honour my order.
Got some backpacks for the kids seem ok @50% off.
Is this really a Puma rep on here? To be honest his comments seem a little unhinged.
Is it marketing reverse psychology?
If it's such a drama why is the code still active?
From the paragraphs of his thesis answers, it seems like he's one of the "friends and family" of PUMA staff who the code was meant for rather than an actual actual staff member or rep. He's just getting pissy that the code has been "leaked" and shared and others are benefiting, incase PUMA wants to ruin all our Christmas's and decide to cancel the orders.
The only person who actually seems to associated in some limited capacity is this guy:
However, he's only posted 2 comments answering some very basic queries.
Puma would have done nothing wrong if they cancelled the orders. You cant say others have benefitted until the items have been shipped and in your hands. It was clear from two days ago that friends and family codes with a 50% discount was not meant for everyone. If this ruins your christmas? well i dont know your personal perspective but there are many others not as well off as you this christmas.
Since puma pulled the first friends and family 50% code with more than a week to go as soon as it started I think its clear that puma does not want 50% off for everyone and you cant blame them for that.
If you think that puma will let through probably thousands of sales causing them loss while giving them good PR, many of their items can be substituted by other brands. Puma's 'good faith' wont matter when nike or new balance has better prices and better sales.
If you disagree with anything I've said, I'd like to hear from you
It took ok me several attempts but managed I buy several pairs of shoes hats and socks
Thanks Op!!
Just Spent close to $400 on Arsenal gear, bunch of sports bags/backpacks, 3 trackkies and 2 jackets. Please don't ruin my Christmas Puma :3
Arsenal fan really out of this world, after 2 decades of not winning anything, ppl still spent nearly 400$ on their gear. btw i got the authentic jersey for $80 to celebrate the win against Spur.
Only one item per order can be returned at a time, no free returns.(return policy)
So Paypal option was available yesterday morning yet now when I get to the payment screen only options are credit card and Afterpay. Hence no $20 saving through Amex deal.
getting error now : There are no products matching the selection.
Some poor bugger is going to have a sh-t day in the Puma office if this goes south.
theres going to be a lot of entitled customers hammering the guys at customer service today..
I feel sorry for Customer Service
I don’t feel sorry for the PUMA, they could have distributed single use codes / create a F&F referral tool to generate single use codes for 5 friends.
This is basic marketing / ecommerce 101
i like how they jack the price up before a sale
Thanks OP - bought 2 pairs of shoes & received confirmation email. Hope it all works out.
Cancelled my order from last week for a pair of sneakers… re-purchased them as well as another pair for less than my original order. Thanks OP!
Did you have to call up customer service? I cant log on my Puma account but money still showing pending with my CC
Yeah, I called 1800 185 675 and they cancelled it on the spot. My order was still being processed, and hadn't been shipped yet. Money refunded to my PayPal immediately
I just called and they resent the confirmation email. Maybe its going ahead cause it was a small order
How many times did you have to call for them to answer?
Every time I have called I am not able to get through.
I'm surprised that the whole call was only 3 mins. Out for deliver today aswell going by the tracking
@crystallcx: I got through pretty quickly and was done within a couple of minutes… my order is still being processed though, I made the order a week ago
huh? i cant see ANY products….
There are no products matching the selection.
Same problem here. Something going wrong with their website product selections!
…you too huh? so not just me….accidentally mucked up the site?
as mentioned below browsing via featured seems to work…
getting wisdom teeth extracted less painful than this deal
Thanks OP. Placed order for $101.50 and then applied code. Still comes with free shipping.