Great deal and would be cheapest ever if you need 2 an have saved the AMEX deal
Great deal and would be cheapest ever if you need 2 an have saved the AMEX deal
Will go well with my 4 ears. Cheers.
What the
I know.. I thought with 4 ears too he would have heard you the first time hey
Are they big?
You know what they say about guys with big ears…
Big earpods
Got 2 for the Amex deal. Also going overseas on Monday, so will get the GST back. Fantastic price!
Threw in a $7 USB drive to get over the $400 threshold.
Did you use the shipster free trial for free shipping
not giving option for shipster at checkout..
just enter the email associated with your shipster account and it will apply automatically
For your order to be eligible for the free shipping, your order needs to have been over $25 with the retailer and the shipping cost less than $20.
To apply the free shipping, include your registered email address at the checkout with your chosen retailer, and free shipping will be automatically applied.
@easternculture: Yeah.. did all.. didn't help so spoke to HN online chat and she gave me a different cart link with $20 discount so all worked out. Ordered two airpods, one pack of usbs and one car charger $402
My understanding is that you need to have purchased at least $500 from a single business to be able to get the GST back. So I am assuming that you will be claiming other stuff purchased from HN in the last two months, am I correct?
The minimum is $300 for each GST-registered business
it's 300, not 500
Basically comes out at $133 a pair
Excludes purchases of AEG, Apple, Asko, De Dietrich, Elica, Fagor, Falcon, Gaggenau, Miele, NEFF and St George products
No-one checks, AMEX can't check what you purchased
Also, you’ll get back the gst amount on the $400 purchase price, before the amex rebate is factored in!
Should've got the $5 one and saved yourself $2.…
Great price, thanks op.
If anyone in Melb wanna purchase 2 and split, PM me.
I'm in Melbourne (Southbank) too. Don't have an AMEX card. PM me after Trio21 gets his Airpods.
Nah I don't have AMEX card either :(
Hang on…just read the fine print in the AMEX offer. It says the offer excludes Apple products…anyone get the credit with the purchase of any apple items?
Yep 👍🏾
There is no way they can tell if it's an apple product
what about when the card statement show apple AirPods ..etc ?
i want to buy an apple watch and hold me that i am not going to get $100 cash back ?
any advice ?
Highly unlikely the statement would reveal that. It'd just say something like "Harvey Norman <store name>" or "Harvey Norman Online". Also from previous AMEX deals, many OzBargainers have reported success receiving credit for Apple purchases so you should be fine :)
that's fair, i can do it for him, but my money is stock in a foreign bank and I need 2k to release my funds, can u float of 2k and I pay u back with interest (1000000 percent) and the 100 bucks from hardly normal that u didn't get
You must be new to the Amex deals :-) many previous discussions have proven otherwise even though the deals say excludes Apple.
Wow, amazing deal. If works for Apple products.
I preordered an iPhone split 4 ways on 4 different Amex cards and got all credits already, so it does work with Apple products.
Did you preorder the iPhone X?
No, iPhone 6s plus minus
Anyone in Sydney wants to split?
I need a friend too #foreveralone
im in syd and could go halves with u if u got amex… pm me
Hi, pm me if you have Amex offer and want to split, Syd city area.
In Sydney, need someone with Amex to split. Pm Me
In sydney would love to split with somebody that has the Amex deal active. PM me
I have a couple of Amex cards so can get some. Pm me if you’re interested.
Pick up Sydney cbd weekdays only please.
HI, I am interested in this. I only need one though.
I recently joined so could not pm you.
Hi, I'm interested in one as well, does anyone have the amex card that wants to split?
Great deal if you lose them
Interesting I wonder if you can return one pair after you get your $100 back on the AMEX card?
Yeah you can. Them muppets dont know anything
You are smart
You are smart
why thank you kind sir
Thankfully for guys like you, HN doesn't accept change of mind returns.
Sad Face
Sad trombone
@hashtagbargain: Don’t be sad, just pass it on to someone here. You will still receive $50 discount from the Amex deal.
Anyone in Adelaide with the amex deal want to split?
anyone in adelaide eith amex looking to spli, please pm me afterelov.
Potentially will be purchasing, am open to splitting with you.
will get back to ya if successful.
hi how did you go?
Does only adding a shipping fee make the transaction eligible for Amex credit?
is this the new version?
New version yet to be released in 2018!
31st Dec 2018!
13 months away?!
@flexi: Maybe.. those were released with no cord. The next set would be released with no actual pods and their new name is AirImagination
Anyone is brisbane want to go halves if I buy two? Hit me up.
I'm keen if you haven't found anyone yet :)
Also keen here if you end up purchasing.
I am in Brisbane.
Just price matched @ David Jones and use amex 30off 150 spend offer. Easy to get it $168
Um the David jones Amex offer is for online sales only. Can you reconfirm that you've got the credit?
Edit: yup I see it just for online transactions. Offer as available here.
Yes, why not send them an online enquire include those stores price above and the promise policies page
I've taken this deal and can sell my second pair - Sydney CBD, please PM me if interested.
Ill take them.. Pm sent
Good deal just bought two pairs. Excellent Christmas gifts.
So has anyone actually definitely got Amex credit for this offer?
I did, used 1 card for 2 pairs of AirPods and 1 card for an iPad, get 2 emails confirming cash back!
Nice - good to know for sure
Did you buy online or instore? I'm still very confused with the exclusion, what's the point of excluding those stuffs when they can't even track it.
But did you get the credit on u’re amex acct?
Anyone in Adelaide have AMEX would like to split plz pm me
Anyone with amex want to split? I'm in Sydney.
I’m keen to split
Do you have an Amex card? I closed mine :(
No sorry. I'm looking for someone with amex
Nice deal OP.
Just out of curiosity (not interested in the airpods), if you buy 2 pairs and return 1, would you still get the $100 AMEX rebate?
Would anyone in Sydney using this AMEX deal be keen to split? Can pay promptly.
Are you going to buy 2 from HN or you are willing to pay for the one?
Hi sorry I was at work today will check my phone much more now! I am willing to pay for one. I don't have an Amex so can't buy the two from HN sadly.
I have Amex card, would like to split with someone in western sydney?please pm if you want one.
I PM you a while ago :)
Hi I am in Sydney, I’d like to buy one or two pair of airpods.
Is there someone happy to split or buy me two? Mod: Use PM
I don’t have AmEx card
If anyone is keen to split let me know via PM - i dont have a amex card so if your willing to purchuse and split then im in.
Location - western sydney or sydney CBD weekdays during working hours.
I am in Canberra - if anyone wants a pair please PM me. I have got two pairs and have a pair that I don’t need. Brand new sealed.
Would go great with my four ears. Thanks!