I deposited 295 into a st george smart atm, it said notes cant be accepted and the machine did not return my money, it was stuck inside. has this happened to anyone and how did they solve it?
St George Smart ATM Took My Money

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seriously? call the bank doh !!! St George bank that is. Not Nab, not Westpac. It has to be St George.
sorry…just kidding. You have to solve it by calling bikies. Get them to destroy the atm and fish out the $295.
you can thank me later.
ozbargain is multi company call center ;)
Call the cops
Try some C4
Sledge hammer
Or better still just ram the thing with a truck.Alternatively, you could call the bank but thats just too much work imho.
Lol thats the spirit
No, petrol. Not metho.
Was it an ATM attached to a branch ?
If so, go there and speak to the staff. It may take up to XX days to get your money back.
XX= number of days will vary depending on the bank.
no, XX=20.
No, it's XX, nor XY. If X=2, XX will be 22
Roman numerals X=10, so XX=20
Or are you just happy the whole gay marriage thing “got up”?
Are you sure it was a real atm and not some guy dressed up like one to steal your money?
some guy dressed up like one
OK, you win the internet today.
Wow, that is a smart ATM!
But seriously, just call St George and tell them. You will need to tell them the amount, ATM location, time and date etc. They will investigate and eventually give you your money back. 4 to 6 weeks maybe. If they decline it, then you would have to escalate to FOS or something.
Good Luck!
Smart one mate
Just take the ATM
So instead of calling the bank on the number listed, on the atm , you posted on here ?
obviously i called the bank, i wanted to know how long it takes.
Didn't the bank tell you when you called them?
3 to 45 days
@wtigers: There’s your answer then. If you are on low income maybe you can apply for special circumstances to move them along quicker but I doubt it
@wtigers: They give you a big time frame to manage your expectations and cover their butt.
The time it actually takes depends on a lot of different variables.
Isn't that what an ATM is supposed to do? Take your money?
To be fair I don't know if you can call the bank at 2AM
Maybe not, even they do, probably ask OP to contact the local branch at office hours. But what ozb could do at 2am? lent OP some money ?:)
Yes you can. They have 24/7 call centres. (Well most decent ones do)
If you can’t get through to exactly the correct person they should still be able to log a incident report, time , date, location etc.
Good luck op
I don't need to watch a comedy movie to be entertained. I just read comments in Ozbargain forums.
please tell me you had the common sense to call the bank before posting here?
need a discount on popcorn
no i posted here first the people here can do better….
Is this for real? Did you call the bank? How do you think Ozbargainers can help you?
has this happened to anyone and how did they solve it?
He was asking for advice from everyone based on if they have experienced the same issue before.
The obvious answer is call the bank. He shouldn't need to ask a forum of people to know that.
You are clever.. want to know how long it takes to fix duh
pantsparty or you could just not look at the post and move on, nobody really cares what you thinks hay…
The number for the bank is 131376.
OP doesn't have a phone.
you should do stand up comedy… that is a zinger of a line.
All fixed quicker than i thought…
Thank goodness
How did they solve it?
Checked the camera and the branch manager said they found the money stuck in the machine…Also asked which notes I had example $50 and two $20 and a $5…
Faster than I thought
Solve what? ;)