It's "On the Haus".
"There’s a zombie on your lawn!
Fight off hordes of zombies in this classic strategy game. Protect your lawn and dig into five fun-filled game modes – all for free!"
It's "On the Haus".
"There’s a zombie on your lawn!
Fight off hordes of zombies in this classic strategy game. Protect your lawn and dig into five fun-filled game modes – all for free!"
Is this supposed to be bribing us for totally destroying Star Wars Battlefront II by making everything gimped with paywalls and gambling, on a full priced game?
Loot boxes technically aren't gambling because even though you pay in money for the random chance of a reward, you can't actually win any money.
This begs the fact that this is actually a far worse system than "gambling" in the technical sense. At least you can win money at the pokies. With loot boxes you get all the addictive processes with none of the payout.
Interactive gambling act 2001, refer to Clause (e)(i).
gambling service means:
(a) a service for the placing, making, receiving or acceptance of bets; or
(b) a service the sole or dominant purpose of which is to introduce individuals who wish to make or place bets to individuals who are willing to receive or accept those bets; or
(c) a service for the conduct of a lottery; or
(d) a service for the supply of lottery tickets; or
(e) a service for the conduct of a game, where:
(i) the game is played for money or anything else of value; and
(ii) the game is a game of chance or of mixed chance and skill; and
(iii) a customer of the service gives or agrees to give consideration to play or enter the game; or
(f) a gambling service (within the ordinary meaning of that expression) that is not covered by any of the above paragraphs.
The question is, does being able to play as Darth Vader count as value?
For CSGO crates/skins, you can sell them for 'money' (steam wallet). So that should count as gambling because those items have value. Sure you could sell your origin account, however that breaches EA TOS. So I'd argue unlocking Darth Vader does not have value.
The question is, does being able to play as Darth Vader count as value?
Considering that EA has monetised unlocking the character, I think it would be hard to argue that it holds no value.
You can sell a car. You can sell CSGO skins. You can't sell your Origin Account without breaching EA terms of service. Where is the value? You can't even directly buy Vader, you have to buy lootboxes. So there's no monetary value attached to him technically.
You can't even directly buy Vader
Pretty sure you can with 60,000 in game currency, which can be purchased directly…
This is the first I have heard about Vader being a loot box issue, I thought it was just an issue of making content instantly unlockable through bringing out your credit card vs having to grind 40+ hours worth of gameplay. I don't necessarily always dislike hiding characters behind paywalls either, I really like the model that LoL goes with, but I am not a fan of paying $80 to have characters hidden behind a paywall. It's the double dip that pisses me off in regards to BF2.
Doesn't bother me either way, I don't play EA games because I don't want to support their business model.
(d) a service for the supply of lottery tickets; or
Loot crates are just small scale lotteries
How much to buy the rest of the game?
Can really tell who uses Reddit here ;)
going by comments on here, most people
Here's the actual comment on reddit for reference. -682K downvotes is easily a new record.…
Their justification for gimping the game with Microtransactions:
The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.
If you're been under a rock and have a reddit account… get voting!
@The Land of Smeg: I haven't been in the loop with the Battlefront 2 'saga'. But I don't have an issue with paying to unlock things in games, as long as you don't HAVE to pay to unlock and can earn it in game (and ideally it would be best if it didn't give paying players an advantage, and are just essentially cosmetic unlocks). I also think a higher price is better, as it makes you want to work to unlock rather than just give up and pay the cost.
IE. no one would be complaining if it was only $1 or $2 to unlock, but i doubt people would bother to play the game to earn the unlock either, they would just buy the unlocks.
@dheywood: I'm not completely against it either, but I think that this case has boiled over because EA has done every unethical thing in the book
The problem from where I am sitting is that this is how all this microtransaction bullshit started. It was "just cosmetic" or entirely optional but now it is just littered throughout out the games.
And what does it say about the value of your gameplay if you just offer people a way to buy their way out of playing it? You are literally paying money so you don't have to play the game.
I would be fine with grinding different coloured lightsabers or costumes (i.e. you had to grind a lot in BF3 to unlock weapons) but to unlock iconic characters in Star Wars universe (Darth Vader is THE most iconic) for over 40+ hours is ridiculous. EA are banking on people giving up and paying for the upgrades which should be part of the base game.
@The Land of Smeg:
Yeah, don't you feel pride and accomplishment throwing extra $$$$$ to unlock MAIN heroes in a full priced AAA game that you already bought?
I sure do feel pride and accomplishment flaunting my wealth, buying upgrades that improve my character's combat performance, making it easier to stomp on poorer people!
Oh hey, what does the rich screwing over he poor remind you of?
EA are really just greedy shits at this point in time. If they're going to do this, make the game free to play.
But I don't have an issue with paying to unlock things in games, as long as you don't HAVE to pay to unlock and can earn it in game
Sure but in this case it takes over 40HRS of gameplay to unlock one hero and there are many hereos in the game. You really want to play 500hrs just to unlock the playable characters? That calculation was also only true if you saved all of the currency you earnt in the game towards getting a hero since you can just spend it on loot crates to earn upgrades to your gear. The cards are straight up pay to win rubbish since they make your weapons/grenades do more damage rather than being any sort of sidegrade or interesting unlockable.
This won’t save Star Wars Battlefront 2 on reddit. LOL
Thanks grabbed!
How much for the plant power up star card?
I own Peggle 3 times but can't get more than one copy of PvZ, (profanity) EA
This has been free before. Looks like the they're recycling the free games quite often these days. I'm not complaining: free is free, and it's good that more people get to play this classic for free.
yeah it has been. I was excited, opened origin to redeem, then saw it as already on my library as previously redeemed.
Is this just on PC or can I use it on xbox also?
What’s the difference between EA and North Korea?
North Korea didn’t screw up as many launches as EA
It's a shame the sequel was never released on PC as it was much better, especially graphics wise.
it was. pvz 2?
Nope, number 2 was only on mobiles, not PC.
Maybe i was thinking Garden warefare 2??? the fps
Probably. The original isn't bad per se, but the resolution is so low than it appears extremely pixelated when playing full screen on a PC monitor.
No controller support, only keyboard and mouse.
Showing as 'Add to Game Library' for me - possibly not expired?
Extended. Just worked for me.
Nice try, EA