What's your favourite board game?
I love the classic ones - Monopoly, Cluedo, Risk etc. But the missus and I are a bit bored of those, keen to hear about new ones or ones that OzBargainers love.
What's your favourite board game?
I love the classic ones - Monopoly, Cluedo, Risk etc. But the missus and I are a bit bored of those, keen to hear about new ones or ones that OzBargainers love.
Best with 3 players.
Catan is my favourite too. I play it once a week with real people and daily on an app.
Personal favourite is ticket to ride
All of the ones listed in this deal are good https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/341024
Particularly Catan, Pandemic and Dixit
I really enjoy Dixit - but need to get some new cards.
I recommend trying a game called 'Sequence'.
The game is played on a board, which has tiles for two packs of playing cards. Cards are dealt, and replaced as played. You choose which card in your hand you want to use, placing a token on the tile, trying to attain a sequence of five tokens.
Other players can attempt to block your sequence, and there are a couple of twists with Joker cards etc.
Can be played by two players or up to six (in teams) I think.
A game of strategy, influenced by chance.
Sounds relatively simple but is absolutely addictive.
sweet, going to give this a go!
Junta or Cosmic Encounter.
I Like Dixit and Code Name. Check them out.
Hero Quest
My all time favourite has to be Risk. Ironically despite despising capitalism I also enjoy Monopoly.
Why do you despise capitalism?
Because he's a red John Birching commie who doesn't know what we gave up in 'Nam.
lol classic socialist. I ask a question as I was genuinely interested and I get negged.
Lol, if you check you'll see I actually upvoted your question. But hey feel free to continue assuming, and stereotyping me based on the fact I don't subscribe to the same unsustainable economic model that you do.
@airal3rt: lol. Sorry mate. Life is a lot more simple when you stereotype! Makes me feel better about myself. How do you check who up-votes or down-votes?
You can see who who voted by clicking on "votes" under the comment, right next to "reply".
You can find heaps on aliexpress. Sushi Go is good.
These will all be bootleg versions. Purchase at your own risk. Missing components and rubbish quality. Spend the few extra dollars and help out the people who make the games we love playing.
Carrom Board.
Currently looking for a cheap but good quality board. Some ebay shops are selling it like $300+.
Some Indian grocery stores stock them, should be under $100. I think the key to make it last is to avoid them soaking in moisture.
Any in Sydney by any chance? Not sure if I ever seen an Indian grocery store… might have to visit Harris Park one day.
I'm in Melbourne but I'm sure most suburbs would have one of these grocery stores
Try this for a start: https://www.google.com.au/maps/search/indian+grocery+store+i…
Outlive, dead of winter, five tribes, carcassone to name a few
Dead of Winter is my current addiction. Considering getting an expansion once we have had enough of the base.
Don't do it, man. Don't puzzle even once.
OzBarginer's Board Game Basic Equipment.
Australian Search Comparison Websites:
BoardGameGeek - The hub of most modern board gaming on-line (daunting at first sight, but having a play and becoming familiar with the site will reward you if you pursue the hobby down the track).
Highly recommend checking out https://boardgamegeek.com/browse/boardgame for a ranked list of games. Being mindful that these certainly are weighted towards more serious players rather than new or casual players.
Monopoly for me.
The dealing is as much fun as the rolling of dice itself.
Is chess considered a board game?
lol why is this negged?
Someone astro-turfing for Big Draughts.
Chess is technically a sport too. It's an interesting debate to have if you have a spare few hours over a beer.
Game of life used to be good, bought it for a KK present and the new version was terrible :( had been simplified
Alchemists, this game really makes my brain work at full capacity.
Risk is my favourite, can't beat it. A close second is resistance - basically you keep yelling spy at each other and try to find out who the spies are before they stuff up your resistance missions.
Just buy Ticket To Ride.. Never known anybody who didn't enjoy it.
I bought it, my parents then bought, my sister bought it, 2 x cousins bought it, my parents friends (x3) bought it, then my mother in law bought it..then everybody bought a different version too..
It is easy to learn and although it has no dice it still has elements of luck depending on the routes you receive and the routes your opponents receive. However, there are lots of tactics to compensate for this too and you can put as much / little thought into the game as you like.
Looks cool will check it out!
Ticket to Ride, Catan, Carcassonne and a few others mentioned have iOS apps which give a good idea of gameplay and are much cheaper than committing to a hard copy board game.
Looking for Gamers (http://www.lfg-aus.com.au/) run games shows in different places and have a game library so you can try before you buy.
And Forgot69's links listed above are good places to read reviews, watch videos and do research before spending big.
For some reason I much prefer TTR as an actual board game. I don't enjoy it anywhere near as much via the app.
King of Tokyo. Super quick game and easy to learn.
Good with kids too!
I love Ticket To Ride, but also recommend Tokaido. Tokaido (East Sea Road) connected Edo and Kyoto during the edo period. Its a relaxing boardgame where you travel the road with friends, see sights, visit temples and hot springs, and share a meal at the inn.
Carcassonne is a good game for 2 players (or more). How many players game are you looking for?
Expansions make it more fun, and also extend the game time so it can be as short as 30 mins with the base set and hours with more players and 4+ expansions (or Super-Carcassonne as we call it now).
If you haven't played Settlers of Catan I would definitely give it a go. Seems like it would be perfect for you considering the other games you like (strategy, using an actual board, decent play time (1-2 hours)). You set the board up differently every time you play and there is a good mix of chance (dice rolls determine your income) and strategy (you only get resources for the tiles you build on, and there are multiple ways to get points to win). It never gets boring! https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/13/catan
Some more of my favorite games you might want to check out that haven't been mentioned yet:
Lords of Waterdeep - Based in the Dungeons and Dragons universe, you have to try and control a city and get points by building buildings, completing quests, playing intrigue cards and hoping people use the buildings you build (staying at your inn for example). It looks quite complex but it's fairly simple to play. Each player places 1 man on the board which blocks the other players from going in that spot. After everyone places a man the points are tallied and a new round begins. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/110327/lords-waterdeep
7 Wonders - A "Deck Building" game where everyone passes their hand of cards to the next person after taking one. The idea is to collect resources and build buildings/guilds/science discoveries/armies to get points and as the game goes on you have to build on what you took earlier in the game and start to battle with your neighbors and buy their resources. It's good fun and easy to learn. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/68448/7-wonders
Power Grid - Haven't played this one much but from what I remember it's really good. Lots of deep strategy - planning out your network of power stations, bidding for cheap power against the other players and deciding whether to invest in renewables early or keep going for the cheap coal/oil. Games take a fairly long time, but since you like Risk I assume you're OK with that. Not the most popular game, but deserves a mention because I think you'll like it based on your other games, and it's something a bit different while still being very good. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2651/power-grid
Alot of the previously mentioned ones are good but for a quick simple game you can't beat trouble :)
game rules always fluctuating, win condition always changes, strategy is king!
P.S. Technically not a board game
Bang is great!
can play it on your phone too, but not as fun
Great Western Trail, Terraforming Mars, Android: Netrunner, Codenames, Seasons, Pandemic Legacy & Viticulture
Thanks for all the suggestions :)
Here are my current two games to play with a group.
Betrayal at House on the Hill - Great 6 player game! Starts off with everyone working together exploring the house which is built as you play, then eventually the random haunt starts. Can range from trying to beat Death in a game of Chess, to fighting Zombies or floating eyeballs.
Dead of Winter - 5 player coop game, pretty long game but can get intense. Need to scavenge supplies and complete your objective before the rounds are up. Can play with traitors which makes the game even harder because you cant trust anyone!
Dead of Winter: The Long Night is the one I've got which is a stand alone expansion which adds some extra features to make it more challenging. Dead of Winter Crossroads is pretty much the same but with a bunch of different characters and events to choose from.
Trouble. Super game for the passive aggressive.
I like many of the ones above. Alhambra also deserves a mention and if you like Scrabble, then Qwirkle is a similar game but easier as no language is required and even younger children (6+) can pick up the rules quickly.
There's Dominion as well, if you like the deck building types.
Battlestar Galactica board game is really excellent (if you're a fan of the show)
I have it, and it never gets on the table because the complexity seems high… Any tips to start?
hmm.. it really is pretty damn complex, and takes a good 6hrs to play. dont have any tips, just need to be a battlestar fan and that helps you power on through :).
We always play with one person who's a rules expert so we dont have to check the manual too often
OK, thanks!
Lords of Waterdeep, Risk, Dominion & oh… Secret Hitler. I just love being a manipulative facist :)
Recently played Settlers of Catan, thought it was good fun.