• out of stock

AmEx Statement Credit: Spend $20 or More, Get $5 Back, up to 2 Times Apple Pay at Woolworths


Registration is closed but for those who signed up, the deal is still active.

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $20 or more, in one transaction using Apple Pay in-store only at Woolworths by 10/12/2017 to receive one $5 credit, up to two times. Limited to the first 35,000 Cards to save the offer.

Thanks for the Manual link “ NINJA “
Manual link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…


Excludes Caltex Woolworths locations.
Offer is limited to two credits per registered Card. Only spend on the Card number you register counts towards the Offer.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly in-store at Woolworths using Apple Pay, for example purchases made by swiping or inserting your card, or purchases made through a third party establishment or third party payment processor.
Offer valid at Australian locations only. Excludes online purchases.
Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if it has been suspended or cancelled.
Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • Sweet! Thanks 🙏

  • +1

    I have it, but i don't have an iPhone…

    What iPhones support Apple Pay?

    • +1

      From MacRumors: “Devices capable of using Apple Pay … include the iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone X.”

      (Also any Apple Watch.)

      • Hmm. I only have an old 5S. Do any iPads support it?

        • It doesn’t look like you’ll be able to use an iPad in-store since they don’t have NFC chips in them.

          Apple Pay for web based purchases on an iPad is possible but unfortunately not in person at a physical Woolies store :(

        • -2

          only online applepay not instore.

  • Loving all these credits!

    • +1

      Long overdue to be honest. I've already gone thru half the shop small allocation this year

  • Not on any of my plat edges. Oh well

    • Mine was the opposite - got it on PlatEdge (& supps) but not on Essentials

      • Got it on the Qantas credit card, but not the Amex "green" card

  • 25% off and 2 times
    35000 isn't much. Better to get in quick

    • Got this on all of my 6 qantas discovery(primary + supp)

  • 2 of my Plat Edge have this offer, but the Explorer cards don't

    • None on my plat edge
      Available on my qff one though

  • -1

    All my 20 Qantas Amex card has the offer

  • On my explorer and DJ.

  • If we spend $40 , Will it works if we apple pay $20 twice ? to get twice credit in 1 transactions

    • +1

      It should. I got the cash back at the same store when they had the BP offer a while back.

  • +1

    Amazingly got it on all my AMEX issued cards (Explorer and the free one). The only one that hasn't got it is the Westpac AMEX but obviously not applicable due to no Apple Pay. Amazingly it doesn't say excludes Gift Cards (or did I miss it?). Not bad 25% off gift cards assuming split payment are ok (ie $100 GC transaction split into 5).

    • +1

      I haven’t seen the term exclude gift cards in the recent amex offers. I guess they know they can’t track it. For split payment, the easiest way is to go to the self serve checkout nd do it yourself. In the payment page, there is an option to split payment.

      • Agree
        Are we able to load a Wish gift card at self serve ? Probably it might need an approval.

        • +1

          U can always do it at traditional counter. This is not HN, they have no reason to refuse Amex payment for gift card

        • The approval is required before the payment page. After it is approved, you will be left alone to do the payment

    • Well, even if the terms said no GC .. we don't care

      • Yes, true to both, but in saying that the exclusions were still listed with the recent Harvey Norman deals. And yes, normally I ignore, but even better without the exclusions as there's nearly no chance things can go wrong with a GC purchase then.

    • Full terms and conditions say not for gift cards, but hey it seems to work ok with every other offer that has that exclusion. Lol

  • +4

    Could there be an Android offer next week? Pretty pleeeeease!

  • Got it on my AMEX David Jones, thanks!

    • Ditto but no iPhone haha

      • +1

        You can put it on my iPhone and I'll spend it for you ;)

    • i have the same card but coulnd't see the offer, do you mind sharing the link?

    • +2

      Why do you need to queue “outside” woolies and also why the disparaging remarks about Apple users?

  • -1

    I only have an Android phone :(

    If I paint an apple logo on my phone and tap it.
    Do you think I'll get the credits? ¿??

    • -1

      You'll also need to get a lobotomy.

  • Can it be used to top up Opal in Wollies? Did not see any restriction in T&C.

    • No restriction. They still process the transaction through their own system (not through ePay for example) so from Amex's perspective it's just another Woolies purchase - they don't get the details, just like other deals where people buy excluded items and gift cards from Harvey Norman, etc. etc.

  • Got it on 5 Platinum Edge cards, nothing on Essential. Time to go buy a $200 WISH card using split payment.

    • +2

      All 10x confirmation emails received.

      • at the counter or self serve? i can imagine the checkout person getting annoyed haha

        • At the counter. They didn't care. 😁

    • Got another $200 WISH card on my Essential cards using the manual link. All 10x confirmation emails also received.

  • Got it on my Velocity Escape card. Now I have to remember to use it instead of my CBA Diamond Amex the next 2 times i spend more than $20 at woolies.

  • Didn't get it on my Plat Edge. Did the people that got it previously register a card on Apple Pay already?

    • +1

      Got it on Essentials x3. Never used Apple Pay. I don't have a compatible iPhone, so didn't bother.

      • Thanks

      • Same here. Got this offer on my Essentials card and would love to use it, but have a 5S so can't use Apple Pay.

    • Didn't get it this morning, but received a offer email after lunch. Saved offer

      Happy now

      • Yes!! I've got it on all 4 of my cards now too!

  • Finally targeted

  • Is there a manual registration link? Doesn't work with bank issued amex?

  • I have a question relating to how the amex android app handles multiple cards, eg. as a primary account holder of one plat edge while also being a supplementary holder of someone else's plat edge.

    Does the android app just let you choose which account to choose from and then has allows you to register amex offers separately for each account?

    • You have to have separate logins for each card. Then you just login to whatever card you're trying to save the offer to, and activate it there.

      • Thanks I see. I guess Lastpass and AwardWallet can help there.
        So if I register a supp card in my friend's name and hold on to the card, at least that way it won't mess with his own amex login accounts.

  • +2

    On three of my Platinum Reserve cards. Promptly registered, went to woollies, $120 GC in $20 increments.
    Free $30. Thanks VM and Amex!

    • Thanks! Didn't have the offer on my card but successfully registered using the manual link!

    • thanks mate..been able to add to my DJ issued amex, but not on westpac issued amx.

    • +1

      Thanks for the Manual link “ NINJA ”.

  • +3

    Manual link:

    Edit: oops, beaten by the Ninja!

  • Nice one! Claimed :)

  • Will this work 2x on my explorer and my partners support card x2?

    • it should..give it a go..before this goes out of stock!

      • Called up and they said it will work 2x each on both cards so long as they’re registered

        • I am assuming you have already registered your card using the manual link above or from my offers?

    • yes it will

      used on mine + 5 supp cards.. twice each today

  • Manual link not working for my cards. Hope others have better luck

    • are these amex issued or bank issued?

      • Bank issued. So I am guessing it is just AMEX issued

        • +1

          I would think so - I was unable to save on my westpac amx, but cud save it on DJ amx..so yeah looks like amx issued only.

        • @maverick1: My partner and I got it on our AMEX issued. Really hoping for Qantas and Westfield offers to come out again like they did last year about this time.

        • @twilsoncrow: Yeah..same here mate..what was the Qantas offer?.I don't recall it.. was it spend $400 and get 50 back?
          Westfield and Myer offers were quiet good…after year end - I am looking to cancel my DJ and westpac card and just have explorer to reset the 12-18 month cycle…Card churner for life..lol

        • @maverick1: It was $250 and get $50 back. Was in October last year. I forgot about the Myer one that was good as well. Did you score any HN gift cards this week? I got 4 at 9:01 on monday before they knew about it.

        • @twilsoncrow: Great! naah mate - I missed out..just got the Nintendo switch. I really wanted the visa GC though…
          Going to try my luck with Iphone X, not sure how the delivery timelines are like - I need it by mid dec as I am travelling.

        • @maverick1: good luck and safe travels

        • @maverick1: I preordered an iPhone X 256GB at HN on Wednesday. They said not to expect it until mid-January.

        • @Fusakin: aah thanks for the heads-up mate. There goes my 4X100 cashback dream…

        • @maverick1: If you don't mind the delay, you can pay it off in full now so you can redeem your Amex offers.

        • @Fusakin: same happened with my iPhone 7 plus preorder last year
          My plan was to claim TRS and it didn't work out

          I'm travelling in 2 weeks time and am after iphone x to claim TRS. Unlikely to get by the looks of it.

        • @Fusakin: I cud have mate - am travelling in dec, so want to get the GST too..would have to weigh up my options…dnt think I can buy the HN GC anymore as I am travelling again in Apr - so if I am able to get one by mid dec, then the next ideal purchase date would be mid Feb…

  • Manual link added to my other discovery cards that didn't show the original deal. Thanks!

  • Bought 2 x $120 gift cards In two transactions across 6 cards.
    Received emails

    Thanks Op & Amex

    • Were you able to do it at self-checkout?

      • No
        The lady has approved and put in the value for me .. but on the next screen there was an error.

        They asked me to go to the front desk

        • Damn so you had to manually do your 12 transactions at front desk?

        • @illumination: yes , that is why i have done twice(2 x$120) instead of 1X$240

        • i was able to do mine at the self serve checkout.

          Scanned my 3 gift cards first then I had to get the operator to approve in one go, then i did 4 apple pay transactions by myself.

        • @kyeh: Yep me too, I did mine at self checkout!

  • Thanks. Got it on my AMEX Blue card. Need a couple of iTunes gift cards, perfect timing.

  • Had anyone has an issue adding Amex card in Apply pay? I added 2 cards, but the 3rd supplementary card was unable to register with Apple pay, error message saying "Card Not added, contact your card issuer for more information".

    • +2

      I had to call the Fraud Control team at 1300 364 931 to resolve this. I was receiving this message because they did not approve the linking from their end. Once you verify your identity, they will approve the linking and you'll be able to add your cards in Apple Pay.

      • Thanks Fusakin for sharing your experience. I will call them on Monday.

  • +1

    I reckon targeted tag should be removed from this deal as with manual this will work for all Amex issued cards. Have reported this to mods as well

  • My iPhone says contact card issuer when I go to register more cards
    Anyone else have this?
    Don't want to amex incase they ask me why I want to register all my supp cards

    • Yep.

      Happened for me when I registered 6x cards.

      When I googled, it appears there's a general limit of 8 cards per iPhone (at any given time, I assume?)

      Not sure why mine was limiting it at 6, but I haven't yet tried to address the issue.

      My plan is to remove the 6 then add another 6x, then make my purchases… then remove the 6x again, and add my next 6x, etc.

      • I'm stuck on 6 cards too
        thanks for the reply

      • Be prepared to speak to the Fraud Control team a lot.. every time I add a card they seem determined to block it and then call me in a few hours to check it was me.. they must think I’m crazy!

        • +1

          Happening to me now..! Haha

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