100% Australian Stock (Unlocked / Unbranded) - Inc GST(TRS Eligible) - 2 Years Samsung warranty
In stock ready to dispatch, Free Upgrade to express post for this deal!
Hi doweyy
Thanks for pointing out, updated the price $278.4
Hi, can any of the Allphones orders be picked up from Parra?
Sorry, delivery only for allphones order
Honestly though…don't do this to yourself, it's almost 4 years old.
moto g5 better than this ?
Never used a S5 but my g5 plus is pretty great.
Agree, very happy with Moto G5 plus.
yeah……just pay extra $50 to grab a Moto G5
G5 or G5S?
G5 plus? Maybe?
Surely Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 is better, at ~$100 less?
Although of course, cons of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4…
Otherwise pros?
Dunno about camera
That's all I can think of
S5 has IR.
Ah it does? Thanks.
Too bad I can't edit my comment anymore :(
S5 can plug into hdmi, xiaomi cameras are appalling.
The mi5 Camera is not bad
maybe i should save up for a more expensive status symbol? this phone would be an adaquate smartphone for 200 bucks… would probably get 4-5 years of use out of it (if you looked after it better, than your last iphone, that your folks bought you)
more expensive status symbol
Not everything is about showing off your wealth.
get 4-5 years
No, by that time the Android version would've been too old and many apps won't be supported. AMOLED will also look pretty terrible by then.
if you looked after it better, than your last iphone, that your folks bought you
I love how some people automatically think if you don't own a Samsung then you must have an iPhone. Sorry to disappoint, but I've always been an Android guy.
$278 is also far from $200, there's actually a 30% difference, not sure what magical world you live in.
i'm still rocking my s3 on nougat
jeez… dramatize much. you obviously haven't lived in australia long enough to tell when some-one is taking the piss, or being sarcastic. currently using a s4… 5 years old… bought for 400 at Harvey Norman. it's just that you sound like an entitled piece of fluff without an understanding of value for money… who has a whinge when their folks can't afford to buy them an overpriced phone, built in the last 12 months.
I have a S4 that upgraded to Android 5 - never had an app I can use and phone very responsive.
The only problem is I recently have is the battery is not lasting as long so need to charge it every night. As the battery is removable, this is just $19 for a genuine new one that will last another 5 years :)
@Well Wasted: S4 was an awesome phone. IIRC the only one that had a hygrometer (enabling ambient temp and humidity readings) I think even the S4/S5 makes better pictures than the Moto g5 which really only works well in daylight conditions(wife has both g5 and s5)
Phone tech really hasn't advanced much in the past couple years. We are still mostly at Octa-cores, small sub 20mpx cameras, OLED screens and lithium ion batteries.
Samsung just had a massive profitable year though, so has Apple, so guess who are just raking in the $$ from all the overpriced mobiles…
Why does being almost 4 years old make the phone suddenly unusable? I bought an S5 myself recently and having no problems. Haven't found anything yet that doesn't run on it (it's on Android 6.0). Why spend $1000 on an S8 when a cheap S5 will suffice?
Why buy something with inferior specs that is 4 years old when you can get a better newer phone for cheaper?
Just about anything is better than this, honestly can't see how it has any votes and how anyone would buy this.
It's still sufficient though. Great phone. I'll probably buy another next year unless I can get an S7 for under $350.
To claim gst it needs to be over $300 so cant do trs… edit never mind the original is for $349 nevermind !
Rep, why you price jacked some of the phones @ebay 20% off?
LG V20 was $489.99 and now $548.99.
Can you list the same price as Mobileciti $499? https://www.mobileciti.com.au/lg-v20-black
Rep, why you price jacked some of the phones @ebay 20% off?
Because eBay doesn't pay the full 20%…
Are you are a part time political speech writer?
Why does having low stock make any difference to the price?
You can't just go oh we only have 2 of these left better take them off special
Hi Franky288
Supplier or Vendor usually support or fund discounts when we or they have high levels of stock. The last deal was offered to us for a limited time only and we had to end it after a certain date, regardless of the amount of remaining stock.
@AHUANG: MobileCiti owns Allphones. They have the phone for $505 on Ebay. You have it for $548. Can you match same price from your other store? You are selling it at same price.
Coupon is from Ebay.
People were able to get cheaper XBox-X or XBox - S after store discounts first ( same as their own website ) and then eBay discount.
I am sure Supplier should not have problem with that.
Get a Mi5 for the same price
Hey mate how much is the Mi5 for? Is it better than this?
The S5 Isn't in the same league, the Mi5 is 2 years newer and pretty much everything is better.
Still a good phone even though not cutting edge. Rugged too. Lots of plastic so doesn't shatter to pieces when dropped
It's still a great phone and worth buying, perhaps not for a seasoned phone user…… but this is ideal for someone owning their first phone. I myself was not an avid phone user, until last year. I had to get one for work, opted to go cheap and got the Samsung J1 mini……… battery lasted 2 days if I was lucky but usually got 8-10 from it. Noticed the S5 was going cheap at the start the year… hesitated for a bit (did some research) and wound up buying one. I love it, yes technology depreciates over time…. still feels like a $600+ phone even if its years old now lol. I picked up a few accessories since then, a few cases, a backup battery (from JB of all places, still carried it!) AND even decided to buy a second S5 as a backup phone when Big W promoted a reduction in price back in May..
Phone is coming up at $323 after the code not sure if I am missing anything OP? @AHUANG
$279.20 Here with PREZZY?