Vitamins and Oils

I spend hundreds of $ every year purchasing vitamins for general health.

I purchase fish oil, multivitamin, antioxidant, probiotic, magnesium, iron, vitamin B, vitamin K, turmeric tablet, liver detox, coconut oil tablet, propolis, folic acid, evening promise oil, calcium tablet, etc

I took about 25 tablets of vitamin a day

Am I wasting my money or those vitamin tablets are actually useful for the body.

I hardly sick, may be flu and cough every 3 years ( I have flu vaccine every year).

Can anyone actually feel the benefit of taking vitamins

I am 44 yrs old, non smoker, work long hours so I eat lots of take away food, a little bit overweight, hardly exercise, last blood test was about a year ago when everything comeback normal except for a little bit high on cholesterol and fatty liver.

I am 157cm tall and 54kg



  • +7

    You have sent a lot of children of marketing executives to private schools.

  • they are supplements to good lifestyle

    you still need to sleep well and eat well in order to live well.

  • +8

    I have heard that taking vitamins makes expensive urine, unless you are found (by actual testing) to be deficient.

    You sound like a vitamin marketing persons ideal customer.

    • +1

      depends on diet

      many people don't cook these days, and hardly any veges from takeaways

      or those ready-meals with 2 tiny strips of vege and call it healthy meal.

  • +4

    If you eat a good diet then you are likely not deficient in all of those vitamins and minerals which means any excess you take is not being used by your body = money wasted = bad Ozbargainer.

  • its a placebo

    same with all the other cons in the market. ie coconut water and kale

    • They do help to sort out which celebrities have no credibility though. If you endorse, I can't take you seriously.

  • +1

    Instead of blindly taking all these supplements, go to a doctor, and get your blood tested, see if you are deficient in anything that requires supplementing.

  • +1

    The only supplements needed are what you're tested to be deficient or borderline normal with, and even those can be rectified by adequate dietary intake unless there are underlying conditions impairing nutrient absorption.

    If you have poor diet habits, or if you really want to, a general multivitamin (with vitamins & minerals) is all your body need (as an otherwise healthy adult).

    Certain groups (dietary restrictions, frail, and elderly) may have higher nutritional requirements.

  • +1

    I am wondering what your age is to understand the benefits you wish to receive…???
    I am very into healthy living and believe that if you have a healthy diet and 'eat a rainbow' of different foods you will not need to take extra vitamins in tablet form (unless you are particularly deficient in something).
    I am a fan of turmeric - for its many benefits including anti-inflammatory - but I will not pay the fortune that it costs in tablet form so make up my own 'Golden Paste' according to the formula on this website - soooo much cheaper and the best way to take, absorb and receive the benefits of turmeric.

  • Couldn't you just get a multivitamin that has most of that? 25 tablets? (profanity) that

  • +1

    Am I wasting my money

    Probably, but you should really ask your doctor, not random cheapskates on a forum.

  • If you're not eating a balanced, predominantly plant based diet, then some of the supplements might help, although you need to consider:

    • You can't just extract particular elements of foods and turn it into a tablet/capsule - there are interaction effects of all the other ingredients
    • Some supplements can be counterproductive to your health - read up on the clinical studies
    • There seems to be a lot of doubling up of vitamins and minerals in what you take, so you're probably wasting a lot of money

    Also, not getting sick is not necessarily the measure of general health; a better measure is your biological vs chronological age.

    Do you get enough physical activity every week? What is your resting heart rate?

  • 25 tablets a day?!?!?!

    • Check that your kidneys are still alright?

      • If you jump up and down, do you rattle?

  • "Can anyone actually feel the benefit of taking vitamins."

    Sometimes. Depending on the vitamin and my physical state at the time.

    Otherwise, how old are you? Male/Female? "Most" doctors are the wrong people to ask about supplements, they simply aren't trained sufficiently in nutrition to offer valid advice. Some doctors are more clued in than others so shop around and find one than can converse and think past the pharmaceutical brochure. Otherwise, if you have no specific health complaints just start slowly backing off the level of supplements and see how you go. Every body is different in lots of ways and will react or benefit from different things. Do your research and see what works for you and what doesn't. After many years of supplementing I'm trying to cut them right out unless I am dealing with some specific issue. Being an old fart I don't have the leeway to indulge in the junk food that I once did and if I do the effects will creep up on me over a matter of months.

    So if you have no specific issues then as others have suggested, eat a healthy diet and get plenty of fresh (preferably not from the tap or a plastic bottle) water, exercise and sleep and you should be OK. As you start getting older you may need to adjust as you go along.

  • +1

    Unless you actually need those vitamins because of X deficiency, excess of anything is never good- biologically and financially.

  • Unless you have a terrible diet (or get zero sun/etc) and so have a deficiency in any kind of vitamin or mineral or other, VERY doubtful taking any of the 25 pills you take daily is actually doing anything more than giving you a placebo effect.

    On the flipside, these vitamins/etc have such a high level required for toxicity ('OD') that it's also highly unlikely they're doing you any harm either.

    And hey, placebo effect actually makes a difference so if it works for you, you do you. Just you know, don't go into debt doing it, check with your GP if you're on any medication to make sure there aren't any contra-indications, and don't neglect your actual diet just because you're popping those pills.

  • -2

    While eating a healthy diet is always good advice, the mass production, use of chemicals as pesticide and the storage on our food is a concern.
    Supplements can help in counteracting some of the effects of this (as can soaking fruit and veggies in a vinegar and water mix, then rinsing.)

    Consider seeing a naturopath. Their vitamins and supplements are more potent and made with different intentions.
    A naturopath will also determine what you need and give informed advice on how much to take, and when. Some supplements can conflict with each other. Some are water soluble and some are fat soluble (need to be taken before or with food).
    Ask around with people you know, as to which naturopath really knows their stuff.

    All the best, in good health.

    • Consider seeing a naturopath

      Just as an FYI, naturopaths are fraudulent quacks who who fleece money from gullible fools. Their pseudo-scientific nonsense contains just enough buzz words that it can fool a layperson into sounding believable, but if you have any background in nutrition, medicine or biology it is laughingly pathetic.

      • While calling them quacks might be a bit strong, they often don't have formal medical quals. Any advice given by a naturopath might be simply to encourage you to empty your pockets in their favour.

        • +1

          That's generally the best case scenario.

          Worst case? They "prescribe" things which are bad for you or can exacerbate your condition, and they discourage people from seeking property medical attention for medical issues.

  • +1

    I hardly sick, may be flu and cough every 3 years

    we're in the same boat (no flu, just a 24 hour cold). the only difference is i don't take any vitamins, drugs or snake oils. waste of money.

    ( I have flu vaccine every year).

    flu vaccines are also a waste of money.

  • +1

    Generally it is very expensive urine. But if you have specific problems they can help.

  • 25 tablets of vitamin a day

    I wonder which letter is missing from the alphabet.

  • Don't underestimate the amount of calories in supplements. As good as fish oil is, it's super rich in calories!

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