This was posted 7 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ryzen 1600 £126.80 (~ $216.79 AUD) Delivered @ Amazon UK


06/11/2017 7:30AM EDIT: deal is now only available for Amazon Prime members. I've heard you can subscribe to the free trial and cancel for free so I'll leave this active for now. WARNING:If you do not cancel, you will be billed monthly after the trial period. Mods, please mark as expired otherwise.

Ryzen 1600 = 126.80 pounds delivered ($216.79 AUD using google conversion)…

Pay using GBP for better pricing. $225.18 AUD if you use Amazon conversion.

Stellar price. Get on it.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Good price. Msy is $278.

  • +2

    Any catch? Hard to believe there's no catch for a price like this..

    • +1

      No catch, all the ryzen stuff is on sale at amazon UK atm, some of them have prime only though.

    • +3

      (profanity) it, pulled the trigger. Finally replacing my 2010 dual core which took 30 seconds to load "my documents" lmao. Amazon apparently has brilliant customer service anyway so hopefully I don't get cucked

      • +7

        Do you have a ssd?

      • +5

        That's your hard drive not your CPU. I have a Q8200 with an SSD and 4gb of ram and it'd take a second or less to open my documents folder.

    • +2

      Catch is it comes with overseas warranty instead of local Australian warranty.

      • +2

        Have to disagree when it comes to computer parts. Most of them go overseas anyway, although I guess if there's a local address you save some money… Ok will reverse my neg!

        Edit: oops too late :(

        • This is very true for CPU's.

  • Showing 136 GBP (excl. shipping) now

    • +1

      That's correct, VAT is removed at checkout getting this price.

      • Ah yes, my bad!

  • +2

    wow. That's less than 1/2 what I paid for a 1700X 3 months ago

  • +3

    wow, great price.

    serious question though, I was going to wait until after Christmas to build a Ryzen 1600 PC (hoping for graphics cards and DDR4 memory to come down) but should I jump on this now?

    • You are right price will come down

    • +1

      I wouldn't hold my breath on the memory shortage ending any time soon sadly

      • damn, well as long as it doesn't get even more expensive lol

        • +5

          Id buy this now if I was building within 3 months. MSY is usually the cheapest or very close and they're $278 apparently.

    • Graphics is still on the way down (the midrange ones that got hit by mining anyway), but RAM isn't going anywhere but up, reportedly.

      • +3

        "Capacity is expected to stay low through 2018. When new fabrication plants are completed, potentially as early as 2019, pricing may drop." - yuck :(

    • +1

      wait for Volta to come out in Q1 next year. GPU prices should drop more for Pascal and probably for Vega too, though you might then be tempted to buy a Volta card lol

    • New die shrink 2000s versions of Ryzen due from Feb - so probably faster for those, and cheaper of the old 1000s versions as a result.

  • +3

    I just built one with a $260 part from the ebay tech sales. This is a smashingly good price.

  • +1


  • +1

    Thankyou - just pulled the trigger for a new file server cpu…

  • -2

    Pride never die.

  • +9

    If anyone is looking for ram, I found this:…

    ~$188 delivered, still not cheap by any means but given that ram prices are on the rise it seems decent for 3000MHz ram

    • I half think this is a price error as auPCPartPicker cheapest 2x8Gb DDR4-3000 Ripjaws V is $259. I actually panic bought the DDR4-2400 which cost $2 more (lowest listed on auPCPartPicker $239), then saw this stuff and bought it as well on the assumption that I'd be able to flip the DDR-2400 stuff for no loss relatively easily as RAM prices seem to be doing the Aussie housing market circa 2005 thing

    • nice find! Since it's for an Intel Z170 platform, just wondering would this work on an AMD motherboard (specifically ASRock AB350 pro4)?

      • +2

        Yep should work fine on your motherboard and any AM4 motherboard for that matter, not sure why it says Intel z170 but reading the reviews there are many AMD users :)

        • Thanks for the find! Ordered a set

        • Ordered one as well. Thank you!

      • If you read the reviews on Newegg there's a few from people running it with Ryzen. They can get it up to 3000+ MHz but their CAS stretches to 16 which isn't ideal given Ryzen loves fast RAM, but on the other hand this is ~$70 cheaper than everything else so..

    • Great price! Anyone had any dealings with NewEgg for warranty? Their 15 day policy seems a bit dodge.

      • Doesn't every ram manufacturer offer lifetime warranty? The failure rate on RAM is quite low.

        • Yeah, RAM I'm not so concerned about, it was more of a general question. I was thinking of buying everything from them. Currently I can get the case, mobo, ram, cooler for $680 shipped from NewEgg or same/similar parts from AU sellers for about $200 more. The OzBargainer in me says "do it you big girls blouse!", the have-had-to-send-a-bunch-of-stuff-back-to-overseas-manufacturers-before says "still haven't learned your lesson hey smart guy?" I spose the $200 pays for a fair bit of shipping returns :-)

        • +1

          @Mossy: pretty much the only thing I'd buy locally is the board since it's the most likely part to DOA and is fairly awkward to return overseas. Maybe the case too since that's probably the highest shipping cost and cases are everywhere.

    • Nice price, thanks portard. Just ordered some.

    • ah crap it expired cause I sat on my hands for too long, is there any other deals on RAM going atm? I heard Ryzen really benefits from high clockspeed on the RAM

  • This is a no-brainer! Such a stunning price for a incredible processor! Grab it for your build!

  • +1

    Bit the bullet! Finally upgrading from my i5 2500k who has been trucking around for many years.

    Anyone have a recommended mobo to go with this?

    • +2

      back for buck is any b350 mobo

    • +4

      I agree. ASRock AB350 pro4 is one of the cheapest, also it has two m.2 slots

      • +1

        I've just done 2 hours of research and this is what I'm choosing. $119 at MSY, cheaper than amazon.

        • -1

          Link pls

  • Was literally moments from pulling the trigger on a 1700$ build with a 1600 in it from PLE, even with priority shipping, this is $50~ cheaper!

    Pitty I'm gonna go priority since I've been itching to build my new rig for ages.


    • For $50 difference overall I would probably invest in the local warranty.

      • Considering CPU's are sent overseas anyway 99% of the time, its one part I don't have to worry about much.

  • +1

    Hey man thanks so much, i had been looking at 1600's for a while now and this was just too good to pass up on. Thank you Noodles93

  • Getting £189.99 ?

    • You need amazon prime. It's a free trial for a month, cancel before the months end and pay nothing extra.

  • +2

    Thanks Noodles, got this instead of r3 1200 for ~$80 more

  • Is there any dual socket system that support this CPU?

  • Amazing price, amazon CPUs tend to OC better than aussie stock too (just a random observation, no statistics to support lol)

  • Someone not prime that want to share shipping? I can get one more for Sydney area.

    • Hello Darkcheshire, which area are you in? interested in hopping in

  • +1

    Ball-tearer of a price, Noodles.

  • So i bit the bullet and upgraded from my i5-3550 & 8GB DDR3 RAM to the Ryzen 1600 & 16GB DDR4 RAM. Was this a good upgrade? kinda having regrets now that i didn't go with the i7-7700k. My GPU is a GTX 970.

    • +2

      I just bought this CPU and I'm coming from an i5 2500k with a GTX 970 (similar to you in a way). The 7700k is better but seems alot more expensive (around $400 when it's on sale?). I personally can't justify the performance difference considering it's nearly double the price

    • yeah that's a solid upgrade. no point in getting a 7700k, you are going to be bottlenecked by the 970 anyway. spend the savings on a better gpu. i think honestly you would have had more regrets going with a 7700k anyway, considering that the new i5-8400 is basically as good for much cheaper

    • The i5 8400 is the alternative I may consider to the Ryzen… Not sure which one to go with.

      • In general, 8400 for gaming, Ryzen for workstation

      • +2

        The i5 8400 is the superior gaming CPU but if you're on a budget, Ryzen all the way until the cheap B/H series compatible mobos are released for coffee lake. The 1600 is also a no brainer if you need it for multithreaded workloads.

        This Ryzen 1600 paired with a cheap $100 mobo is around $320 all up. The i5 8400 alone is $259.00 (cheapest on staticice). An asrock pro4 z370 is around $160 too so around $420 all up.

        You can save this $100 to put towards an ssd or put towards a better GPU. The gap between the following card tiers is definitely softened with a $100 saving on CPU/mobo costs:

        • GTX 1060 = $360 (6gb variant)
        • GTX 1070 = $550 (+$190)
        • GTX 1080 = $699 (+$150)

        Good comparison video which presents reasonable arguments to choose either CPU:

  • -6

    Intel still better

  • Hey guys, I've made a discord channel for all people who have bought this CPU so we can discuss anything related to building our PCs.

  • -4

    It appears that the “catch” is that they don’t deliver to Australia (sorry if someone has already seen this and posted a similar comment.)

  • The ram I posted above has gone up

    Another one for $9 more:…

  • +1

    Just went to order and price has gone up…sigh.
    Should of ordered earlier.

    • Sorry my dude. Have now marked as expired.

  • Already arrived even though it said 27 November, wow

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