I Desperately Need Your Help - Money Saving Tips & Frugality

Hi OzBargainers,

I'm thinking about writing an e-book called 1001 Ways to be the Ultimate Tightarse! (Working Title) and would like to hear some of your input.

So, what are some ways you save money on a daily basis just by being frugal and using some simple money saving tips?

Thanks for your submissions :)


  • +3

    Do we get a percentage of sales for our contribution?

    • +5

      No, because the book will be free. What tightarse would purchase a book? Hahaha

    • +1

      But, you will get your name in the book. For example:

      This tip was suggested by nocure

  • +7

    Every time you buy a Big Mac you set one ingredient aside. Then at the end of the week you have a free Big Mac. And you love it even more because you made it with your own hands.

    • That's a really good tip. I might try it from next week.

      • If you are really going to include that in your book, mention that it was suggested by Kevin Malone not tabz. Thank you.

  • +5

    Keep linking and unlinking your bank account in paypal. You’ll get something like 15c each time you do it.

    • +2

      builds bot to bankrupt paypal 15c at a time…

      • Sell a small item and receive funds via PayPal and you’ve wiped out a whole year’s worth of gains…

    • Interesting

  • TRS refunds.

  • +3

    Discarded pizza boxes are an excellent source of cheese.

    • Hahaha

  • +1

    Only take dumps at work.

    • And shower at the gym

    • Don't forget shopping centres. You can also take the toilet paper home just in case you don't make the toilets at work or your local shopping centre.

  • +1

    I only use 1 ply toilet paper - hold the soap. It's a bit rough when I have diarrhoea, but I don't shake hands more than a few times a day.

    • +1

      I use Sandy it's really cheap. I must admit it is a little rough but can't complain for the price.

      Here's the commercial for Sandy: Watch Now

      • +1

        Yeah, the true grit is quite good at rubbing off the stubborn chunks. But often I still have to call the wife to fetch the Hoover for a complete clean up.

  • Charge electrical devices at work.

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