Hi all,
I posted on Whirlpool about this and thought I'd post here as well. Just wanting to get some feedback from any of you who might have been in a similar situation as me.
Currently have ADLS2 and VOIP through MyNetFone and we'll be signing up for NBN service soon.
We'll be switching to Aussie Broadband for NBN (FTTN), but we're going to stick with MNF for VOIP service. At the moment we only use VOIP for our outgoing calls. Incoming calls are routed through the landline. We want to port our PSTN number over to our VOIP service as well since we won't have the landline service anymore.
I'm a a little fuzzy on the order I should do this.
If I'm understanding this correctly, this is the order that i should sort this out -
1) Have PSTN number ported over to MNF VOIP service
2) Once that's been verified, sign up for NBN service.
3) Once NBN is up and running, contact MNF and cancel ADSL service.
4) Contact Telstra to verify that landline PSTN account has been closed.
Is this correct?
You need to make absolutely sure that you can keep your MNF VOIP account when you cancel your ADSL service with them, and be certain that that's what they will actually do - it'd be very easy for them to press the wrong key and cancel everything.