Kobo have 20% off all eBooks on their site.
This is the first time I have seen such a sale.
They provide ePub files that can be used with various devices, including the kobo eReader available here at Borders and Angus & Robertson.
20% off all eBooks (ePub) at Kobo Bookstore
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This is the first time I have seen such a sale.
If subscribed to their newsletter, they actually send out coupons on a fairly regular basis (and my ebook library has kept on growing as a result). That said, this discount code is a pretty decent one.
Three books at the discounted price of $8 each for me, yessssssss…
I get the same newsletter, but it's always like $1 off one book, and then it no longer works.
The difference here is it is 20% off any number of books, which I haven't seen such a sale.
And they didn't even advertise this one.
Can these books only be read on Kobo reader, or can I sideload them to my Androids.
The few books I wanted to buy were cheaper on the Kindle store with no discount. Good find, though. Hope someone finds it useful.