Black & Silver available
More than 10 available at time of posting
Original 20% Tech (Ryda, Dell, Grays Online, Vaya & Videopro) @ eBay Deal Post
Black & Silver available
More than 10 available at time of posting
Original 20% Tech (Ryda, Dell, Grays Online, Vaya & Videopro) @ eBay Deal Post
Meee. Still waiting for Shopmonk's $250 deal to return. Looks like ill be waiting a while tho :(
Yeah me too, that was the killer deal of the century. Don't see the point of getting the QC35ii
I have an ANC9, so I didnt buy a QC35
I feel QC35 is much better than ANC9 when I compared with one of friend's QC35. ANC9 is old, I purchased it in 2013…
Woah! I’m only a couple month old OzBargainer so I’m out of the loop for this one. When was that deal? That sounds crazy!
Me. Strongly considering grabbing a pair but the Sony WH1000XM2 and Bower and Wilkins PX are also contenders. Given its for office use I think the comfort of these will tip me that way even if I sacrifice some sound quality and more snazzy features the other two have.
Hey bud, I have both the Bose QCII and Sony WH1000XM2. Don't have the other two you listed.
In comparison, Bose appearance wise is better around the face (Its not as wide as the Sony).
But, Sony has better sound quality.
Because of the appreance (I have a small head), I use the Sony at home, whilst the Bose while I'm out. Though on my brothers head (bigger than mine), it looks fine.
Ideally, I'd much prefer Sony sound on the Bose appearance.
Feel free to message me if you have any other enquiries if those two end up being shortlisted out of your shortlisted list :)
Cheers. Planned use is in the office and from the limited time I spent with both I'm semi tempted to go Bose as I found them more comfortable, most comfortable headphones I've ever tried actually. The units JB had set up for the Sony were rather new though, less than a week old, so I might need to go back and give them another go to see if the headsets broken in a bit with time.
Me. I finally want to upgrade to bluetooth headphones but i want them to be able to have a microphone for calls and ideally fit in my pocket.
Any suggestions?
Yeah…. can't justify decommissioning my Logitech UE 6000vi…
me cos i still use qc15 and they aren't broken
is the QC35ii compatible with computers (Windows 10)? To use as a headset.
Should be able to as long as your computer got bluetooth.
You can still use them wired with the NC, right? You don't have to use bluetooth?
Ya, I forget about that option, keep thinking wireless.
Both Bluetooth and wired options (as long as your phone has a audio jack) ;)
Way better than the myer deal that people kept upvoting lol
not sure if I would call 13 dollars less “way better” - also these guys charge AU $6.60 for shipping? myer is free so it’s about 6 dollars difference.. maybe a slightly better deal? if ur spending this much on pair of headphones dunno if 6 dollars makes huge difference…
The price is inclusive of shipping costs.
Yeah but I'd rather have Myer warranty than whoever this is. Maybe I'm just telling that to myself since I got it from the Myer yesterday.
@adonbilivit: Videopro are actually a very reputable company. They are based in QLD which is why many may not know them. They are authorised resellers of all the major brands - Sony, Panasonic, SOnos etc.
thanks, didn't realize i needed these until I was using my in ear Xiaomi earphones on a noisy 8 hour flight.
Will you be travelling by planes often? Much use if you only fly once per year?
4 or 5 times a year, plus i will be using them at work most of the day, so should be worth the money.
Does any one know if videopro_online is a credible seller and they can be trusted?
Check their feedback on eBay
//Company my wife use to work at managed their website. I've bought a few things off them previously and they've always provided great service and never had an issue.
They are Bose authorised dealer I believe.
Bought from them before, no issue.
Used to work there, they are a retail store in Brisbane. They also sell high end production equipment, not just consumer
Appears like they also stock the Sony MDR1000X. Travelling overseas and claiming TRS is a good enough reason to buy a set, decision decisions….…
Seem like 1st edition, new edition is already on sale now.
Careful, the first gen has cracking issues.
I have both the QC35ii and WH1000XM2
WH1000XM2 sound is better
QC35ii looks better
Apparently the v2 still have the same cracking band issue, that's why after I lost my QC35 I got QC35ii as replacement. Slight improved sound isn't worth the hassle dealing with broken headphone…
Yeah I was also aware of the potential cracking issue.
I usually have atleast two headphones if one goes.
You guessed it, I had the QC35 and the MX1000 prior which I sold off.
QC35 had better sound quality than the MX1000.
Now the QCII and MH1000XM2 are out,
I decided to purchase both at the exact same time.
Sound quality is better on the MH1000XM2, and I do agree the potential of cracking is there, but hasn't occured to me yet. Im not the type to completely pull a headband to satisfy how far it can bend I guess.
QCII is good aswell but if I were to rate sound by sound, Id place the Bose at 8.6 and the Sony at 9.2 for a non wired market.
Eitherway, any you buy will be a good buy :)
Can you connect multiple phones to the QCII at the same time or only one at a time?
Also, can you replace the ear cups on the QC II?
Thanks :)
You'll need to disconnect 1 headset and reconnect another. Cant connect multiple of them.
Haven't gotten that far into use of replacing the QC II as I've had it since release which isnt too long ago.
Will advise if I ever do.
yay got 10
Sure. Show us the photoshopped image.
I just ordered one. A bargain price. But they take almost two weeks to arrive while charging 6.60$ for deliver fee :/
Ordered them as well (but via the myer deal) - got delivered in 2 days.
Would you need to purchase the cable for planes with the QC ii?
currently cheaper through other deal guys
yeah which one man links?
Hmm so got my pair today (myer deal) and wow finding them completely unusable. Only paired with 1 device (Windows) everything is connected / paired etc. Go to play any music or movie & the sound stutters like crazy…
Edit: Ok. Might have been issue with windows drivers… Seems better now.
More stock!
Just bought today (11/11/2017) for $380 delivered using code PREZZY
Is there still any OZBargainer left without a QC35? ;)