PlayStation 4, Cheapest Version New

My hand has been twisted by powers beyond my control, I was going to wait till boxing day to see what was available in the sales, but am now having to get a PS4 no matter what by the end of the week! It's not for me, its really for my son, it will be a Minecraft and Rocket League only gaming rig (for now), he's 10 (turning 11).

I could get him the present a tad late, like delivery next week, but his b'day is this Friday. Like i said, we have actually got another non ps4 present organised for his b'day already, it was supposed to be for xmas and i thought I had more time…

So where can I get the very basic ps4, cheapest as poss, doesn't need to be 1tb pro etc, if it comes with RL or Minecraft all the better!




  • How about this one?…

    $60 extra for the 1TB HD and GT sport is a good deal. I have the 500GB console and honestly it's not enough space.

    • I saw that, but really… he's JUST going to play MC and RL… IS there no older models for sale anymore, around the $300 mark?

      • They've refreshed the PS4 look so I doubt it.

        He'll like GT Sport. It's a good one to play with friends and you can use the PS VR with the game.

        Why do you think he'll only play 2 games?

        • Autism. lol, and also we're not made of money, I know that games like GT Sport are great, but on their own they're like $99 or summin. I would rather gift him another game (or two) at xmas. RIGHT NOW I just want the cheapest PS4 new out there, with ONE controller is fine (for now). His mates have ps4's they can bring their own controllers. 500gb will be enough for RL and MC, and our net speed SUCKS, we're not due NBN for a long long time right now I'm stuck with 5mb/sec dl speeds, there will be no dling games onto the 500gb, it will be disc purchases.

        • @dunker56: The games have to install from the DVDs(~5+GBs) and updates can be several GBs in size.

          I've only bought disc games as well.

          I'm just saying you're better off future proofing yourself.

        • @knick007:

          Try 50gb from the bluray (not DVD any more).

          Obviously rocket league and minecraft aren’t going to be 50gb but most games are. OP: you cannot play games from disc any more - all disc games install to the hdd

        • @knick007: Yeh true.

        • @coxjon: I did not know that. Cheers.

        • @dunker56:
          we have that speed adsl, just set and forget for downloading games, they eventually get there.

  • If you like to live dangerously, Gumtree might have some around the $300 mark.

    • Nah, i want new, and I checked, nothing very attractive. Basically selling with $50-100 off price of new :/

      • The amount of times I've seen Gumtree prices more than new is pretty surprising TBH. Usually anything sanely priced is gone pretty quick.

        • i sold my slim and a bunch of games for $300 just a few days ago.

          IF you are really willing to wait until Christmas time, I got my PS4 Slim 500GB (the one that I just sold) direct from sony for $299 around Dec last year, a bunch of other stores like JB had a few sales as well around Nov-Dec I think.

          I have been checking ebay prices, some older original models are selling for over $300 with a bunch of games too.

        • @kunfushun: Cool, thanks :) Yeah, I’m keeping an eye out.

  • So really this looks the cheapest;… am I right?

    • +2

      You could wait for cyber monday / black friday but thats next month

      • This,
        could save yourself $100, got my PS4 for $279 JB-HiFi.

        • See, that's the kinda price I'm looking for, I knew it was possible to get one in the low $300's. I think the poor sod will just have to get an IOU cause we just can't afford/justify a $450-500 purchase right now.
          I think it's just bad timing as well, with this new release of the Pro version (which by the way how does this version differ to the others?) it seems every type of PS4 on the market currently is priced $400+

        • @dunker56: Maybe it's worth glamming up the IOU so it's a bit more exciting for him, like a cool gift card or something similar (as in something you can make yourself?) You could also get him to go with you to buy it, which might be exciting?

          The Pro is more or less a beefed PS4; the internals have been upgraded and IIRC it should run VR more smoothly. Some games will be produced to take advantage of the increase in performance but AFAIK ultimately all PS4 games will be made to be run on the most basic console. For instance, Fallout 4, the Pro console has better texture, lighting, frame rate and some visual bits and pieces as compared to the original console; is it worth upgrading to a Pro from an original in the case of Fallout 4? Prob not IMO, but other games may display more extensive improvements.

          If I was buying a console new (and didn't already have a PS4 for instance), I'd try and aim for the Pro at a cheaper price. But then again, now that the XB1X is being released, which is more powerful than the PS4 Pro, methinks that Sony will be looking to revamp their console in a year or so, but I could be wrong. Because consoles aren't as ubiquitous as say mobile phones, in that every man and his dog has one just about, I think there will come a saturation point for consoles, where consumers won't be willing to keep buying the next upgraded console every year, so it could be three or even more years before either Sony or MS decide to release a newer beefier version.

          I think a lot of consumer would be cheesed (as cool as it would be for their to be a newer and more powerful PS4) if Sony released another better PS4 next year or even a PS5 as some people have speculated is going to be the case.

  • just remember to get the 5% gift cards and purchase through that, whether at jb or eb or bigw

  • Is your son open to the idea of Xbox instead?

    Minecraft and RocketLeague are both on Xbox as well

    and there is a current bundle for Xbox + Minecraft for cheaper than the PS4 on it's own…

    • Yeh I know… but all his friends are on PS4 :'(
      Also, I RL on the PC, its semi crossplatform for us.

  • Normal PS4 will be fine in terms of storage space, cheapest is currently JB/Big W if you used discounted WW gift cards.

  • Here you go Mate, thought of you when I saw this deal on OB

    PS4 black 500gb $299 at Big W

    Hopefully you can get one in store.

    • Sorry, seems like a false alarm, price has now jumped back up to $399, must have been a pricing error.

      • Yeh went and checked :'( I reckon it's a Black Friday error? Maybe a week or two early… fingers cross :)

  • Damn mate I’ve been on the hunt to get a ps4 for my brother too for Xmas… good luck hopefully you find one :)

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