Original price was $119 and now $29. I am not a bike rider so not sure about quality.
Stock in Richmond.
Mod: Reminder that clearance prices are nationwide.
Original price was $119 and now $29. I am not a bike rider so not sure about quality.
Stock in Richmond.
Mod: Reminder that clearance prices are nationwide.
Great price, perfect for someone for Christmas but quality would be gauged from the price I guess! Good find OP.
What a bargain!
Why oBike when you can ownBike? ;)
You wouldnt want to thrown your own bike into a lake or on top of a tree
It won't matter that much if you bought it for $29
I wonder who is strong enough to thrown it on top of a tree : )
hammer throw technique, finally those athletics carnival during school has paid off
Good price for a BSO
Big Sexy Orangutan?
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy!?
Any other colours?
are you sure its nation wide ?
Definitely nationwide, call 1800124125 and quote “42348634” as the key code and your location and they’ll let you know if there’s stock around you :)
It was $69 for a while and must’ve dropped recently in the clearance drops.
Closed for now.
Whoops, yeah forgot to say that it’s only in business hours, could just call the local and check.
thanks for the tip. ill do it
Were there any male versions too?
The basket is removable
hey Jv what are you saying vote no towards ?
Vote no against homosexuality. JV is very pro same sex marriage.
NO to clicking + on JV comments?
@D6C1: im not being a bully. i asked him what he was referring to when he was saying "vote no" because i was curious if it was about the SSM or some ozbaragin joke like enlopes and zipties. He gave me an answer and i didnt respond after it.
As in, she wants you to neg all her comments.
So is the bike seat
I just visualised that :(
Did you just assume this bikes gender
Does anyone know how strict the minimum height thing is? I'm about 5cm too short. Would it be too hard for me to ride?
Riding would be easy, I will be worried about stopping.
That's what the ground is for - you won't fall very far.
A guy was teaching his friend about sky diving. They both jumped out of the plane at the height of 5000 ft. As they were falling towards the ground, the learner asked his friend, "when are we going to open the chute". The other guy said, "soon".
4000 ft, same question and then the same answer.
3000 ft, same question and then the same answer.
2000 ft, same question and then the same answer.
1000 ft, same question and then the same answer.
500 ft, same question and then the same answer.
100 ft, same question and then the same answer.
50 ft, same question and then the same answer.
5 ft, same question, the trainer friend replied, it's only 5 ft, you won't fall very far.
The slack angles and long cranks will work against you. You will end up rocking your hips and pushing through your knees with an acute bend at the top of the stroke. On the other hand if you are just coasting on a boardwalk or cruising a caravan park, it will do just fine, which is what this bike is for I guess…
The only way to tell for sure is to do a test ride. People of the same height can have different proportions - leg length, trunk length and arm length.
If the legs are to short peddling will be uncomfortable as described by WARvault. Also your feet might not touch the ground when stopped.
If trunk and arms are too short, you might need to lean uncomfortably forwards to reach the handlebars.
A bike that's uncomfortable to ride is a waste of money IMO.
Have called Carousel Kmart, Perth and checked. They have stock, but it's not on clearance as of now.
That's why WA want to secede from the rest of Australia.
Rock you like a hurricane.
Oh man, Fairfield and Bass Hill no stock :( NSW
I was told there were 22 in stock over the phone at Bass Hill. I even saw with my own eyes that they had them in stock as well. No $29 label on them though
Silver ones though ? Afaik white and blue not on sale.
Both box numbers are 625. The image shows white and blue but I don't remember instore colour. You could possibly ring up tomorrow morning and have them check pricing and hold if available.
What serious? The girl put me on hold and said sorry we dont have any stock, maybe call us back in a few days we might get stock! Wtf lol kmart the bunch of liars ha
no stock at Indooroopilly in Brisbane
Brand is Huffy for those wanting to find out
Here’s proof of the price on the store system, only place near bris that has it is Ipswich who have 6, you’ll need to call 1800124125 to check close to you, I think they’re 8-5 Monday to Friday from memory, or just call your local.
Thanks - saved me phoning around for Brisbane stock.
🚴 There goes my dream of my own local bike sharing network 🚵
Nil stock Ipswich, although system says six in stock.
Kmart's system often is inaccurate. About the only way is to contact stores with the item number. Describing stock can lead to mistakes by staff - wasting time going to store to find it was wrong product.
In a deal, I rang the Kmart number & asked for Qld stock levels of a clearance data SIM. As there was almost no stock, I posted the locations I was told, & gave up on the search after buying only 1. Thought I was being helpful.
Later people posted finding stock at my local store. I wasn't happy missing out, but then was nastily abused for posting misinformation so I could buy up all the stock!
I no longer discuss stock levels.
Bought this for around $69 when it was last posted on discount. Had to return it straight away. Very cheap plasticy quality materials, only one brake (front). And tyre rims are painted bright pink (too much pink for wife’s liking). Went straight back in the box and back to store. $29 is great price, but bike is not good quality.
The back brake is there, you just pedal backwards to activate (commonly called a back pedal bike or coaster)
Read here
I remember my childhood from the pedal backwards brake… wow.
Vintage = crap = toy
Trust me, all this grandeur dreams of cycling and fresh air, exercise will go stale very quickly after your first, '[Profanity] GET OFF THE ROAD'. Now this is on a $2000 Giant TCR bike, imagine the kind comments riding on this….(Shudder).
Was the offender in a ute? Don't go riding in bogan-infested suburbs, and that will be very rare.
Of course if you are in Sydney, and not rich, that's easier said than done.
In Sydney and not rich. Saved a long time to buy a decent bike. Had grand dreams of being one of those p_ofters with a bike rack, driving to a beach, getting my gear on and riding in slow motion by the sea and feeling the breeze. All good and well until the bike lane ends.
Driving his high yeild investment and had to slow down to a snail pace to whip out the ruler so he can measure the 1m distance between the cyclist and his car.
If I have grandeur dreams of cycling and fresh air, exercise, I will ride in parks or on a bike path :)
there's a food chain. it goes trucks, cars, bikes then skates. had a rude cyclist once tell me to 'get off the road' on a private, unmarked road. since then ive had little sympathy for lycra uncles
that rude cyclists sounds like a rude bosh*te. Not all of us cyclists are like that. I for one welcome everyone on the road, so long as they are considerate. Skates. Grass skis. Razer scooters. Skateboard. Even cars. Just respect human life more than your need to check your phone.
Some people are jerks but its a shame if it tars your view of all cyclists.
I've sometimes come close to hitting pedestrians who have walked onto the road without looking (or the cycle path - because that's part of the footpath perhaps for some). At other times I've seen cyclists run red's and almost hit pedestrians without giving two hoots…. yet that impacts peoples perception towards me as a rider.
There's jerks everywhere, in cars, on scooters, on bikes, on foot.
I used to ride on the road quite a bit to get to work, but I'd try to use bike paths where possible. There's something about people riding on the roads for leisure in peak hour times that irks me as a driver. I mean, I don't skate on busy footpaths because it's inconvenient for others. Road law breaking amongst cyclists is far too widespread. There's clearly an issue within the cycling community that they seem to not want to address.
The disregard and hostility against push-bikes in Australia is still surprising me.
I have done 2-7 day cycle trips in many countries in Europe and never experienced this level of general hostility.
Where does it come from?
(there are (profanity) cyclist in every country, that can't be the reason)
Traffic in our cities is inconvenient for everyone, and the cycling infrastructure in many areas is non-existent or disjointed. The problem is with individuals rather than the community - much like drivers, one idiot driver doing something stupid does not get all other drivers off against drivers, but there seems to be a different attitude against cyclists when one is seen doing something wrong - 'they are all wrongdoers'.
I don't see too much law breaking in Sydney, see the odd cyclist running a red every now and then, but then again I see vehicles do this too (or u-turn at lights, or cross double centre lines, or use their phone).
I've seen more police around the CBD though targeting cyclists and the laws are pretty heavy against cycling infringements now, so state government does appear keen to address some of the problem.
Enforcing the helmet use is another way to discourage casual bike use.
I've heard police actually write tickets for this :/
I guess helmet requirement and strict enforcement really show what a battlefield the streets really are for bicyclists.
Didn't see any this afternoon at Mirrabooka [WA]
no gears no thanks
3 pc left in Campbellfield 24hrs Kmart
PS did not buy any
Call roger on [feel slack, edited comment to remove number].
ozbargain image print screen. LOL
Offer him $29 and see what he says
@googleyahoo69: What's wrong with you - this is OzBargain, not OzCharity! That's like giving away 5x RoseGal specials….disgraceful! :D
At least put some effort by getting his ass out to kmart and take his own pictures instead of cropping the original image
Gumtree. Powered by OzBargain.
Good for those who plan to do foodora delivery
Can they fit inside of a car?
A car - yes
Very good price!