Anyone playing paperclips game? WARNING: Highly addictive!!

In case anyone doesn't know what I am talking about here is what it is…

And here is where to play the game

I have been playing for last two days. Feel free to ask me if you need any tips : )


  • Got to 6 octillion clips… and then it glitched. Ugh, so annoying!

    • nevermind, dismantled factories

  • Full autonomy in 7 hrs 10 min 57 sec. Now what? Is that it?

    • Nope

    • No, it continues on quite a bit past full autonomy of paperclip manufacturing.

  • +1

    FYI, cheats built right in:

        <button id ="save1Button" onclick="save1()">SAVE SLOT 1</button>
        <button id ="load1Button" onclick="load1()">LOAD SLOT 1</button><br /> 
        <button id ="save2Button" onclick="save2()">SAVE SLOT 2</button>
        <button id ="load2Button" onclick="load2()">LOAD SLOT 2</button><br />    
        <button id ="resetButton" onclick="reset()">RESET ALL PROGRESS</button><br />       
        <button id ="freeClipsButton" onclick="cheatClips()">Free Clips</button><br />    
        <button id ="freeMoneyButton" onclick="cheatMoney()">Free Money</button><br />
        <button id ="freeTrustButton" onclick="cheatTrust()">Free Trust</button><br />        
        <button id ="freeOpsButton" onclick="cheatOps()">Free Ops</button><br />
        <button id ="freeCreatButton" onclick="cheatCreat()">Free Creativity</button><br />
        <button id ="freeYomiButton" onclick="cheatYomi()">Free Yomi</button><br />    
        <button id ="resetPrestige" onclick="resetPrestige()">Reset Prestige</button><br />     
        <button id ="destroyAllHumansButton" onclick="cheatHypno()">Destroy all Humans</button><br />    
        <button id ="freePrestigeU" onclick="cheatPrestigeU()">Free Prestige U</button>
        <button id ="freePrestigeS" onclick="cheatPrestigeS()">Free Prestige S</button>
        <button id ="debugBattleNumbers" onclick="setB()">Set Battle Number 1 to 7</button><br /> 
        <button id ="availMatterZero" onclick="zeroMatter()">Set Avail Matter to 0</button><br />     

    Just uncomment =)

    • How do you use the save and other cheats?

    • This might sound like a stupid question, but how do you uncomment the html?

      • +1

        In Chrome, hit f12, then navigate your way around there.

    • +4

      Where is the fun in that?

  • Thanks OP. There goes my Sunday

  • great… im playing it

    • +2

      Read the tips mentioned above and you will be done soon and then continue your regular life.

  • Looked at this and totally forgot about urbandead.

    Great zombie game which is very basic but addictive

  • +4

    Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Games"

    Glad I am at work :)

  • How to increase creativity?

    • +3

      It only increases when your ops is maxed out.

  • I am stuck at 0% exploration, am i doing something wrong or the game is bug?

    • It just takes a lot of drones before it starts. It will shoot up exponentially once it gets going.

      Maybe up your speed and exploration a bit, you don't need any harvester or wire production…

    • +2

      reduce wire and harvester drone to 3 each, combat to 5 and add everything else to self-replication and then wait sometime you should see exploration going up.

      • Ok thanks, so self-replication increase exploration while speed and exploration does nothing.

        • Of course they do something. Either you have more drones exploring at the minimum speed, or slightly less drones exploring more quickly…

  • Everything is going well but my available funds haven't changed at all…even though I'm getting revenue….how do i get this going again? So can't increase my marketing level at all..

    • You got to increase the price of your paper clip, it is costing you more to make than to sell them if your fund is not going up. Sometime it is better to sell it slowly.

      • I have done that but it still doesn't budge.

        • Selling 5 per sec. And gaining revenue. everythinf else is ticking except the blinkin business funds

        • +2

          @bubbly: that makes no cents sense

  • Can someone please explain the Quantum Computing thing for me?

    • +1

      When the square on the screen go from grey to black, you can click compute to increase the amount of operation, when the square disappear clicking it will decrease the amount of operation. When you have multiple square wait until all square are going from grey-black.

  • Argh…I messed up already. I've got 30 Processors and 44 Memory. Smashing that Compute button I still cant reach 50,000 Ops. :(

  • +1

    The investment part is like gambling lol

    Lifetime investment revenue report: $1,587,937|

    • Like real life stocks…

      • buy all the sydney house prices!

  • Does the Cost of wire always just increase over time? for example it's around $69 will it ever drop back to $14?

    • nop.

      mines on $303

      • Is it dumb just to have the Wirebuyer running all the time then? how do you balance it to make sure youre earning profit

        • mines on all the time.

          I wont run out money for wire with the amount im mkaing

          Avg. Rev. per sec: $ 61,273.56
          Avg. Clips Sold per sec: 102,123

        • +4

          You'll reach a point where the cost of wires are negligible, you'll eventually be making millions every few seconds

  • is there a way to increase the price of the clip without just clicking the mouse tirelessly???

    • +3

      If you click an element like a button it becomes 'focused' and you can then hit enter to interact with it. So using this knowledge you can just click a button once and then hold down enter to repeatedly trigger it. This is a general web browser feature.

      • +1

        Read this after completing the game. Damn.

        Restarted again. Makes the world of difference.

  • Full autonomy attained in 3 hours 37 minutes 59 seconds

  • I'm now making a powerplant. This game is addictive.


  • +1


  • Been playing this all day at work. I'm up to the point where I either start over in a new universe or dismantle everything. Can't decide.

    • I assumed start a new universe would make u go back to the start?
      I dismantled so it felt like I really finished it, had to manually make the last few paperclips after this

      • +2

        Yeah I just went with dismantle so I wouldn't play it at work again.

  • im up to 450trillion of clips and

    • One Quadrillion Clips Created in 4 hours 24 minutes 45 seconds|

  • +6

    Full autonomy attained in 2 hours 14 minutes 12 seconds

    I regret clicking the link, I had lots to do today.

    • Me too, oml

  • Why go on a website when you can download one
    AdVenture Capitalist by Kongregate…

    • But this is not a game about owning business at all.

  • +2

    I explored the whole 100% of the universe and turned everything into paperclips. I battled with drifters and conquered everything to make more paperclips. At the end there was nothing left but paperclips. What have I done? 5 hours of life gone in an instant.

  • +12

    I like the part where you make a paperclip.

  • What is strategic modelling? How to optimise? I don't get it?

    • You can't really. It's pretty random. But you need to play to get yomi

  • 0 valuable matter left… what to do now?

  • +1

    Full autonomy attained in 2 hours 7 minutes 29 seconds

    moving on with my life now.

    • +10

      you didnt finish the game..

    • +2

      You're still just at the start!

    • Spoiler: The game ends when the number of clips you have made is 3 followed by 55 zeros which in my opinion is nearly impossible to obtain the correct way.

      So you aren't done yet. You got a quite a bit more to go :)

      • +2

        not impossible at all. I did it on my first go, no cheats. Just wasted about 6 hours of my life though.

        • Fair enough. The fact that progress increases exponentially probably makes it easier towards the end.

          Mine gone stuck twice at "next gift in 17s" 😤. Both times, I was about 4hrs in. Gave up and unlocked the cheat. Had to complete it otherwise it would have bugged me forever 😑.

        • Yes. It's a time waster, but it's far from impossible.

  • Full autonomy attained in 2 hours 44 minutes 38 seconds

  • +12

    How do i neg this page for wasting my two days.

  • +6

    Finished and sold everything!! finally! If you haven't gotten rid of the drifters, you haven't won.

    I love how at the very end, you are back to clicking for paperclips. Brilliant.

  • +1

    For those wondering it is a clicker type game similar to the older cookie clicker game.. cool stuff but I am over it but the first time I played these games was pretty damn super addictive.. remember to eat and drink some food and water guys haha lol

  • so far i have no idea what im doing (it seems pretty simple???), but going to play it and see what happens

  • -4

    This is such an incredibly obvious shill

  • +1

    You sadistic bastard… I think I just burned an hour!

    • +2

      Now burned probably 3 of the 7 I have been at work.

  • +3

    Oh my goodness. I had 0.00027% explored. Then I wanted to make it go faster and I ended up loosing ALL my probes because I took away the damage resistance.

    FIninaly finished, but it took me a good 2 hrs to build back up. 6hr time all up. Some was left unattended.

    OP. I hate you. You have ruined my week.


  • Awesome. Now I can post on the how much is your salary thread and blow all the other ozbargainers out of the water with my $1 million business.

  • +1

    You made me lose 2 hours of life! Bloody addicting.

    • +1

      Only 2 hours?!

      • Hah - had to go to work!

  • +1

    I've got 2 games going, one at home and one at work. This is super addictive!
    Good thing I just quit smoking so hopefully this will feed the brain and keep my mind occupied distracted for a while.

  • Think I finished the game. No further upgrades except "Quantum Temporal Reversion"
    "One Octillion Clips Created in 4 hours 38 minutes 22 seconds"

    • +1

      Sigh New upgrade "Space Exploration"

      • +1

        Yep, just at the start you are.

        • +1

          Ok actually just finished now. It all ended too quickly. What will I do with my life =(

  • +3

    Now I understand what Elon Musk wants

  • +1

    Universal Paperclips achieved in 3 hours 36 minutes 19 seconds

    Decided to speed run it and finish with thin 4 hours.

    • +1

      So 100% space exploration in under 4 hours?!

      • +1

        Yes, and as i said, exploration and speed doesn't do anything for exploration speed, i went with speed and and exploration at 1, self-replication at 18 , hazard at 6, harvest and wired drone at 1 and combat at 7 and space exploration went through the roof.

        What i notice is that if you have speed up high, the number of probe lost to hazard also increase accordingly.

        Also, once you fully understand the quantum computer cycle, you can skip out on quite a bit of memory, can overload by as much as 5000 if you do it correctly.

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